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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine continued simply meandering around the ballroom, making her way towards the punch bowl. So, Saerileth loses her Chosen status and Caladus gains it? She hadn't thought that Rillifane even had the inclination to Choose a mortal...then again, the gods never ceased to amaze her.


She sighed and chose a seat near the refreshments, looking around for Arva and Reona and wondering when they would make their grand entrance. As she did so, the Doomguide mentally went over Aricia's dance lessons, hoping she hadn't forgotten anything. Rhaine was eager to put her knowledge to the test. Yet, at the same time, if no one asked her to dance, she would not feel hurt in the least. It was a strange combination of both anticipation and dread.

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Caladus found himself pushed into a chair near the end of the bed that Saerileth had sat herself down on. She seemed to care little that she was wearing her underclothes. Caladus found himself oddly without any ideas as to what to say. He cleared his throat nervously, and finally managed to force out,


"I had come to check on you, and see if you were all right. I wouldn't have been surprised if you had tried to kill yourself after the shock you just received. Do you know why you were stripped of your status?" Saerileth sighed, and nodded, her long hair swirling about her slightly. It was only then that Caladus noticed her hair wasn't bound up with the ribbons and leather cords she used to tie it, nor was it held back by the crown she usually wore. She looked back to him and replied,


"Yes, I do. I was meant to destroy evil, yet I allowed Sefris to live, and allowed Aedan to live. I refused to smite Xallistine when he broke those guard's minds at the checkpoint. I kissed Arva, not once but twice. I have not fulfilled my obligations, and we are nowhere near destroying the Undead Menace. Therefore, he found me wanting, and removed my status. That is why. I will probably stay around here for the rest of the night. You go back to the ball. Have fun. I promise not to hurt myself." Saerileth smiled, and it was only at the end of this speech Caladus realized, rising and heading towards the door, that her speech had changed. He decided not to mention it, heading back towards the palace. He made good time, and was soon back at the gates. The guards eyed him warily, but waved him through. He headed back towards the Refreshment table, and got himself another drink. He noticed Rhaine sitting nearby, and finishing his drink, he stuck his pipe in his pocket and offered his hand to her.


"No sense in what Aricia taught you going to waste, is there? Care to dance? I promise not to get frisky." The last statement he allowed a wide grin to spread all across his face.

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Nawen kept walking around, listening to other peoples conversations. She noticed some of her friends in the ballroom and it seemed that she was the only one actually doing something other than having a good time. "Fantastic." She mumbled, her brow furrowed. The ranger was feeling like an idiot now. Sure, Nawen was feeling useful right now and it was nice to put her keen senses to a good use but her ears hurt from the loud music and equally loud conversations. Not to mention that her entire body was itching because of the dress she wore. The ranger cursed quietly and made her way towards the drinks.


There, she pretended that she was drinking while eyeing the ballroom cautiously. She noticed one suspicious looking man. Once he left the ballroom she followed him all the way to the kitchen. She heard some strange noises coming from the cellar so she sneaked there to investigate. When she finally found out what was happening there she returned to the ballroom, her face red. Without thinking much she took a glass of what looked like wine from some noble and drank everything in the glass in one go.


She went outside for some fresh air. What worried her the most was not that she her nothing about the cult but that Illius wasn't here. She looked everywhere for him but she couldn't find him. He had an invitation and the lie that he was still a part of his family: a family of a long line of knights benefited him and he would have never missed the ball.


Aedan was bored as hells. No one was worth of his attention here. He was about to go to another room when suddenly someone bumped into him. "What in the Nine Hells!? Watch where you're goi..." His expression from annoyed turned into surprised one. It was Sefris. He haven't seen her in days but here she is. Dressed for the ball and all. "Saw who?" He questioned not sure what she meant. He saw a lot of people this evening.

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Rhaine kept scanning the crowd. No one seemed particularly out of place...except perhaps Sefris, who hadn't bothered to hide her appearance from anyone - likely for the sole purpose of unnerving the guests. The Doomguide frowned as she noticed the fey'ri was acting especially nervous, as if she were looking for someone...or avoiding them. She watched as Sefris bumped into Aedan and the two began exchanging words, though Rhaine could not tell what they were saying.


Nawen appeared to be doubly uncomfortable, and the Doomguide began to feel as if she had pushed the ranger a little too much. The drow's discomfort also seemed to be coupled with worry...for what Rhaine was not certain.


She was still very much lost in thought when Caladus suddenly reappeared, asking if she wanted to dance. Not really knowing what else to do, Rhaine nodded and stood, taking the druid's hand.

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Caladus swirled Rhaine off into the dance floor, as the tempo of the music changed to what he recognized as a waltz. He bows slightly and puts his hands into the correct positions and took the lead in the dance. As they danced, he spoke to Rhaine in an undertone, at first just the dance steps. After a moment or two, he began voicing what was on his mind.


"I am rather worried about Saerileth. I went to check on her, and she explained why Tyr took away her Status. She was to smite evil, yet she never once raised a blade against Sefris or Aedan. She never stopped Xallistine from breaking those guards minds at the checkpoint, and she kissed Arva, not once but twice. She also got drunk, which Abuses the fruit of the vine, a sin in Tyr's eyes. She also lost that speech thing, with the Thees and thous. Although I can say that it is a welcome change not to have to figure out what she said, it makes me sad. I found that speech pattern almost endearing about her."


Saerileth blew out the lantern and lay there in the dark, in her underclothes, not even bothering to change into her night dress.


Shaori broke away from the noble she had been dancing with and saw Caladus dancing with Rhaine. She felt a flare of jealousy, but she pushed it aside. It was only a dance. She went to get some refreshments.

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Sefris started looking around again, her up do slowly starting to fall apart, but she didn't notice it. The fey'ri bit her lips in frustration, but blood that she found on them wasn't hers, but from that man she had killed back in the woods. She wiped it with her hand, paying no attention to it as she turned to Aedan again.


"The man in white. He was right beside you! Where did he go?" the sorceress demanded to know, refusing to believe it was all but an illusion. Has someone poisoned her and caused these illusions? When? She barely drank anything since- the man. His blood, it must have been in his blood! He knew she was going to kill him and exactly the way she will do it.


The fey'ri pulled out few hairs in frustration, glaring at anyone who dared to come closer than 10 feet to her.


"That son of a *censored*..." she muttered angrily, talking more to herself than to the fallen. Raising her hand up to her forehead, the sorceress was surprised to find herself burning. Not literally, of course, but her body was not used to a temperature this high.


"I need something to drink..." the half-demoness muttered, grabbing the nearest glass of wine and drinking it in a single breath.

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"I didn't see any man in white." Aedan replied, raising his eyebrows. Sefris was acting really strangely tonight.


Nawen returned back to the ballroom, scratching her right arm. The stupid dress was making her skin itch. She felt like Tieflings are usually feeling being beside a paladin. The ranger kept walking around again, hoping to hear anything useful.

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Rhaine returned to her seat and continued to watch the partygoers, trying to spot anyone acting suspiciously. A waitress carrying a serving tray and dressed in a jester's outfit offered her a selection of miniature tarts to choose from, but she politely declined.
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The fey'ri rubbed her temple, staring at her empty goblet of wine.


"Somebody's been messing with my head..." she said a bit quieter, taking a deep breath. She should be fine in a while, as long as she avoids chasing the white man.


"So, bored already? Or have you found a way of entertaining yourself?" she asked the Fallen, trying to look as normal as possible.

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Nawen let out a heavy sigh and looked around the ballroom. She noticed Rhaine there and went towards the Doomguide. "Having a good time?" She asked scratching her arm again. Stupid itchy fabric.


Aedan glanced at Sefris. "Most of them are not even worth my time." He replied and glanced at the glass of wine on the table. "I made one man to... wet himself but that's about it." He said turning his attention back to Sefris as he pointed at the man with the hand in a glass who was sleeping at the table.

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