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Tales of Faerun


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After a few seconds, the Doomguide sighed heavily and drained her wine glass. She had work to do.


Rhaine now knew her target and her instructions. That was all she needed. She whirled back inside the palace and deposited the empty crystal goblet onto a servant's tray, walking with purpose in her strides. The first of her companions whom she saw was Xallistine, and she headed straight for the disguised Ulitharid. She hoped Nawen was not far...if Ravenna already had her information from Szass Tam, then they needed to move quickly.

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Ravenna didn't bother smile, she wouldn't waste the energy "Oh i wish it were a simple party trick... but it isn't... it should keep me sustained... for a time at least." She replied, gathering her hair into a bun at the back of her head, and holding it in place with a simple hair-pin.


She walked over to the carriage, and the door oppened with a sway of her hand, she took up one seat, the one at the back of the carriage, her Raven-familiar perched near her. "We have little time... come." She said to Aedan and Sefris.


Xallistine sat with widened eyes, as Rhaine approached, he said "Did you hear that horrific shriek? and can you feel that... thrum of energy? Ravenna is... well i don't know, but she, Sefris and the fallen have all just exited the palace."

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Rhaine's own eyes widened, "I heard nothing, but I do feel what you describe...and if what you say is so, we have no time to waste. Come!"


The Doomguide picked up her skirts, hurrying from the palace and hoping to get to the carriage before the witch departed.

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Head held high and turning back to look at the fallen for a second, Sefris walked in the carriage, not giving a second thought about the "companions" she was leaving behind.


"'Tis nice to be in the company of the normal people again." the half-demoness said with a happy sigh, leaning back in her seat and crossing legs.

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Aedan glanced at the palace one last time before climbing into the carriage after Sefris. He wondered how different is this going to be. If the woman is going to push him around, he will leave without giving her a chance to do so. He's no one's lackey, not in this life.


Nawen was sitting outside, enjoying the fresh air and beautiful evening. She noticed Rhaine running out of the palace. Why was she running? Something wasn't right... the drow looked around for Illius before running after the Doomguide.

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Once Aedan was in the carriage, Ravenna fixated her green eyes on both of them once again, and as she did, a strand of her golden hair was enveloped in grey... her ageing was visible, by the end of the carriage's journey, she would most likely look a good 15 years older. The witch clicked her fingers, making the raven flap it's wings in surprise, the lamps on the exterior of the carriage were lit, and the driver put the carriage into action, the horses starting slow, in a trot, and then galloping down the path.


"We haven't been properly introduced have we?" Ravenna said, the main body of her question directed upon Aedan, but still it applied to Sefris "You are a fallen aren't you? Such a handsome creature... I am, as i'm sure Sefris has told you, Ravenna... A witch." She paused for a slight moment, picking up her Raven, and holding it in her hands, petting it softly with the back of one of her fingers. "I shall explain more in time... but i want you both to know, that we shall change history."...


Xallistine came to a slow halt, reaching the bottom of the staircase just as the carriage left, the power of it's eight horses pulling it away far faster than those on foot could move.

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Rhaine stopped at the bottom of the palace steps just as the black carriage rattled away, the horses neighing and their hooves thundering through the streets. She tore the mask from her face, her hair coming loose from its twist and spilling about her shoulders in fiery waves. The Doomguide whirled on Xallistine, grabbing him by the shoulders, her eyes alight with fury, "Where is she going? What did she say about the Cult?"
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Xallistine raised an eyebrow to Rhaine "Do not loose yourself to rage, doomguide... patience." Xallistine said, putting a comforting arm to Rhaine's shoulder. "She has mentioned nothing of her destination... But she did share with her contacts a few details of Tam's plans..." Xallistine said, and explained to rhaine what he could piece together of the snippets he heard of the plan.
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