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Tales of Faerun


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Godric strode across the room, his robe swirling around him.


"I did nothing to poison their minds. Caladus chose that himself, no matter how many times i advised him that Hatred was not the answer. Tal wasn't old enough to remember much of that day, so he bears you no ill will. I did for several years, but I eventually got over it. I never did stop loving you Aricia, but I cannot say that you didn't hurt me," He came even with Aricia.

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Aedan sent a deathly glare to the guard captain who was now trying to arrest them. "Oh, I don't think so." He said and smiled wickedly. His lifeless eyes coupled with such a smile was truly frightening sight. He had no problem with killing the captain and all of his men if he needed to.
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Aricia still did not crack, instead she looked into Godric's eyes and said "I will not apologize for my actions... what happened in those sixteen years was.... it was awful.... so much bloodshed, so much violence... but i did it to protect you all." Aricia sighed and said "You have to understand... i left behind everything for you, you wanted to start a family... so i gave up my life for you."
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Aedan understood what the guard captain meant by his gesture but the Fallen only rolled his eyes. There's no way in the Hells that he's going to waste his gold and bribe him. Killing him would be much more fun. Despite him being, well evil he was still charming and he knew that he could get away with almost anything.


He slowly stuffed the outfit he stole in the bag of holding which was attached to his belt. He then spun around and pretended to get the pouch of coins but instead his hand reached towards the hilt of Vengeance as he did so Aedan looked up and winked at Sefris. "Alright." The Fallen said and quickly turned to face the captain. With the surprising speed he put the blade to the guards neck. "Here's your reason. Walk away or die."


Aedan stood tstill waiting for a response. It was pointless to fight with them, he knew that he could easily defeat these puny guards.

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Sefris chuckled as her cat-like pupils glared at the guard, the light of the moon giving her more frightening appearance than she would look like in the day.


"He's got a point, you know. You should let sleeping dragon lie. Literally." A smirk appeared on her face as sharp black claws replaced her nails, more than visible in the night. Well, well, well, looks like this night would turn out to be more interesting than she had originally thought.

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Every single guard that encircled the pair aimed their crossbows, and prepared to fire. The captain raised his gauntlet covered hand and moved the blade away from his neck. He had dealt with more vicious criminals than this.


"I had thought you could be reasonable. If you're certain this is how you wish it to proceed?" He sneered, hand still extended, his own coinpurse dangling from his belt unnoticed.


Godric put his hand on Aricia's shoulder, his strangely purple eyes staring unwaveringly into Aricia's brown ones.


"I know, my love. You did what you had to do. It didn't make it hurt any less. I know not when I will be allowed to return to the Prime, so take care of Saerileth, and i would rather not leave on a bad note."

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Aedan frowned. "Fools." He thought and looked at the ground when something else caught his attention. It was the guard captain's coin purse. He lowered his sword before sheathing it. The Fallen stepped a bit closer so he could steal the coin purse. "Alright. Fighting in the middle of the street would be foolish."


He then stepped back with the guard captain's purse clenched in his hand so others couldn't see. Aedan turned around again pretending to get his own coin purse but in truth he was just messing with the one he stole. "Here." He said, trying to look really annoyed that he had to 'spend his gold' and handed the stole coin purse to the captain of the guard.

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The guard captain smirks and returns his purse to his waist.


"I knew that this was a misunderstanding. Be on your way. Don't let me Catch you breaking and entering again." He says, emphasizing the Catch. He snaps his fingers and resumes his patrol his guards with him. They head off to a tavern to have some drinks.

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