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Tales of Faerun


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"What we may or may not have done is not what is in question here, Fallen!" Rhaine snapped, "I myself may have ended up on the wrong side of the law a few times, yes, but not out of malicious intent. It is obvious that you derive pleasure from committing misdeeds...and that I will not tolerate. Not while you are a member of my party. If you do not like it, you are welcome to leave. Now, everyone get back to the inn...and I mean everyone."


She was not in the mood to put up with any arguing. The Doomguide resolved to bring up the rear of the group, ensuring there were no stragglers. Ianthe had yet to show up, but she obviously could not take her eyes off of the others long enough to search for her.

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Aedan only smiled. He enjoyed to annoy them but one thing he hated was that Rhaine was ordering him. Group leader or no, he's not going to listen to her. So far this group did not seem worth the effort he put in joining it. No fighting, no danger, nothing. Just a bunch of good doers ruining his fun. Maybe he should go back to Thesk? It was boring there, sure but at least back in the mercenary group no annoying priests were lecturing him that stealing is wrong. Quite the contrary: his malicious nature was considered a plus.


Nawen was walking not too far from the city gates. She wasn't afraid of getting lost, for her to get lost was almost impossible, she just wanted to stay close in case others would notice that she's missing and go look for her. The ranger then suddenly heard voices. Out of curiosity she started sneaking closer to hear what they were talking about.

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Aricia was very surprised when Saerileth picked her up in an embrace. "By Illmater's hand! What in the nine hells did they feed you in celestia? My dear, you are quite strong." Aricia said half laughing. "The Ring was my mothers, and her mothers before her, and that cycle goes on for as long as history can trace... i have never worn it, Sapphires are not for me, but for you... they are most certainly for you... beautiful isn't it? Just as you deserve."
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"Thou meanest Ellisium, mother. Mount Celestia is in Ellisium. Also, dost thou not remember the crown I use to hold my hair? It has a strength boost enchantment, as well as protecting from evil and mind control." Saerileth chides her mother gently, and puts her mother down.


"Come, have a drink with me. This mead is amazing! I have never tasted anything quite like it! It tastes like honey, yet has an interesting aftertaste, and tickles my throat and nose pleasantly." She smiles, and returns to her third pint.


Radik watched and ordered his fourth pint.


Caladus decided to stay near Rhaine. He was certain she would appreciate the moral support.


Tyra and Shaori stayed nearby, in case things turned ugly.

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Sefris scoffed at Rhaine.


"I was not informed that joining this circus is like joining an order, with rules and things like that. I am here to fight for you, and you have not yet found yourself in need of me, since we're wasting time on shopping, balls and things like that."

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Nawen sneaked closer and hid behind the bush. She could see three robed man. One of them was holding an ancient looking book.


"When is that ball going to start?" One robed man asked the others. "Well it won't start any time sooner just because you can't wait, you idiot." The other one replied, his voice sounded irritated. "Enough!" The man with the book silenced the other two. "Our mission is to deal with the group of adventurers who ruined our temple in the Underdark." Nawen's eyes widened. These robed people were members of the Cult of the Dragon and they came here to kill them?


"It would be best to wait for the ball and-" "It would be even better to find them and slit their throats while they sleeping." One man interrupted the other.


"I won't let them harm any of my friends..." The ranger whispered to herself as she watched the members of the cult. It won't be easy to fight all three of them and she began regretting for leaving the bow in the tavern but she's not going to risk to go back and lose them.


Nawen picked up a small rock that was lying not too far from her and threw it to the right of where the robed men were standing. "Hey! Did you hear that?" One questioned and started looking around before heading to investigate. As soon as he approached the spot where the rock fell, the ranger quickly jumped from the dark and stabbed him in the neck. "What the..!?" The man shouted in surprise before falling on the ground dead, the blade went very deep.


The other two members of the Dragon cult reached for their weapons when they noticed Nawen stepping out from the shadows with shortswords in her hands, one of its blade was bloody. "What's this? Some filthy Drow attacking in the woods?" To the insult the ranger replied only with the smirk. "I'll give you an option. Flee or die." She said watching them both cautiously but neither of the men were going to flee. They attacked her both at once and the battle erupted.


It wasn't easy but Nawen had defeated both enemies. Unfortunately the members of the cult were skilled swordsmen and the ranger was wounded. Some injuries were just scratches but the other ones were much more serious. Especially the stab wound in the stomach but she had to hurry back to the tavern. Not only she did not have any healing supplies on her but she'd die for sure if more of these people were close. She picked up the book that the leader of the three was holding and as fast as she could made her way towards the town gates.

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Caladus suddenly stumbled, grasping at a wall for support he stared into the heart of the large blue gem on his wrist, his Seer's stone.


"Dragon cult.. Nawen.. I must go! Tyra, Shaori, stay with Rhaine. Keep her safe!" He rushed off towards the tavern. In his vision, he saw Nawen stumbling, injured rather badly, into the tavern. He would need to be there to assist.

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Sefris raised her eyebrow at the running drow. 'Keep her safe'? What did the dog think, that they were going to attack the Doomguide? The fey'ri might be arrogant and sometimes rash, she was not stupid. She wouldn't attack Rhaine. The birdies, on the other hands...Her red eyes glanced at Tyra and Shaori for a moment - she could easily burn their wings. That just might be fun if they give her a reason to.
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Keep me safe? Rhaine thought, I can take care of myself...


She drew her sword, growling at Sefris,"You wanted action? Now, you've got action. Nawen needs our help!"


With that, she dashed after Caladus, hoping that the drow ranger was all right.

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Aricia sighed... if only Saerileth was not held by her codes of Tyr, she would allow her daughter to abuse a little alcohol on her birthday... but sadly, Sae's devotion to Tyr was, according to Godric, deteriorating. "I am afraid that is quite enough for you my daughter... that feeling is a feeling of sin, abusing these alcoholic substances into a drunken stupor will not bode well with Tyr."
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