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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine frowned. So the Cult was tracking them, and quite well, it seemed. The Doomguide looked down at the book in her hands. Perhaps the strange tome would provide some valuable information, but as it was written in Draconic, they would need someone to translate...


"You did well, Nawen," Rhaine said finally, "By both eliminating those assassins and bringing this book back to us. I only hope we can make use of it, especially after what you went through to obtain it."


She looked back at Illius and then to the ranger again, "Xallistine is close to finishing a ritual that will allow you to see into my dreams...or my nightmares, rather. I know you are weary, but I feel I must ask - do you wish to participate?"

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The fey'ri chuckled.


"Well, you're not doing a very good job with it, then." she replied and crossed her legs as she took another sip of her wine. The sorceress left her empty glass on the counter and joined Aedan at his table.


Xaos was lying on Aedan's table, assured by her mistress' word that the man isn't a threat. The cat's tail would move every once in a while in some random direction, the cat itself resting. She welcomed Sefris with a soft purr, not paying attention to them otherwise.


"And no, the bird is from an...acquaintance of mine. Why are you asking?"

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Aricia waited in the common room, disappointed with Saerileths behavior, and going over the events of the evening.


Xallistine, having finally finished his preparations, emerged from the cellar, he stood in the common room, and waited for Rhaine and the others to come down.



Ravenna's ebony carriage pulled through the city gates of Arabel, many people looking up as it drove through the city. Ravenna pulled her fur trimmed hood up, to shield her face from any who were close enough to see, petting the Raven that was still perched on her wrist.

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"I hate birds." Aedan said simply. It was partly true but he was quite convinced that she won't tell everything about it. An acquaintance who sends ravens to her. That was interesting. Knowing how Sefris was that acquaintance was probably a lot like her or at least a bit like her.


Nawen looked quite smug as she heard Rhaine's words. Illius saw that and rolled his eyes with the slight smile on his way. "I'd like to come!" The ranger suddenly exclaimed sounding a bit too excited. Sure her injuries haven't fully healed yet but she's not going to pass such an opportunity.


Illius glanced at the Doomguide. "Dreamwalking..." He trailed off and for a moment froze in his spot beside the table. "I would gladly help and watch over you, just in case." He suggested. This dreamwalking thing seemed interesting to him too but he and Rhaine barely knew each other and he respected her privacy. It would also be a good idea to watch over the book. He had no idea what's written there but some new people in this group. They seemed dangerous and not as good as the rest of them.

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Caladus found Nawen's cloak, and discovered it was not worth salvaging. It had been ripped and slashed in her fight. He sniffed around for anything of value, and discovered nothing. A bear wandered over, and sniffed at him while he sat there thinking. Still in wolf form, he kissed it's nose, licking it with his wolf tongue. He headed back towards the town, changing back to his original form shortly before he walked back in through the gate, hood up. Entering the inn, he nodded at Xallistine, and went up the stairs to Nawen's room. Tossing off his hood, he shook his hair out, and said,


"I am sorry, my friend. I found your cloak, but it was slashed and ruined. You will need a cloak to keep others from discovering your identity. Keep my old one, it is long enough and has a large enough hood to hide me, it should be ample enough for you. It may be a little long though, I am a bit taller than you." He smiles and remembers something.


"Xallistine is waiting for those who are participating in his ritual in the common room. You should head there soon if you are participating. I shall not be, I am sorry. My last experience with someone else's dream was not pleasant. I am in no hurry to relive that. I will be nearby, should anything go wrong." He smiled, and pulled back out his pipe, and returns to his chair by the fireplace in the common room.


Shaori and Tyra landed in front of the inn and pushed their way inside. Tyra started and nearly drew her weapon at the sight of Xallistine, but Shaori stopped her with a quick "It's ok! He's a friend!" They went upstairs to wash and get ready for bed, both of them were tired.


Saerileth slept on.


A wolf padded it's way into the city while the guards were talking amongst themselves about an Injured Drow they had seen earlier. It sniffed it's way to the Pride of Arabel, and slipped inside past a drunk patron who was leaving. It sat down next to Caladus and licked his hand.

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Sefris hmmed quietly, petting the sleeping cat on the table. Xaos meowed quietly at the mentioning of birds, purring at Sefris' petting.


"Did they poop too many times on you?" she asked, shrugging.

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Rhaine sighed heavily. This was it.


"All right. Let's get down there and put some old ghosts to rest, shall we?"


She hung close to Nawen, in case the drow needed help getting up.

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"Something like that, yeah." Aedan replied. He had no real reason to hate birds or any kind of animals really but he just did.


Nawen smiled at Caladus. "Thank you. You didn't have to go look for it though." She was about to get up when Illius walked up, ready to help in case she needed but the ranger gestured that she's fine. Slowly and with a few groans she finally got up. That's when she noticed a wolf beside Caladus. "Is he your animal companion?" She inquired and smiled warmly at the animal. She remembered Sinn and wondered how her dear friend is doing. She haven't seen her in a long time.

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Xallistine bowed low, and then looked back down at Rhaine as he returned to his height "Any that are attending, come." He said, and spun around, his cloak following the circular motion. Xallistine led them down into the cellar, all of the light, apart from the candles around the circle was extinguished. "Rhaine, yours is the place drawn in the gold ink. Everyone else may take any of the places left. But not the center, that is for i." Xallistine walked to the center, and stood next to the eye "First, put upon your heads the wreath of lavender, then consume the goblet of... elixir. After that... lie down, and the rest shall follow."
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