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Tales of Faerun


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Sefris slightly twitched at the Doomguide approached her, having been lost in thoughts.


"Hmm? Oh, right. I'm more of a night person." she replied simply, her thoughts following paths on unnamed maps as she spoke, her voice seeming more distant than usual and not as poisonous.

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Caladus merely smiled, and went so far as to put his arm companionably around Nawen's shoulder as they both returned to the Pride. He hoped Radik would prove as fun as his brother was at parties.


Radik locked his shop and whistled as he walked over to the Pride of Arabel. He avoided the place, as being a Duergar wasn't something that earned him a lot of dinner invitations. However, Dave the proprietor merely waved him in, and he grinned at how lavish the place looked. He found a seat, and waited for the festivities to begin.


Saerileth continued sharpening her weapon until she was satisfied, then removed her breastplate and began polishing it, causing Shaori to giggle slightly as Saerileth was now only wearing her underclothes on the top half of her body, revealing fair, pale skin and a definitively feminine figure.


Tyra snorted and relaxes.

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Nawen walked with Caladus to the tavern. They were done shopping for today or at least she hopped they were done. She paid little attention to Sefris as she walked past her. She didn't like her nor that Fallen person. As soon as she stepped inside the inn, the ranger looked around. There was no sign of Illius in the common room. "Maybe he's still in wherever he is." She thought to herself.


Aedan put his shirt back on and went outside. He walked towards the door and noticed that the others have returned from the town. "Out of my way." He mumbled as he walked past the ranger. He could tell that his comment annoyed her and that made him smile.


The Fallen went outside and saw Sefris talking with Rhaine. He decided to wait until they finish speaking.

Edited by Naktis
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Rhaine nodded, "I see. Well, perhaps you'll be able to stay up late for the festivities, aye?" She winked, before entering the inn. Turning to Caladus, she whispered, "Have you got a plan for how we're going to throw this thing, or are we just winging it?"
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Sefris raised an eyebrow as Rhaine entered the inn, the left corner of her mouth raised in something that looked like a questionable grimace. Festivities? Ah, right, the kid's having a birthday. What a meaningless cause for celebration. The fey'ri scoffed and leaned back on the wall as she waited for Aedan to show up. They had some 'shopping' to do.
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Rhaine shrugged, "All right. Well, if you would, go see if they've got the meal anywhere near ready. While you're doing that, I need to go change into something a bit more comfortable. Since we're sharing, have you picked out a room, yet?" Edited by AurianaValoria1
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"Aye. that I have. The largest empty room at the end of the hall. I know your fondness for end rooms, so I figured it would be a good idea. I have already taken the liberty of obtaining the key." Caladus smiles, and walks upstairs with her. He would show her the room, and see if he could track down some more comfortable clothes. After a minute or two walking, he opened a door to a large, lavish room with two partitioned beds, baths and a fireplace in the middle of the room. He starts rifling through his pack and then looks sidelong at Rhaine.


"All right, gimmick's up. Where did you hide my spare clothes?"

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"Done talking?" Aedan asked and approached Sefris as soon as Rhaine went inside. "What did she meant by festivities? What festivities?" He questioned. He paid no attention to Saerileth or anything she said. He thought that there is no place for children among the adventurers. The girl was obviously not a baby but compared to him she was just a little child.


Nawen thought it would be a good idea to change into something more comfortable just like Rhaine said. So she made her way to the the room she shared with Illius. The ranger was surprised to see that the sorcerer was in the room and he even locked the door too. On the table she spotted a big wooden box. "What is that?" She inquired and placed her bag near the box. Illius who was sitting in front of the fireplace with the book in his hands glanced at the ranger. "Something I brought from your clan."


Nawen frowned as she started pulling clean clothes from her bag. "Way to keep it to yourself." She mumbled and quickly changed into a simple linen shirt and dark brown pants. Illius waited until his ranger friend dressed herself, when she was finally done he arose from his seat and walked up to the table. "Go ahead. Open it." The drow opened the box excitedly and started at the contents inside. Few books, a journal, another but smaller wooden box and three bags of holding.


Nawen opened one bag of holding and pulled out two beautiful scimitars. "Your father made these. He said you could sell them if you're not going to use it but you know how Dhulgar is when it comes to selling items to those who are not of Mithrilaxe or any dwarven clan." The sorcerer spoke to which Nawen only nodded as she kept admiring the weapons. The scimitars were made out of the finest and strongest material which greatly resembled silver, its pommel was encrusted with the symbol of Mithrilaxe clan. Knowing the way her foster father's weapons were Nawen knew that even if they are light these scimitars are also strong and will serve the owner many years to come.


"I know who could put them to a good use." The ranger said with the slight smile on her face. Every single weapon her foster father made the dwarf valued like his finest and best creation. If Dhulgar granted one of his weapons to someone, it was a sign of true friendship and trust. "Who?" Illius inquired but Nawen didn't reply. She stuffed both scimitars back into the bag of holding and stepped into the hallway. For a moment she wondered which room is Caladus' but then she remembered that he was sharing the room with Rhaine and the Doomguide always chose the rooms in the end of the hallway.


The ranger then walked up to the door knocked rather loudly and waited patiently for an answer.

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"We weren't really talking." she replied flatly, pushing herself off of the wall as soon as Aedan approached her.


"And that kid is having some kind of a birthday party or something." she rolled her eyes, a light grin creeping up on her lips.


"You know, that one that was threatening to smite you." she shall forever be amused by that statement. What could that kid do, anyway? Sit and cry?

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