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Tales of Faerun


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"We need to head to the tavern. I had a vision of her arriving shortly after we do. From where, I cannot say. I shall heal the injuries, she will need something to take care of the shock to her system, there is a pouch of red herbs in my pouch to take care of that. Normally, I would not order you around but this is an emergency. Get them for me!" Caladus ran, cloak billowing out around him and slammed through the door to the Pride of Arabel.


Shaori and Tyra exchanged a look, and then rushed after Rhaine, using their wings to increase their speed to keep up.


Saerileth watched as Caladus burst into the inn looking anxious and ordering Rhaine to get him some red herb from his pack. That wasn't like him to order her around. She heard her mother's statement, and finished off her mug of mead.

"But it tastes so good! I could drink this all day!"

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Nawen slowly made her way to the town, clutching a bleeding wound with her hand. During the fight one of the members of the cult ripped her cloak off so the guards could see that she's a Drow. They did not attack her but neither did they help. They just stared at her wide eyed.


Luckily the tavern wasn't too far from the gates so she did not had to go far. She only hoped that whatever was written in the book she took was worth the injuries. "Just a bit further..." She said to herself as if encouraging her weakened body not to give up and move forward. The ranger started to wonder how many blood did she lose and if she'll reach her friends at least to give the damned book to them.


After much effort she had finally reached the tavern. She was feeling cold and weak. Nawen opened the door slowly and stumbled inside. She looked around and smiled weakly before falling to her knees dropping the book on the floor near her.

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Caladus rushed forward and semi-cradled Nawen in his arms. Calling on his seldom-used magic, he cast all the healing spells he could on Nawen. He was surprised when Radik walked over and handed Caladus his old black cloak.


"Ye left that in my shop. Although it may be a wee bit big, it's better to keep her covered at the moment. Did ye mention some red herbs? Ah has the equipment in my shop to brew the required draughts, I can run and get them" Caladus shook his head.


"Your brother's are upstairs in my bag. If Rhaine can retrieve the bag, you and her can work together on that." Radik stiffened at the thought of using his brother's tools, Dwarves had a thing about using another dwarf's tools, especially if the dwarf made them. However, he nodded in agreement.

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"I'll get the bag," Rhaine said while sheathing her blade, dashing quickly up to their room and retrieving the pack before running back down the stairs to Nawen's side. Edited by AurianaValoria1
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The fey'ri scoffed at the sudden commotion, slowly letting her wings retreat in her back. Nothing from flying tonight. It was not that she cared for the drow - Shar forbid - but she wanted to stick around for the show.


"Would you fancy a drink back at the inn?" she asked the fallen next to her with a grin. "I think I shall watch the show."

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Radik hunted through the bag and retrieved his brother's apparatuses, and started brewing the draught that would take care of the shock to the Drow's system.


Caladus wrapped the worn cloak around Nawen, and worked all his healing powers, holding Nawen close to him.


"Come on, Nawen! Heal dammit!" His voice was heavy with worry and fear.


Shaori and Tyra came into the inn. Shaori noticed the book that seemed to have been dropped by Nawen, and scooped it up to bring up later.

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Rhaine hung back, wondering why on Toril Caladus was going about healing Nawen this way. The most expedient solution would be to let one of the professional healers tend to the drow...either herself, Aricia, or Shaori. All of them had ready access to spells that would not only heal wounds but also purge infections, neutralize poisons, and restore lost energy. She ran her hands through her hair in frustration, thinking that they were going about it all wrong.
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"That does sounds fun." Aedan replied and grinned. He didn't care at all what could happen to Nawen but it was sure as hells interesting to watch.


Nawen's eyes shot open. She could see Caladus trying to heal her and Rhaine as well as Shaori and Tyra nearby. "Wha..?" She asked quietly and tried to look around. Were they in the inn when she returned? "The... book..." She spoke again.


Illius heard some kind of commotion downstairs and thought it would be a good idea to check what's going on in there. He left the room and made his way to the common room. "Is everything al-" He trailed off once he saw what was happening. "Mystra's staff! Nawen!" He exclaimed and rushed towards his injured friend and the others. "What happened to her?" He asked, his voice sounded worried.

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Sefris chuckled at Aedan's reply, starting to walk to the inn. For all she cared, if that death of the other drow made Caladus feel pain, she might as well welcome it. The male drow has been nothing but a throne in her eye since the day one and she would be glad to be rid of him.


The fey'ri was beginning to doubt this little circus and wonder about power. That woman, Ravenna, she had it. With that little trick of hers, she could live forever. The finding her target wouldn't be a problem. Even with her lifespawn of nearly 1000 years - minus 150 -, she was going to die one day. If not fighting, then from old age, while he will continue to run around, alive for as long as he wishes to.


Even though Sefris was more than angry, her face was normal, her walk natural - only a closer look at her eyes could give her away. But in this poorly lit surroundings, she had no fear of being discovered.


Opening the inn's door, she made her way to the bar and ordered a glass of wine, turning to the center of the tavern to watch the show.

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Caladus called upon his most powerful healing spells and cast them upon Nawen. He may not have one-spell-cures-all like Rhaine did, but he was more than capable, as an Arch Druid, of taking care of this issue.

"Hush now. Everything is going to be fine. You have been hurt pretty badly. This may leave a scar when I am done, but otherwise you will be well." Radik walked over and handed him a deep red draught. Caladus held it o Nawen's lips.


"Drink this all down. This will help to remove the shock to your system, and relax the tense muscles so the healing will be more successful."


Shaori stepped forward, and nervously held up the book that Nawen had dropped.


"D-do you mean this book? I-I found it when I got back. W-what is so important about it?" She held the book out to Rhaine.

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