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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine accepted Caladus's embrace, and she laughed as Fenrir began licking her face. The Doomguide suddenly realized that Kelemvor had been right. She felt...free, somehow. It was as if sharing the darkest moments of her past, even in such an unusual way, had lifted a great burden from her shoulders. Not all of it, of course; she would never feel completely carefree about such things. But it was easier to accept them and move on. Rhaine squeezed Caladus fiercely and hugged the wolf as well, then stood.


"Well, it might not have been the most restful sleep, but it is a new day," she said, beginning to ascend the staircase to the common room.


It was a new day, indeed.

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Caladus followed Rhaine up the stairs to the common room. Putting a hand on her shoulder, he cheerfully exclaims


"What say you and I go to get some form of pastry for breakfast? I have heard they have some fine bakeries in this city. My treat!" Over near the bar a raised voice is heard saying,


"There is a ranger who shirks his duty and harms nature? The injustice! BUTT KICKING FOR GOODNESS!" Caladus smiles, and mutters to Rhaine,


"That sounds like Minsc. He is a rather famous ranger from Rasheman. If he's here, he is likely to cause some form of trouble. Do you accept my offer of breakfast on me?"

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Rhaine grinned, "I haven't had pastry for breakfast since I was a little girl, when we would have the Harvest Fair in my village. Certainly."


She had heard the outburst nearby and added, "Rashemen? He served the witches, then?"

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Footsteps thudded across the floor and a hand claps on Caladus's shoulder. He turns and looks up at the smiling, scarred face of the ranger Minsc. The man was tall, with a shaven bald head, an enormous two handed sword across his back, and was clad in an enchanted suit of plate mail. Aerie, his witch moved up beside him and smiled at Caladus.


"Caladus!" Minsc boomed cheerfully, "You hear my voice, and you do not say hello? You will make Boo sad! Oh, and is this your girlfriend? She is a pretty lady with nice wings. Boo thinks she could use happiness in her life. But Boo also says that there is something else about her and needs a closer look." At this, Minsc pulls Boo out of his armor and points her at Rhaine. Boo was Minsc's self-proclaimed "Miniature Giant Space Hamster" and had been with Minsc ever since his first witch Dynaheir had died. Boo sniffed curiously at Rhaine, then squeaked a few times.


"Eh? Boo tells me that you work for the lord of the dead, and that Minsc is preventing you from getting pastries! The injustice that Minsc is causing you! Oh, and if you know anyone who would like a baby Miniature Giant Space Hamster, it turned out Boo was a girl! Boo had babies, and I am selling them for 20 gold each, so more people can have their own Miniature Giant Space Hamsters. Bye Bye!" Minsc wanders off, putting Boo on his shoulder. Caladus grinned hugely.


"Well, that was Minsc. Let's go get you some pastries! A meat pie sound good?"

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Sefris jumped a bit at the sudden voice which she knew all too well. Catching Ravenna's figure for just a second, the fey'ri watched the carriage until it disappeared from her sight.


"Indeed..." she muttered to the air before continuing her way.


Xaos meowed in question, looking up at her mistress. She was curious about the woman, for she felt like she had met her before. The sorceress looked down at her familiar for a second.


"And acquaintance of mine. You met her raven." The fey'ri said shortly, arriving to the gate. She payed no attention to the guards' questions, quietly marching out and into the forest.


She soon could not be seen and her familiar's steps could not be heard among the trees.

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Aedan kept sitting at his table. He ignored Sefris' cat completely. He wasn't a cat person. The Fallen heard a commotion and it seemed that others whatever they were doing before were done with it. He closed his eyes and entered the meditation state, still fully aware of his surroundings.


Nawen noticed that Rhaine been crying. She wanted to hug her but due to her injuries it was difficult for her to stand up fast enough. The ranger tried to but her arms and legs felt numb and pretty much everyone were gone from the basement. "Fantastic." She mumbled and tried once more, nothing. "Need a hand?" She heard Illius' question and looked up to see the sorcerer standing beside her. She only nodded.


Illius placed a book carefully on the floor and help the ranger to stand up. She held on to him while he picked up a book again and with his help they both slowly made their way to their room.


"I need to change my bandages." The drow spoke. "Do you want me to grab something to eat?" Nawen grinned and nodded. "Oh Gods yes!" With that Illius went downstairs and bought breakfast to them both. He noticed some of the ranger's companions as well as two new people and said 'good morning' to everyone before he returned back to the room. The ranger had already changed most of the bandages, now she was standing in front of the mirror examining the scar on her stomach. She lowered her shirt as soon as she heard the door opening and turned to see the sorcerer with full plates of food. He knew her so well. Even for someone quite small, Nawen ate a lot. Must be the dwarven thing.


They ate breakfast in silence. "I should go and look for Sinn." The ranger suddenly said. "No. I won't let you walk around. You're still not feeling too well." The drow raised her head. "I haven't seen her for so long. What if something happened to her?" "Shouldn't you be able to tell if something happened. You used to know if something was wrong." Nawen went silent. True, she was able to tell if Sinn was injured or even if the panther felt sad but when she lost her faith in Mielikki she couldn't even feel the panther's presence. Before, she was always able to tell where exactly the panther is but now...


"I'm... I lost my faith." There was a moment of awkward silence after her words. "What? How?" The sorcerer asked. Nawen was half expecting yelling and lectures but nothing like that happened. He simply asked and his voice didn't sound harsh or judging. No, his voice was calm and gentle. "You know how and why." Illius sighed and stared at the table. "If you're done eating I will bring the plates back to the innkeeper, go look for Sinn and head to the library and look for some books and the deities." He said and went towards the door with the dishes. She wondered why he saw so worried about her remaining the faithless. Why did he care so much?


Illius returned the empty dishes and went back to his room to take some of his things. "Illius-" Nawen started. "thank you." The sorcerer smiled and walked up to the drow. "You're welcome." He replied and kissed her forehead before heading downstairs.

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Rhaine could only grin at this ranger and his odd hamster. She nodded to Caladus, "That sounds fine. By the way, I wonder what he was talking about...a ranger shirking his duty?"


She then exited the inn and took a deep breath of fresh air, feeling rather refreshed and renewed.

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"Right, let's go then!" Caladus smiles and starts walking out to find a bakery, playfully offering his arm to Rhaine. In a voice full of mirth, he explained


"He thinks you are my girlfriend. He would wonder why there are no open displays between us. Shall we, dear?" He stressed the last word as a joke.

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She took his arm and said through a smile, "He'll just have to keep wondering."


They walked down the street a ways, until they finally came across a pastry shop. There, through the front window, the Doomguide could see Ianthe, William, and Alphonse. She pointed, "Look! There they are!"


Rhaine suddenly had a thought. Ianthe did not have an animal companion like Caladus and Nawen. And with baby hamsters just twenty gold a piece...



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Adelaide smiled down at her daughter, and gently embraced her, then withdrew "I have missed you too my sweet." She said with a smile, advancing upon the wardrobe like a tiger ready to pounce, she quickly grabbed a book from the bookcase, and flung her arm forward. She squashed the fly that was perched on the wardrobe in a rather large hit. She withdrew the book, and looked at the splattered fly, which was now crushed over a letter O. She set the book down and opened the wardrobe "Oh you like it all then? Good, i am so glad. I simply must have you looking divine, all of the other girls will look at you in envy! And your hair has grown? So it has!" Adelaide jumped in excitement "Oh we will set some trends!... I am afraid that you need to go and get clean! Quick! then we can start dressing you for the ball!"




Ravenna's carriage stopped in the stables of the family estate. The noblewoman exited her carriage, as she opened the door all of the Ravens that were inside dispersed, and flew to the rafters of the manor.


She walked elegantly to the main door, and waited for it to be opened.

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