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Tales of Faerun


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Aedan entered the tavern and looked around. A small circle of people had gathered around the drows but he paid little attention to it. He walked over to his table and settled in comfortably placing his sword near him.


"I... I can do it... myself." Nawen said and with the trembling hand took the red drought from Caladus and drank it.


Illius was relieved that she was talking now but that still didn't explain anything. He glanced at the book that Shaori held out to Rhaine. He noticed an all too familiar symbol on its cover. "It looks like the symbol of the Cult of the Dragon." He said. For a brief moment he remained silent and stared at the symbol. He wanted to ask some questions but it wasn't a right time for something like this.

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Aricia shook her head at the events before her "Saerileth, that is enough! No more drink!" Aricia said in an assertive, hard and serious tone. She then turned to those gathered around Nawen "We should have stuck with magical healing, i could have had her on her feet by now... i hope you realize that if we are faced with more foes, we won't have the time to prepare these herbal cures, else we will all die." She sighed, and walked over to the bar, she looked at the barkeep and said "No more drink for my daughter. At all."


Xallistine emerged from the cellar, hearing the commotion above, he glanced at Nawen and then heard something about the book. He walked over, looking at it's cover as Shaori held it "It indeed bears the seal of the dragon... it will be written in draconic." He then glanced at Nawen and said "Is she going to be alright?"

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Rhaine took the book and looked at it, turning it over in her hands, "We can look at this later. For now, we need to make sure Nawen is all right and recovers quickly. If assassins are after us, then we cannot afford to remain weakened for long."


She turned to Xallistine, "Speaking of weaknesses, is this place suitable for your needs?"

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Caladus finished casting his full healing spells and finished with a restoration spell. Tired he smiled.


"You should be fine, Nawen. The spells I used should have healed you, and also restored you. I am afraid due to the type of blade you were stabbed with, you will most likely keep that scar. Also, keep the cloak, unless you really need your old one back." Turning to the rest of them, he said.


"In case you do not know, a Druid, more importantly an Arch Druid like myself possesses the same healing abilities as any cleric. We do not draw upon a god, we draw upon nature. So if any of you object my healing her, too bad."

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"Thank you Caladus." Nawen smiled weakly. She felt much better now but still couldn't get up on her own. Illius helped her to stand up and looked at his drow friend. Even if she felt better he was still worried. "You need rest." He said to which Nawen shook her head. "I feel fine." She reassured but he didn't listen. "That wasn't a suggestion." The ranger only sighed and allowed to be led to the room.


Illius turned to the others. "If she's feeling well enough to argue I'm sure she could tell us what happened; you can come with us or we could wait for tomorrow." This time it was a suggestion. The sorcerer was just as curious as the others but he didn't mind waiting either.

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Aricia returned to the group, and looked sorrowfully at Nawen, she hoped the drow would recover... she regret not speaking to Nawen... but then, Aricia had not really spoken to any of them at all, apart from her first meeting with Rhaine. But she would be there for them thick or thin, conversation paled in comparison to companionship.


Xallistine looked at Rhaine and said "Yes, in fact i will be able to have it all set up within the hour."

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Daaaw, show already over? Too bad she missed the stumbling-into-inn-blood-dripping-everywhere part. That must have been the most entertaining part of the night. Turning her back on Nawen and the little circle around her, Sefris took a sip of her wine, looking somewhere in the distance.


A black creature was sneaking around the inn, its paws moving without making any sound. Unnoticed by anyone, it finally sneaked over to Sefris and jumped up, curling up in her lap.


The fey'ri instinctively looked down, grinning as she saw the black cat.


"There you are, Xaos. I was beginning to worry you got lost." the familiar purred, its green eyes looking up at its mistress.

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Rhaine nodded to Illius, "I'll come with you."


She then followed the sorcerer to his and Nawen's room, the book still tucked under her arm. The Doomguide was eager to find out what happened.

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Ravenna's black carriage thundered through the countryside of Cormyr, the hooves of eight horses creating thunderous sounds, the carriage projecting a dark, gloomy sight to any who saw it.


Inside, Ravenna sat, in a gown of black fur. For she decided to travel to Cormyr alone foremost, and await her family in time for the ball. She sat, leaning against the seat like a great overlord, her arms outstretched on the back of the seats. She shared her carriage with several Ravens, some perched upon her shoulders. others arround the carriage, inside, and on it's exterior. The largest of the flock was now perched on Ravenna's wrist, and she stroked it softly "Now my sweet little darling... i want you to give a little message to a dear... friend of mine, she needs to know just what i am..." Ravenna transferred some of her grimmest, most gruesome memories onto the Raven, for it to convey.


It hopped out of the window of the carriage, and took off in brilliant flight, heading for Arabel.


Once it reached the inn, the Raven perched itself upon a window sill, and cawed at Sefris, looking at her with it's strangely emerald eyes.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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The black cat that was in Sefris' lap just a second ago was already on its paws, heading for the raven that cawed at her mistress. Sefris raised her eyebrow in question, following her familiar. Xaos tried to jump to grab the raven, but Sefris grabbed the cat before it had a chance to do so.


"No, Xaos. Wait." The cat looked up at her mistress and meowed silently, her tail moving left to right.


The fey'ri stepped closer to the raven, drawn by her unusual eyes. Green? Ravens weren't supposed to have colored eyes...they were supposed to have black eyes. Since the bird wasn't moving, Sefris took another step towards it, standing still as she watched the raven. It was unusual how calm it was, despite having a cat and a half-demon right in front of it. The sorceress couldn't look away from the bird's strange eyes, feeling that this raven shouldn't be here. Isn't natural - should it even be? Sefris frowned a bit, leaning a bit towards the bird to see if it's going to fly away.


Nothing. Sefris wanted to ask the raven, say something when the bird looked up at the fey'ri, its pupils widening before images suddenly started floating inside of the sorceress' mind. More than images - memories, events, killings, voices, sorcery, dark magic. Sefris widened her eyes and gasped at the sudden interruption, standing still as she watched the memories inside of her own head that were not hers.


It was over as soon as it began, leaving Sefris with half-opened mouth to wonder in silence as the raven cawed once more at the sorceress before flying away.

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