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Tales of Faerun


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Nawen laughed and joined Radik. She knew how to drink like dwarf. Drinking like one always led to tavern brawls and some good laughs afterwards. "This will be fun." She said and sat at the dwarf's table drinking half of the pint. She wasn't much of a drinker but how could she refused? She knew how hotheaded dwarves can be.


As she drank Nawen also listened to the music that Shaori and her sister played. Both Avariels were musically gifted. She knew a bard once who was a master with the lute. Hearing the beautiful music that two sisters played she wondered how would it sound if he was here as well.

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Ysmillr was slightly amused at how this bringer of death had brought himself down to the level of mortals, but he respected his search for camaraderie.


He took a relaxed position in his chair, slouching slightly and crossing his feet on the table.


I would seek no harm to these people you call friend; you have something nice here, and I would have no right to take it away. As for your 'superiority' over me, it is non-existant. We are the same, you just happen to wield the magics of this world, and have two extra tentacles. I've always preferred to measure people on their knowledge and understanding of the world, rather then the power in their possession. You are the same as I, with slightly more refined taste. As for why I am here, I simply wished to enjoy one of the great benefits of this band of misfits, Brotherhood.

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Sefris smirked at Aedan's question, rolling her eyes.


"Don't get her a wooden sword, she might poke her eyes out with it." the fey'ri slowed down a bit when she had seen a fancy clothing shop, the one where the rest of the group had bought their clothing.


"That one?" she asked the Falled, pointing at the store left of her. Hopefully they have red dresses. On the second thought, who the hell cares?

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Xallistine chuckled and said "Ah, finally an Illithid who does not grovel once i assert my superiority. But for the addition of your knowledge, we Ulitharid are not the same as the Illithid. We are superior in every way our species chooses to convey itself, we are taller, grander, have more tentacles, superior psionic power, magical power. But i choose not to become like the rest of my kin. I treat all as equals. You can learn much from this group, Brother. They surprise even i." He held out his hand to shake Ysmillr's, accepting the Illithid.
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Caladus walked down towards Saerileth, noticing how nice she looked despite the fact that he was exactly two hundred and eighty four years older than she was. He smiled at her, and held out the wrapped gift.


"Happy Birthday, Saerileth." She looked astonished and blushed, bowing her head and deciding to open it in private.


"Thank you, Caladus. I-I will open it later." She stammers slightly, and blushing even deeper, gives him a kiss on the cheek as a thank you. She places the gift on an empty seat close to Tyra, the fierce look on the Avariel's face certain to keep would-be thieves at bay.


Radik smiled as Nawen drank half the pint. "Atta girl! Drink and be merry!" He finished his second pint, and sat there, not wanting to get too drunk before the festivities were even underway.

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Ysmillr took his hand in the ages-old mortal ritual of acceptance, and shook his hand. It felt nice to change his endless cycle of watching, to have something to do.
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Rhaine had tucked her own gift under her arm and made her way into the common room with Caladus. Shaori and Tyra were playing a merry tune; Nawen, Radik, and Aricia were already hitting the drinks; Xallistine looked to be having a pleasant interaction with Ysmillr; Saerileth herself was sitting near the musicians. The only ones missing were Sefris, Aedan, and Ianthe. The first two were likely not going to participate in the festivities...neither seemed to have a particularly high regard for Saerileth. The last was probably lost...


She smirked upon recalling the druid's warning about Radik's drinking. The Doomguide had known another dwarf not so long ago, and like all dwarves he had demonstrated his love for drink on an almost daily basis. Not only that, but in his drunken state he had often picked fights with a power-mad sorceress and a tiefling - at the same time. There was no way she would be surprised by anything Radik did.


Grinning, she made her way to the young paladin and presented her own gift, "Happy Birthday, Chosen. May you continue to be blessed."

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Saerileth was just about to thank Rhaine for her gift when there was crackling static retort. Spinning around she hears the sound change to emit a wooomph and a planar gate opened. Her heart skipped a beat as she sees three people step out of the gate, at the head she recognized the tall, broad shouldered, azure haired figure of her own father. Slightly behind him on his right was her oldest brother, Caladus, who was slightly shorter than her father but with emerald green skin and hair with glowing eyes, and her younger brother Tal, who more closely resembled her mother.


"Father! Brothers! What art thou doing here?" Her father looked at her, sniffing slightly at her outfit but smiling nonetheless.


"The almighty Tyr has told us to visit you, child. It is your birthday, is it not?" Her father smiles and holds out a wrapped present.


"Happy Birthday, my daughter." Her older brother saw Aricia, and snarled at her. Tal, the youngest of her brothers walked over and handed her a basket of a deep red berry that she recognized as her favorite food in all the planes, Wild Bloodberries from the shores of Everspring. She smiled hugely, and offered one to Rhaine.


Cal looked over at the new arrivals and realized that they must be Saerileth's father and brothers. He wondered what caused the green skinned one to look so angrily at Aricia.

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Aricia's deep brown eyes widened, and she stood weakly, looking at her children, and her lover.... she dropped her glass, and it shattered on the ground... she didn't know what to do at that moment, and as her son looked at her with such hatred.... she was infuriated with herself.... and she didn't know what to do....
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Caladus walked over to his mother, and spat at her feet.


"Sixteen years. You ABANDONED us that long ago, and now here you stand, acting so surprised at my reaction? How did you THINK I would react, mother? Happy? Why would I be happy to see you? Both Father and I BEGGED you not to go, but you just up and left just after Saerileth was born. We didn't see you again for another TWELVE YEARS! And that was for maybe half of an hour to congratulate your daughter! You IGNORED your other children, not to mention Father! I hate you." He snarled and turned away, his expression changing immediately to a relaxed, pleasant smile. He walks back to his sister, and pulls a small book bound in violet leather.


"Here, I figured you may like something to write down your thoughts. A diary, if you will. Happy Birthday little sister." He places a hand gently on Saerileth's head, and goes to introduce himself to the rest of her friends.

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