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Tales of Faerun


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The Doomguide looked up at Nawen, "Not exactly. Though I suppose that's partly because the party has yet to start in full. Have you found anything?" Edited by AurianaValoria1
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"No. Nothing." Nawen sighed heavily and looked around the ballroom. "Unless you count the discussions about shoes that are too small." She added and leaned against the wall. "I could really use a drink right now." She thought and took a glass of wine which she emptied quickly.
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Rhaine frowned, "Hmm. Perhaps it is still too early for us to catch anything. Maybe our Thayan friends plan to arrive later, after the ball begins in full. The noise and bustle would be a perfect cover."


The Doomguide then watched as Nawen quickly drained a goblet of wine. She raised an eyebrow, "Careful there, friend. I need you alert. And if we already have assassins after us, you should be wary for unwanted additions to your glass."


As she returned her attention to the crowd, she glimpsed a slight shimmer across the ballroom. Through the throng of dancing nobles, she could see that the shimmer belonged to a mask. Nothing unusual here - though the man who was wearing it immediately arrested her attention. Half swathed in shadow, he leaned against the far wall, arms folded across his chest. His garb consisted of a sharp white shirt, a high-collared black vest and breeches, knee-high black boots and matching gauntlets, all trimmed in silver. His ebon hair, streaked with grey, was pulled back smoothly from his face. Even at this distance, she could see that his eyes were a very pale green. To anyone else, he was just another sharply-dressed, handsome nobleman. To Rhaine, however, he was much more.


He met her gaze from across the room, his voice a tickle in the back of her mind.


We need to talk.


The Doomguide suddenly stood, smoothing down the front of her dress and glancing to Nawen, "If you will excuse me, Nawen, I think I know that man."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Nawen noticed that Rhaine was glancing at some handsome man but she simply shrugged it off. "Thanks for the warning. Oh and have fun." She replied to the Doomguide and started looking around, hoping to find something delicious to eat.


As she glanced around the ballroom she noticed a man approaching her. He was wearing black breeches and a deep purple coat with same colored shirt. At first she was puzzled but after the ranger noticed the man's hair she smiled in relief.


"You look amazing, Nawen." Illius said as he approached her. "Go soak your head." She mumbled and scratched her arm again. Even if she looked serious they both knew that the ranger was joking. "Where were you?" Nawen finally asked, her voice sounded worried. The sorcerer smiled reassuringly. "Well I'm here now and everything is alright."


For a moment both of them stood silently, watching the nobles and other important guests in the room. "Where are your other friends?" Illius asked and took a sip of wine, after the ranger smelled and tasted it of course. "Well Rhaine is over there" she pointed at the Doomguide and that other mysterious man "I don't know where the others are..." The sorcerer glanced at the handsome noble. He could sense an immense power coming from him. Who was he?


"Do you know who that man is?" He finally asked. "No but she said that she knows him so there's no need to worry." The sorcerer only nodded in reply. He felt quite a few very powerful people in the palace already. Something very important is going to happen. That much he could tell...

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The fey'ri made a nonspecific sound that sounded like a scoff, looking at the man that was still sleeping, despite the laughter that could be heard every now and then once the passerbys noticed his little "accident".


"And here I thought you had something more...devilish" she stressed the word with her full, red lips, holding a hand on her hip, "On your mind. And here I stand disappointed." the sorceress imitated a heavy sigh, mischievousness shining in her eyes.


"Not that you can do much with those do-gooders on your back." There was something in her mind, something like an inner joke known only to the half-demoness that obviously amused her greatly.



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Rhaine slowly crossed the ballroom floor, careful not to get in the way of the dancers. As she approached him, she noticed that Fatal Touch had been shrunk to the size of a dagger and tucked into his belt, looking more like ornamentation than a real weapon. His silver mask was, oddly enough, virtually the same as he always wore, but with the eyes cut out and the lower half removed.


She curtseyed upon reaching him, "I am surprised to see you here, milord."


He looked down at her, and she noticed that the pupils of his pale green eyes were elongated, like those of a cat. They were quite startling, even unnerving in how much they seemed to see...as if he were looking past her mortal shell and straight at her soul - which, of course, she had no doubt that he was. As she looked him up and down, she wondered briefly if this was how he really looked, or if it was just another mask he wore...


"I am not here simply for the...festivities," Kelemvor replied. It felt strange to actually see him talk. "If it were not for the necessity of speaking with you, I would not be here. And if it were not the Feast of the Moon, this would not even be possible for me to accomplish."


Her brow furrowed. Though his face was not as covered as it usually was, he was still surprisingly expressionless. Despite this, however, she detected a hint of annoyance in his tone, as if his presence here was not entirely his choice.

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Sefris only chuckled, taking a step right of the Fallen to reach for another glass of wine.


"That is the trait of a real troublemaker. You do not /see/ me doing it. The point is not to get caught, no?" the fey'ri's pointy white teeth flashed for a second as she had smiled before taking a sip of the wine.


"Hmmm...good wine." she murmured for herself, setting the goblet down as she leaned on the table.


"These formal happenings are quite boring, wouldn't you agree?"

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The two fell silent as an older couple pushed by them. The lady was garbed in a garish lavender dress, her plump cheeks dusted with white powder and far too much rouge. She had brushed up against Rhaine's left wing, and she seemed to recoil, staggering away from the Doomguide and muttering, "Circus freak."


Rhaine could feel her cheeks reddening with anger.


"Ignore her," Kelemvor murmured, "She knows not who and what you are. Her tongue may be sharp, but inside, it is she who is insecure."


The Doomguide nodded silently, but she could not help recalling what Sefris had kept calling the group - a circus. How fitting that the whole theme of the ball was that of a circus. She fit right in.

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"Really? Well I have a lot to learn from you then." Aedan replied smirking. He wasn't all that interested in tricking people anyway. He preferred more... malicious ways to have fun.


Nawen sighed heavily and emptied another glass of wine. "I think you should go easy on the wine." Illius said as he watched the wine disappearing quickly from the glass. "I grew up amongst the dwarves, remember? There's no need to worry." The ranger replied and grinned at the sorcerer. "Have you noticed anyone from the cult here tonight?" The drow suddenly inquired. He wasn't expecting this kind of question from her.


Illius glanced at the dancing couples. "I can sense quite a few very powerful people here." The sorcerer spoke still looking at the dancing nobles. "You didn't answer my question." Illius looked back at his ranger friend. "No. I haven't seen anyone from the cult." He lied.

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