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Tales of Faerun


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"So talk." Aedan said and leaned against the wall. They all annoyed him just as much as they annoyed Sefris but he wasn't so quick to cast insults. He noticed how two more people, those Avariels showed up and the Drow returned again yet he wasn't worrying about anything. Aedan was quite calm at the moment even if he was caught. That won't happen again. He was more than certain about it.


Nawen waited for Illius to fall asleep before leaving the room. There was something he wasn't telling her and knowing how their lives are, it's not good. She was worried. Illius was one of the most important people in her life, he was there for her when no one else were.


She shook her head slightly and left the inn. She could really use a walk right now.


She put her hood on and looked around. She could hear someone talking in one of the back alleys but she thought that it's simply thugs. In the inn, she noticed that some of her friends are gone. Maybe they were in their rooms sleeping or have gone to take a walk as well. The ranger made sure that her shortswords are in place before going towards the town gates.

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Sefris rolled her eyes with a sigh of annoyance, looking at the Doomguide. She noticed that a whole army now joined them, but that really didn't concern her.


"As he said, talk. I've got more important things than standing in a alley." The fey'ri's wings were faintly moving, stretching muscles in them. She should really fly more often - Sefris couldn't allow to stay grounded for a while if she doesn't use them for a while. You never know when you might need a quick escape.

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"Important things like stealing from a shop?" the Doomguide was unfazed by their arrogance, but she began to think that letting them join with her was a mistake, "That's what you've done, isn't it? Decided to take a nice five-finger discount rather than stoop so low as to pay for your goods?" Her last words were laced with just as much venom as Sefris's.
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Aricia sighed when Godric left... she felt as though a weight had been lifted from her shoulders, she knew now that he and the rest of her children were alive and well... and she needed not to interfere in there lives.


She closed the door, and undressed, washing off her makeup in a basin, and then changing. She got changed into a crimson silk dress, with a plunging V neckline, a pair of shoulder length red gloves, sporting her signature style of having the very tips of her fingers on show. She put on her usual diamond chandelier, that rested freely on her neck, it's longest chain between her breasts. She put in a large pair of diamond earrings, which hung down in cascades of large, solid rock. She applied her makeup, red lipstick, black eyeliner, and slipped on some red heels. She sprayed her neck with an expensive perfume.


She gathered Saerileth's gifts, and descended the staircase, she came to her daughter, and smiled widely, planting a kiss on her cheek. "I am sorry for being late with your gifts my dear."

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Saerileth set aside her third mug of mead, and smiled hugely when her mother brought her gifts.


"Mother! This is a surprise! I hadn't expected you to get me anything." She actually hadn't expected a party or anything on her birthday here, or her father and brothers to show up and RUIN it.

"I thank thee for these gifts. May I open them?"

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Saerileth smiled and opened the largest box, and her jaw drops as she sees an absolutely stunning blue and white dress. She stood up and held it against herself. Twirling around she says,


"This is absolutely beautiful! Thank you!" Her hand brushed against the gift Caladus had given her before her family showed up. She decided to open it, and discovers a white mask with sapphires on it that went with the dress perfectly. She set the both aside, and turned towards the smaller box her mother still held.


"I do not see what couldst be more personal than that dress, however, may I open that one now?"

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Saerileth took the small gold box out of her mother's hand and opened it. She discovered an old ring inside, with sapphires set in a worn silver band. She recognized eladrin craftsmanship when she saw it, having seen one or two such examples left behind in her father's home. She took it out of the box with shaking hands and put it on her finger. The band glowed slightly and shrunk to fit her perfectly, and she smiled as she saw the gems shine with an inner light, like little stars. She flung her arms tightly around her mother and with surprising strength for someone so fragile-looking, picked her mother up and spun her around.


"This is absolutely.. I don't... Thank you,," She stammered out, unable to believe what her mother was trusting her with.


Caladus said nothing, but took a final pull on his pipe, and tapped it against his boot, pulling a small knife out he scraped any detritus off the bowl of the pipe before refilling it with fresh herb and while looking for his flint, Shaori once again lights her thumb and offers him the flame he needs. He takes a deep pull on his pipe and smiles in thanks.

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"Oh please." Aedan snorted and looked at Rhaine and the others. "Like you haven't done anything illegal yourselves." He was sure that if someone they liked would have done something like this they would have turned a blind eye and simply ignored it but when Sefris and him did this, oh no.
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