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Tales of Faerun


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Sefris smirked, pushing herself off of the wall as the guards resumed their patrols.


"Well, some sneaky fingers you've got there." she clapped a few times slowly. "Nice trick."

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Aricia took Godric's hand off her shoulder and said "I... i still.... feel for you Godric... But we can't re-kindle what we lost.. I will look after Saerileth, you know that... but i think a bad note is all you can leave with. I have been the enemy for so many years... But my mind shall be settled knowing you are all alright."
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"Why thank you Milady." Aedan said and bowed down. He looked around for some more. "Now where to?" The Fallen asked. He didn't care what happened earlier. Some stupid guards won't stop him from getting what he wants.
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Sefris chuckled. Milady? What a silly thing to call her. Something darker would suit her better. The Fallen amused her so sometimes.


"Well, then, if you're done with tricks, jokes and silly titles, we could check out that store." she pointed to a building behind her, the one with some masks and shoes in the shop window.

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Reona lay on a fluffy, white bed and stared at the wall opposite her, watching the door with a glazed, half-awake look. Of course, this ornate room was hers, but it felt strangely unfamiliar. The floor, walls, and even the furniture all were either a bright white or some pale shade of grey, as if when entering, one had somehow lost the ability to see color. At least it had a calming effect on her.


She stood up and walked to her deep closet, opening the delicately made folding doors, and her lips curled upward. Here was where all the color in the room resided. Old dresses of every hue greeted her, and she ran her fingers over several of her favorites. Then, her eyes drifted to the right, and she noticed that all her black clothing had been removed from her closet, and had been replaced with several beautifully colored ensembles. She figured her mother had been thinking about her all this time, and smiled.


She half-expected someone to burst in her door and say they had to get moving again. It was silly, though. The only one likely to burst into her room would be her mother, usually bearing some collection of clothing, makeup, or jewelry for Reona to try on. Something like that wouldn't be unwelcome right now... Grinning to herself, she realized that she had actually missed home.

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Rhaine finished her meal and rose from her seat. She had become thoroughly concerned for Ianthe, who hadn't shown up for hours. With the so-called party failing miserably and everyone seeming to want to stay to themselves, she left the Pride of Arabel without a word, intent on searching for the missing nymph.


As she exited the inn, she thought she glimpsed Aedan and Sefris down the street. The two weren't in the light of a street lamp, and the clouds kept passing over the moon, making it difficult to see great distances - even with her elven sight. Whatever they were doing, Rhaine didn't care at the moment.


Thinking that Ianthe might have fallen asleep in a stall again, the Doomguide headed first for the stables. Moving quickly down to the west gate, she cut across an alley to the stable and went inside. Most of the horses there were asleep or feeding, the stable boy himself sleeping on a hay bale in the loft.


Very quietly, she called, "Ianthe? Are you here?"

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Cal noticed Rhaine leaving the party, and quietly padded after her. He observed Sefris and Aedan, and noticed that what they were doing was definitely illegal. His ability to see at night was seemingly better than Rhaine's, as she glanced at them and didn't seem to notice. They appeared to be picking a lock or something. He made a mental note to let Rhaine know in a moment. He realized he'd fallen behind and sped up, cloak flowing around him, and found himself in the stable.


"Ianthe? Are you here?" He heard Rhaine call out quietly. Scanning the interior, he did not notice her, but then again, she could be in the stalls. He stood silently behind Rhaine, not speaking, crimson eyes glowing brightly with worry and use of his infravision. He takes a pull on his pipe, and blows the smoke away past Rhaine. He knew he probably gave his presence away, but he was certain she would recognize him.

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There was no answer.


Where could she be?


Rhaine hoped the nymph hadn't been ambushed on the road...but surely they would have heard something?


Then, she caught the faint scent of smoke. The hair rose on the back of her neck as she realized someone...or something...was behind her. The Doomguide whirled, robes swirling, Touch of Death coming into her hand in one fluid movement as she turned. The tip of the blade halted right in front of the throat of a drow...




"Damnit!" she cursed, jerking her blade away, "I could have killed you just now! One step closer and your head would be rolling on this floor!"

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Caladus smiled. He had been aware of this possibility, and had stepped back just in time it seemed. His face solemn, eyes glowing he nodded and said,


"Given the girl's ability to get herself into and out of trouble I am not completely worried. Perhaps we should check around the market? It is close to the gate.. Also, I think you should know that I noticed Aedan and Sefris breaking into a store. You seemed to notice them, but not what they were doing. I am glad to say that my upbringing in the Underdark at least gave me good night vision. One good thing came out of that place at least." Turning away he mumbled "and Shaori." He hoped that Rhaine hadn't heard that.


Saerileth grabbed a glass of mead off the tray of a passing waiter, eager to try it. Her brother tried to pry it gently out of her hands and she smacked his hand away.


"Knock it off Tal, it's my birthday." She took a large gulp of the drink, enjoying it's honey taste, and before she knew it the mug was empty. She got another one as the waiter passed again, and started drinking that too.


Radik saw the young girl down a whole pint in less than a minute, and start on a second. He finished his third, and signaled for another, and watched the girl thoughtfully. How well would the lass be able to hold her liquor? He thought to himself.


Godric sighed and turned on his heels, heading towards the door.


"If that is your wish, Aricia." He walked out of the room, and back to the common area. He scowled at Saerileth drinking Mead, but shrugged slightly. She was in her mother's charge now, and so long as the girl didn't get drunk, there was nothing in the tenets that prevented it. He gave her a kiss on the cheek goodbye, and gestured towards her brothers. Waving his hand, the planar gate reopened, and he left the prime, unlikely to return. With a crackle of static energy, the portal closed behind him.

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Aedan simply shrugged and made his way towards the store. He noticed how two people left the tavern but because he couldn't see very well he simply shrugged it off. He stared at the door for a moment before making his way to the back of the building. This time he's going to unlock the other door not the front one.


The Fallen unlocked the door quite easily this time. "Well that was easy." Unlike last time now, he knew that they won't get caught. No one visits the back alleys not when it's dark.


Nawen finished her mead and noticed the Caladus and Rhaine are gone. She shrugged it off and placed the empty keg on the counter. She thought it would be a good idea to see how Illius was doing. He seemed... strange earlier. She glanced at her friends before making her way to the room.


She opened the door as quietly as she could and saw the sorcerer sitting on the bed. "How are you feeling?" She asked and closed the door behind her. The ranger tried to conceal the concern in her voice but there's nothing she could successfully hide from him. Illius knew her all too well.


Illius turned his head and smiled. "I am well." Nawen came closer and sat on the bed beside him. "How's the celebration?" The ranger frowned at the question. "It was fun before the rest of Saerileth's family showed up." The sorcerer listened to what the drow said and thought for a moment. "They are a family. They have a right to be here." Nawen glanced at him still frowning. "They started arguing and shouting about their family issues. We are strangers to them and I personally didn't want to hear any of that." "They are what they are." Was the only thing that Illius said. She felt slightly guilty for leaving him here when he wasn't feeling all too well and going to celebrate. "I think I will stay here with you." The ranger said.

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