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Tales of Faerun


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Ianthe and Alphonse traded glances as the dwarf telepathically told them he was a god and that they could ride with him. Alphonse climbed into the carriage and smiled in greeting to Byron and Dugmaren, while Ianthe followed him and commented on how nice Byron looked tonight.




Arva jumped, "Lady Everdawn! You caught me by surprise." He clutched at his heart and chucked, then laughed, "You're very quiet in those heels, aren't you? My nerves are that obvious, eh? I think that maybe the atmosphere of the whole ball sort of gives me a desire to give my best performance."


He offered a hand to her and smiled, "May I have this dance? I could use one last practice."




Reona looked in the mirror one final time and said, "I suppose our grand entrance should wait until there are more guests to see it, but I'm feeling quite excited." She began to giggle, then stopped herself, conscious of her tight bodice. "Out of curiosity, mother, what will the next costume be? This is all so exciting."




Lord Everdawn was running late. His carriage had been delayed for several hours when they stopped at the town's gates. His driver insisted on continuing to the estate where the ball was set to take place, but Everdawn had told the man to rest for a while, as the ball was not nearly as important as the cold the driver had caught on the way there. Eventually, the driver decided to go to a doctor, and someone volunteered to show Everdawn the way to the ball.


His sons were all impatient to get to the ball, as word had gotten to them while stopped earlier that a whole circus was going to perform at the ball. One of the children was adamant about watching every performance they were having. It was a good thing the Lord had decided to dress himself and the boys for the ball before setting out on the road today, as there was almost no time left.


The carriage finally stopped in front of the palace, and the Lord stepped out, helping all his boys down, one by one. He noticed Ravenna's carriage was already here, and smiled, holding the hand of his youngest son, "Look, boys. Mummy is already here."

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Byron shut the door, and hopped back up beside Dugmaren, who threw the break lever into the released mode. The vehicle wheezed and churned it's way quickly through the streets, and stopped at the castle gates with a wheeze from the weird engine. Yanking the break lever on again, Dugmaren flips another switch, damping the fires in the engine, which sputtered out with a clunk. He gestures at the carriage back, which opens and folds down into steps on all sides, revealing the largish platform and the seats.


Come on, you lot! We got a party to get to! He exclaimed mentally. Byron stood near the steps to offer a hand to whomever needs it.


Caladus stepped off the carriage, and wanders over to a guard who stops him.


"No entry for you, Drow! Get out of here before I kill you!" Caladus stared calmly, and replied,


"I am Caladus Silvercloak. My friends and I are invited. There is no problem here. Move along." The guard blinked and replied,


"You are invited, then there is no problem.. move along." The guard went off to sit down, feeling dizzy. Caladus turned back, muttering,


"Since when could I do that?"

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Rhaine took Byron's hand for support and exited the carriage, leaning close to him to whisper, "He's a cheery one, eh?"


She glanced at Caladus and shrugged, "I should have brought my invitation as proof...though you would think my appearance would be proof enough." Her wings flexed a little as if to make her point for her.


The Doomguide looked around. The entire courtyard was abuzz with performers and animals. She had never seen a circus like this; the closest she had come to it were the annual fairs at her home village.

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Nawen reached the castle soon after her friends in carriage did. She knew some shortcuts which helped her to arrive here mush faster.


The guard at the gates refused to let her in, shouting and insulting her and claiming that she's going to kill them all. She was far from happy to hear such awful accusations but she payed little attention to it because the guard was drunk. Nonetheless she had to mingle amongst the other guests to enter the courtyard unnoticed.


She stopped once she was inside and looked around. She frowned when she saw animals here. They were using the poor things for the entertainment of these snobs! They were most likely poorly fed too. The ranger looked around some more and noticed her friends. "Here you are!" She said as she approached them.


Aedan was already inside the castle. He sold the clothes he stole and bought some new ones from the shady merchants so those who saw the clothing he sold in the store and heard about the robbery would not suspect him. Using his 'angelic charms', that unfortunately didn't work on those goody adventurers, but they worked on a lot of other people, he managed to charm a noble woman with an invitation to the ball. While the woman was pleasantly chatting with her friends, Aedan stood by the window leaning against the windowsill with a glass of fine wine in his hand and watched the people in the room. He's going to enjoy this.

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Sefris has been in the forest since the dream seance with Rhaine, keeping to herself. Most of the time is was just sitting on a huge rock she had found on a clearing of a sort, as quiet as death. Her thoughts were not one of Rhaine's past, though, but of something much more terrifying to her. Even though her body was still and her face lifeless, the red eyes gave away how she really felt - utterly shocked and scared.


The Doomguide's own painful past brought to life some images from her own, crushing the fey'ri's chest like a mountain and making it harder to breathe. The sorceress was not used to these feelings, for she had built a wall around anything painful for her past that could harm her in the future. And yet her mental barrier shattered like glass once she let herself relax.


Red eyes still glared at some distant, imaginary point with a look that could surely kill within a second. They were as distant as a town on the other side of the world, hollow - empty. As seconds passed, Sefris' demonic features slowly began to show, firstly sharp scales all over her body, her pupils narrowed a bit more, completely looking as one of a cat now, claws as dark as night replaced her nails subtly and wings arose from her back as a flame burning with hatred, wild and uncontrollable.


The woman twitched as a sound flew to her sharp ears, something moving nearby. She jumped on her feet and grabbed her spear quickly, ready to kill anything that moves. As Sefris was opening her mouth to yell at someone - something - that was no doubt sneaking behind her back, a man with his hands held up high stepped out of the bush, his black eyes glaring at Sefris as if he was laughing at something that was only known to him.


The man was usual in every way one would look at him - black hair and dark brown eyes, dressed as a peasant and with no weapons. He let his hands fall down once he thought he had managed to convince the woman he had no weapons, leaning on a tree across the sorceress.


"I 'ave a message for ya." the man spoke, much to the fey'ri's own surprise. The woman was taken aback - who on earth would know where she was? And who, by the Nine Hells, would send her a message?


"Then talk fast before I grow tired of you and rip off your throat as a way of amusing myself." the half-demoness said bitterly, clearly angry she was found as such a desolated place. She was supposed to be alone here.


"I was told ya are fiery," the man continued calmly, glancing at the woman before him, "but not dis much. Jus' some old geezer sayin' he sends his greetings. Erm....White Leopard, aye?"


Little did the peasant know how suicidal the simple job of bringing a message to a woman would be - thought the amount of money he was given was suspiciously high. In a blink of a second Sefris' claws were at the man's throat, pinning him roughly at the tree behind him. The man tried to fight her off, but the woman was surprisingly strong for someone as petite as her, not letting him move even for an inch.


"Where is he?" her voice was silent, but the look she gave to the man almost made him wet his pants.


"Aye..I don't know nuthin'! He gave me the moneh and disappe'red! I swear!" the peasant yelled in panic, squeaking at the feeling of Sefris' claws digging into his skin and drawing blood.


"WHERE...IS HE?!" the woman yelled, but the man only whined and continued to struggle with no success. The sorceress showed her four sharp fangs, bringing them dangerously close to the man.


"He mentioned a ball! Dat's all, I swear! Mercy! Me-" he cried, but Sefris' fangs cut of the rest of his sentence, biting off a piece of his throat as the man's blood spout out, covering Sefris in dark red liquid. He was still alive and the fey'ri extended her claws to the size of a dagger - for her alter self ability allowed her to change her form to any humanoid approximately her size, but she rarely used it to its full potentional - stabbed the man right in his heart, ripping it out in the process.


The poor peasant was looking at his heart for a few seconds, trying to say something through his throat that was in pieces, but he could muster no sound, life abandoning him shortly after. Sefris' head was lowered, her look locked on the ground for a while, letting the man from her tight grasp fall on the ground.


The sorceress pulled out a handkerchief from her robes, wiping the most of her face of dark blood that was covering her - a few drops still stayed on her mouth and fangs. Not altering her appearance, she started walking back to the inn, her mind thinking only about one thing.


The ball.


She arrived to the inn shortly after and went to the room she had left her belongings in, not looking at anyone and nobody dared to question her due to blood on her robes. The fey'ri made her way to the room, pulled out her outfit and placed it on the bed as she went to take a bath.


Few minutes later, she was already dressing up the beautiful red dress from before, black gloves, black heels with high heels and a necklace made of onyx. Her long, black hair was tied up in an elegant up-do, ornated with black accessorizes. Her black claws additionally stressed red-black combination, along with her huge wings and red eyes. She did not altered her appearance back to her "normal" self, but rather stayed herself. Scales all over her body reflected when faced with direct light and her two pairs of fangs could be seen only when she was smiling.


Sefris, now looking like a noblewoman, stepped out of her room and walked out of the inn, on her way to the ball. She had no particular wish to attend it before, but now there was nothing that could stop her. As the fey'ri arrived to the place the ball was at, she wished not to deal with the guards, so the sorceress casted an invisibility spell - one of the rare that weren't meant for destroying and blowing up stuff - and simply flew over the walls in the courtyard.


The fey'ri made her way to the main room, her heels echoing as she walked and many looks drawn to her "costume". Even though her appearance would most certainly make any man unable to pull his eyes away from her, nobody dared to approach her because of the look in her eyes.


As beautiful and unique as they were, they were giving away her desire to kill.

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Ravenna smiled beautifully, her pearly white teeth glowing in the dim light of the room, her golden attire also illuminated in the light. "When you have worn heels as long as i have, you learn how to do everything in them." She said softly. She took Arva's hand, and put one hand on his shoulder "I would be honoured to dance with you." She said, starting the dance, in a slow, graceful motion "You are worried of showing yourself up in-front of these nobles aren't you? Worried about what Reona's parents will think? Don't worry about it... The lord has already taken to you it seems, and Adelaide is sure to see you in a better light.." Ravenna paused for a moment, but then continued "When you and Reona dance, all eyes will be on you... so don't look at them. Focus on Reona... because clearly your dance with her is going to be far more special than with me... Just the feeling of being close to her will give you confidence, block out the gazes of everyone else." Ravenna smiled, as they danced. She suddenly felt a darkness enter her mind as they danced... It appeared a certain friend of hers was present at the ball... and not in a mood for dancing.




Adelaide smiled and said "Well... maybe you should choose the next outfit? I mean i have picked them all out... wear them in the order you choose." She said with a smile "Oh and you will get used to the bodice, i promise."




Aricia got out of the carriage, not needing assistance, as her dress was free from any restrictions, aside from the corset. She got down, and looked around at the palace. It was quite beautiful.




Xallistine too had walked, trying to keep up with Nawen, and trying to get used to this elven body.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Rhaine paused for a moment to take in her surroundings. As she moved into the courtyard, past the firebreathers and jugglers, she noticed that the place was already swarming with nobles. The throng was thickest near the main entrance of the palace, which sported a grand facade of high marble columns and golden chandeliers. Most of the guests seemed to be simply mingling and chatting for now...thus, she supposed that Reona and Arva had yet to make their own appearance.


The Doomguide thought she spotted Nawen and Xallistine in the crowd, and she slowly made her way towards them, excusing herself every few seconds. Some of the nobles she pushed past obviously didn't think she was high enough on the totem pole, as they looked down their noses at her through extravagantly jeweled masks.

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Caladus walked into the palace, waving aside the dazed guard and strode confidently into the throng of people. He grimaced at the circus animals, none of which seemed particularly well treated, and headed over towards the punch bowl.


Saerileth entered the ball by striding towards the doors with her mother, bearing the same attitude of "I belong here, get out of my way." She wandered around the ball, and was swept into some young noble's arms and taken around the floor in an unfamiliar dance. She gamely followed along as best she could.


Shaori came in with her sister and went towards where she saw Caladus, dragging him away from the punch and into the thick of the dance floor. Caladus sighed, but placed his hands on her waist and into her other hand, leading her in a dance he had observed.


Tyra wandered in feeling slightly exposed with out her sister nearby, but was still rewarded with a noble asking her to dance. She went off to dance with him.


Byron wandered towards the punch bowl, deciding to drink as much as he could before Dugmaren's inevitable departure.


Dugmaren walked in looking fascinated at the decor and the circus. He sat in a chair, and watched the performers.

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Rhaine finally reached Nawen, "There you are. Quite a lot of activity, eh? I didn't expect it to be quite this crowded. They must have invited almost every noble family in Faerun."
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Nawen kept looking around until she noticed Rhaine. "More like even the nobles from other planes were invited too." She said half seriously. The courtyard was too crowded for her. She hated being surrounded by so many people at once. Especially by so many snobs who thought themselves better than her. She'd show them who's better after a pint of ale or maybe even too. "Do they even have ale here?" She mumbled.


Aedan stood by the same window and watched the people in the room. He was trying to find some potential target for his cruel pranks but none of them seemed worth his time or attention expect that middle aged man who was sleeping in his empty bowl of soup, with his hand in the glass of water which Aedan carefully placed when no one was looking.


The Fallen looked around some more and noticed two winged women and a Drow. No other dark elves were in the ball so he knew that it was Caladus. "Great." He mumbled to himself. "Mister perfect showed up and is going to ruin my fun." Aedan had no intention to talk or even come closer to those 'good people' from the group he most likely was kicked out. He only hoped that they will leave him be as well once they'll find out that he's here.

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