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Tales of Faerun


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Aedan was watching the woman as she spoke. "The name's Aedan." He said simply. He knew nothing about what the woman is planning and he did not like this. 'Explain more in time' was the worst possible explanation he could think of at the time, he hated being in a situation like this.


Nawen approached Rhaine who was shaking Xallistine fiercely. She wondered what happened that made her so upset. Illius joined them moments later. "What happened?" Nawen asked as she watched the Doomguide and a disguised Ulitharid.

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Sefris was visibly calm, obviously knowing more than Aedan due to the little visit from Ravenna's pet. Glancing at the raven, the half-demoness smirked, looking out of the window. Was that the Doomguide and the rest of the pathetic group running out? Well, see you later....perhaps.


The sorceress extended her mental reach to sense Xaos, her cat familiar, sensing that she was back at the inn.


"I need to get my things from that inn before we continue." she said to the witch, looking at her green eyes. My, my, she seemed a bit older with every passing second.

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Rhaine struggled to calm herself. Xallistine was right. Anger would do them no good.


She turned to see Nawen and Illius, "Ravenna was the contact for Szass Tam's agents. She already has her information, and she's headed to carry out her orders...Sefris and Aedan with her."

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Ravenna closed her eyes for a few seconds, and then spoke loudly, so the carriage driver could hear "To the inn! Quickly now!" he heard her, and the carriage turned a corner, and began to slow as they got nearer to the inn. "Please.. make it quick, we must reach our destination before i am completely devoid of power..." She said bitterly, not at all angered at Sefris, simple in a foul mood due to her age rapidly increasing,


Xallistine pondered for a moment, and then added "I don't think she is going to be fulfilling Tam's wishes... she wouldn't seek the aid of that pair if she was simply delivering information back to tam... i fear the witch has her own agenda."

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"Then we must find out what it is and quickly," the Doomguide replied, "That witch must be stopped, whatever the cost. Tam I'm not concerned with...not anymore."


She motioned to them all, continuing down the street at a quickened pace, "I can't explain here. Let's get back to the inn...we can speak more there."

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Aedan didn't own much things and considering what he doesn't have a room in the tavern all of his things he stuffed into the bag of holding which was attached to his belt so he sat there quietly watching Ravenna closely. She looked older by the seconds. "How old is she?" The Fallen thought. He wondered what he's going to do once they will arrive wherever they're going.


Nawen and Illius for a moment looked at each other before following the Doomguide. The ranger felt relieved that they're finally leaving. She won't have to wear this itchy dress anymore.

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Sefris nodded and quickly left the carriage, returning withing seconds with her backpack, Ice Harpoon and a black cat behind her. Xaos looked at the raven that was near the witch, waving her tail back and forth until Sefris gave the cat a stern glare. The familiar lowered her ears and sat down beside her mistress, still eyeing the bird. And here she thought her mistress has brought a snack for her.


"Alright then. Where are we going? To your palace or...?" she asked, setting the backpack down on the ground. There wasn't really much of worth in it, but her maps were priceless to the half-demoness. Decades of work and if she was to lose that...Let's just say you wouldn't want to see that. You'd have a furious half-demon pyromaniac before you.


"My, my, you sure look like you could use a snack." the sorceress said in a half-joking tone to the witch across her, faintly smirking. "Not me this time. I still have those dreadful white tips." she scoffed.

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Ravenna laughed slightly as Sefris commented about her deteriorating look "I don't think a meal would quite sate me in this state... i'd have to wipe out this whole town to get a decent result..." She said, the door of the carriage closing, and it began moving once more, heading out of arabel. "My palace is not an option... it's my husbands town. We are headed to Moonwood." Ravenna said with a dark smile, leaning back in her seat.


The Raven, Ephemera looked at Xaos with it's emerald eyes. It was huge for a Raven, abnormally large... more like holding a small child than it was a bird. The raven cawed a warning at the cat, it's sharp talons glinting in the dim light.



Xallistine followed Rhaine at a quick pace, intrigued as to why Szass Tam was suddenly not a priority.

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Rhaine's boots clacked on the cobbles with the force of her steps, her crimson hair bouncing on her bare shoulders. The Doomguide was still very much infuriated. She knew she should not have trusted the Fallen, and she was a fool to have let both him and the fey'ri join her group.


Fine. If they wanted to ally themselves with her foe, then they would die alongside the witch.


It was several minutes before she finally reached the Pride of Arabel. She stormed through the front doors, her skirts swishing across the marble floor of the common room as she headed for the stairs. The foursome could speak in her room - it was the only place she deemed safe enough for the information she was about to deliver.

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Aedan watched the cat and the raven, he was hoping that they'd start fighting but unfortunately nothing like that happened. He looked up at Ravenna once he heard their destination. "Moonwood? That's quite the voyage." If they're going to stay in the carriage the whole journey Aedan will go mad. The Fallen hoped that they'll stop somewhere where he could steal a horse and travel on horseback. The carriage was too small for him, he felt trapped in here.


Both Nawen and Illius followed Rhaine back to the tavern. The sorcerer had no problem keeping up with the Doomguide while the ranger, much to her displeasure was walking much slower than she usually does. Quite irritated of her own slow pace she ripped up her dress a bit so she could work faster. It worked.


At first Illius hesitated to enter Rhaine's room, he thought that maybe she'd like to change first but Nawen pushed him inside and entered the Doomguide's room as well. There's no time to lose...

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