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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine sheathed Touch of Death and reined Angel back towards the group. She had an expression of obvious distaste on her face. Judging by the actions of the necromancer, he had not been an experienced caster. He was powerful enough to animate the dead of a graveyard, yes, but foolish enough to do it in the light of day in the middle of a town.


"Now that we're finished with that little distraction," she said as she dismounted, "is everyone all right?"

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"We are fine," Hazel called, straightening in the saddle, her legs cramping slightly. She itched to be off this horse, for it was a faster way to travel, but not very comfortable at all. Behind her, Ianthe seemed to be nodding off again, and she thumped the girl on her shoulder with an indifferent expression.


Ianthe jumped, "Huh? I'm up!" She looked around and yawned.


Perhaps the girl will be more lively when she actually has to fight, Hazel thought to herself, arching an eyebrow. It would suit her just fine if they never had to fight again, but she knew they wouldn't be so lucky.

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"I'll leave the deciding up to you all," Rhaine said, propping her legs one at a time on a nearby fence and stretching the muscles, "We can either stock up here, or do so at the Green Giant. Keep in mind that Leilon makes its trade off of adamantine ore. Blacksmiths come from all over the Sword Coast to avoid the exorbitant shipping fees, and so there will be one-of-a-kind arms and armor here."
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"I'd prefer to get supplies in Leilon because we are already here." Nawen said and glanced at the others. There is no way in the nine hells that Byron got everything they might need in one small tavern. She also wanted to reach the Underdark as soon as possible. The longer they dally the bigger undead problem might become.
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Ianthe hopped off the horse with grace, landing on one foot, her arms outstretched to either side for balance, "This town is quite lovely... I say we get it out of the way and get supplies here." She walked to Caladus, tripping only once, and took a lock of his hair between her fingers and stared at it, then held it up to the sun. "My hair's nearly as light as yours," she simply stated, her head turned to the side, "I like it. My name is Ianthe, and that's Hazel." She still seemed transfixed by the white hair, as she had yet to see Nawen without her hood, due to her lack of an ability to ever pay attention to anything but what caught her eye.


Hazel dismounted and stretched her legs, glad to be on the ground again, and looked at Rhaine. "Whatever gets me off that horse's back quicker."

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Caladus smiles at Ianthe's innocent fascination with his hair, but politely pulls away. Byron scowls, and pulls out a jar of potion that glows acid green. "Ah want to be understood clearly, as there are things ye must know, and some cannae understand me." He takes a sip of the glowing liquid, then swears in dwarfish. "Damn, this muck's foul! Which is why I avoid it as much as possible.Now listen. I was hired by Baron Wolfgang to remove this undead menace. I was told there were others that I would encounter, which is why I was in the area at the time I stumbled upon your camp. A fresh supply of Food, water, medical ingredients for my potions, refills for some of my more rare potions and ingredients, and gold were provided by the Baron for us, I am working along Caladus, who is a Seer." Caladus nods, and holds up his arm, on which his Seer Focussing aid was hinging. "He is my friend, and he was sent with almost all the supplies a party of 6 or 7 could ever need, save weapons and armor. Those you must provide yourself. I have as much gold as we could need." Byron holds up a pouch. "An Everflowing bag of Gold. It will never run out. of gold. I appologize for not saying this, but my orders were to mention as little as possible, in case of spies. Now you see why." Byron grimaces then says "The potion has worn off, noo, if there are nae objections, Ah suggest yeh get yer weapons, and yer armors and we git tha hell oot o' here. Yeh will all be paid as well by the baron, fer services tae his kingdom, that is, if yeh'll still have us. If nae, we will take oor leave, and head straight tae the underdark, stoppin tae pick our share oot o' the supplies." Edited by BaldurAnthology
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Nawen watched Ianthe with the slight smile on her face. The girl was so curious. It was also much easier to understand what Byron said. Probably because she got used to his way of talking. She wondered why would someone want to pay them. Yes, they are working together but Nawen sure as Hells isn't working for some kind of Baron. "Right... I'll go and shop for supplies then." The drow said and walked over to the nearest store.
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" 'Baron Wolfgang'? And where exactly is this Barony?" Rhaine asked skeptically, petting Angel's muzzle absentmindedly, "The only rulers I know of in this stretch of the Sword Coast are Lord Nasher of Neverwinter, the Lord's Alliance, and the Masked Lords of Waterdeep. And forgive me for saying so, but the likelihood of any local ruler hiring on a Duergar and a Drow to take care of an undead threat is slim and none. Tell me about this so-called Baron. And why would he know about us being in the area?"
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Norgold grabbed the bottle Byron handed him, the smell of the potion was a light, nature smelling. Norgold took a sip but immediately spit it out, he figured out that he had to pour the potion onto the wound, and so Norgold slowly but surely poured the contents onto the wound, at first it felt the burn of the Sun was scorching his leg, but soon it felt soothing feeling to it. Norgold stood up and used his shield to support his bad leg, "I'm sorry friends, there is just no way I could continue though the mountains with this wound." He said gently.
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