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Tales of Faerun


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Sefris chuckled, her claw on index finger gently scrapping her skin on the upper torso, right above her breast. She looked around, searching for someone. The night ought to turn interesting once the two of them meet. Turning to Aedan again, she subconsciously licked her fangs, tasting the last of blood she had left in her mouth.


"I ought to teach you a thing of two. There is also someone I'd like you to meet, if I did get the impression of you that I hope I did."

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Xallistine remained where he was, taking in the evening, he sat down and tried to centre his mind, so if anyone from the cult did show up, he would know about it.


Ravenna continued to dance and chat with Arva for a while, but finally exited the manor, and took her carriage to the ball. She arrived around an hour later, descending the steps of the carriage ramp, and walking into the palace.


She walked down the main steps of the palace, leading out to the marque , servants and guards alike bowing to her as she entered. She spotted Sefris in the crowd, and gave a small smile, then locating the others of the group of adventurers.

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Rhaine had opened her mouth to ask about what Kelemvor wished to speak when she saw a familiar face enter the ballroom, clad in golden splendor.


"Ravenna Everdawn," she murmured. She should have known she would be here. Rhaine hoped that Nawen had noticed. Glancing over to the drow, she saw that Illius had joined the ranger. Good. They needed all the eyes and ears they could get.


"Mmmhm," was Kelemvor's low reply. The Doomguide felt a wave of disdain emanate from the god, and it made her own hackles rise.


At that moment, the musicians began playing what she recognized as a waltz. Several more couples joined those already on the dance floor, and she noticed that the lights were dimming somehow.


We cannot speak aloud. Not here.


Rhaine cast him a concerned glance, raising an eyebrow, Then where do you suggest we go?


Nowhere. I said we could not speak aloud.


With that, he extended a black-gloved hand to her, "May I have this dance?"

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"Really?" Aedan said with the raised eyebrow. "Meet who?" He looked around hoping to see that someone that Sefris talked about.


Nawen was about to help herself with some delicious cupcakes but Illius grabbed her hand. "Look who's that." He said pointing at Ravenna. Nawen looked at her too and frowned. "What in the hells that witch is doing here?" She asked glaring at the woman. "Well she is married to a Lord." The sorcerer explained and turned his attention back to the witch.

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Sefris took a step closer to Aedan, whispering in his ear so nobody could hear her.


"A woman has just arrived. Blonde hair, golden dress, green eyes. Hard to miss." the half-demoness smirked at the witch when she had seen her smile, turning the fallen's head towards the witch.


"I got an interesting offer from her just recently and decided it's time for me to...change my allegiance." the sorceress pulled away, casually taking another goblet of wine. Hopefully the fallen won't stay with the circus - he had so much potential.

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Rhaine stood blinking at him for a few moments. What in the Hells was he thinking?


Then, it clicked. This was not just a dance. This was an opportunity to have an entire mental conversation without anyone else being the wiser.




The Doomguide grinned and placed her gloved hand in his with a slight curtsey, "It would be my honor, milord."

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Aedan stared at the blonde woman with the golden dress. She seemed awfully familiar but he couldn't remember where he saw her. Then it hit him. "Wait... isn't that Lord Everdawn's wife?" He asked once he turned his attention back to Sefris.


Her comment really intrigued him. What exactly she meant by 'change my allegiance'? Lord Everdawn was famous for his good heart. Was his wife secretly is a very evil woman or was she simply fooling Sefris, which would have been very hard to achieve. "Did you now?" Was the only thing Aedan said.


Both Illius and Nawen had decided to split up and look around the palace, maybe they'll hear something about the cult.

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Ravenna noticed both Aedan and Sefris looking at her... and it was clear by the hand gestures, and eyes turning her way, that there conversation was focused on her too... Ravenna had not seen the fallen before, but she could tell what he was... well, more feel what he was, his energies were not of the prime material plane, and his appearance too sublime for a warrior. She got herself a glass of wine, and continued half-watching them.


She met up with a contact, and began disclosing the first part of information regarding Szass Tam's plans...

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"The one and only." the half-demoness smiled and took a sip of the wine. "You have heard of him, then, I take it? And the reputation it precedes him?"


There was a short pause in which the sorceress put her goblet down, laughed and again took a step closer to the fallen.


"Surely you do not intend on staying with these.... adventurers, do you?" she was whispering in his ear again, words as sweet as honey while her red lips shone in the moonlight. Long, black claws of Sefris' right hand slowly made their way to Aedan's shoulder, passing his forearm and upper arm on the way there.


"We could have so much more fun..."

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Aedan grinned wickedly as he heard Sefris words whispered in his ear. "That does sound much more... interesting." He replied and stared directly into her red eyes.


He was getting tired of these adventurers. He joined for the adventures and danger but what he got was them ruining his fun. The idea of joining someone else, where at least the company will most likely be better sounded really appeasing to him.


Nawen went back outside to sneak around and eavesdrop again, this time hoping to find something and finish the business here soon because the fabric of this dress was so awfully itchy.


Illius walked around the castle. He wanted to leave and go in hiding but these good adventurers needed him. Nawen needed him, the sorcerer could not fail them. He sighed heavily and walked down the hallway, a few noblemen greeted him, mistaking Illius with someone else.


The sorcerer used whatever little connections he had to snoop around the Cult of the Dragon, to gather news and hopefully find out something about their plans but unfortunately he was discovered. Those men that Nawen fought and killed came here to deal with him, for he was marked for death the moment the cult members discovered who was spying on them. The sorcerer wondered if anyone could tell that, if he was surrounded by some dark smoke or aura of death, if such things even existed.

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