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Tales of Faerun


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"Be right back then." Nawen said and left the stables. Sinn waited patiently for her two legged friend to cast an invisibility spell again so she could leave the town quickly and wait in the wilderness for them to leave. When Nawen did so the panther disappeared and ran fast outside.


The ranger noticed Ianthe and the others approaching when she left the stables and waved them in greeting.


"Excuse me" The guard looked down at the hooded woman. "Yes?" "Do you know to which direction Ravenna Everdawn left last night?" The ranger asked politely. The man stared at her for a moment. "I was off duty last night but I know who was guarding the gates. Oi, Herbert, come here!" A much smaller and still sleepy young man came from the barracks. "This girl wants to know where lady Everdawn was heading when she left the town." The young guard yawned and stretched his arms. "East, I think." He mumbled. "Thank you for your help." Nawen said and immediately went through the gates.


"This won't be easy." She mumbled as she noticed tracks of definitely more than one carriage. How was she suppose to know which one was Ravenna's? She didn't even see the carriage last night, but just in case she followed a few tracks to see where they went.

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Rhaine watched as Nawen left, and then took Ghost by the reins, leading him out of his stall. She nodded to Xallistine, "That's good. Better saddle up quickly...we may have a lot of ground to cover."


With that, she put her foot in the stirrup and swung herself into the saddle, urging the dappled stallion into a trot. His hooves clopped upon the cobbles as horse and rider left the stable to wait just outside. As she pulled him to a halt outside the stable doors, she glimpsed what appeared to be Reona, Ianthe, and Arva. The Doomguide grinned and waved to them.

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Ianthe waved back at Rhaine as they approached. "Hi Rhaine! You'll never believe what happened after you guys left the ball! We had to run away and everything!"


Arva cast a nervous look toward Xallistine, "You know how people react to seeing a mind flayer and a drow with us? Well, imagine how people would feel about us if we were also traveling with a runaway recently-married couple who likely have a bounty being put on their heads as we speak..."


Reona added in, "And, no, the married couple definitely does not include me. In other words, my parents are not happy and we have to move, now."

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Nawen walked down the road for some time tracking but it was nearly impossible to determine which tracks were of Ravenna's carriage.


As she returned to the town she noticed that Rhaine was talking with Ianthe and the others. She thought it would be a good idea to check on Illius, thus she returned to the tavern.


What she found in their room surprised and worried her greatly. It was empty. No sign of the sorcerer, all of his belongings were gone too.


The ranger kept searching the room for any kind of clue which could tell where he went or why he didn't say anything. She found what she was searching for. A letter. She quickly opened it and started reading quietly.


"My dearest friend.


I apologize for leaving so suddenly and unannounced but I fear that my presence will endanger you and your friends for the members of the Cult of the Dragon that attacked you were after me.

I can only hope that the book you uncovered contains important information and that neither your injuries nor my recent spying on the cult were in vain.

For now, I will leave Arabel and head to a place we both call home. It's the safest place in all of Faerun for me.


Farewell, Nawen. I do hope we will meet again soon.




The ranger stared at the piece of parchment in her hands. She was worried and feared for the safety of her friend. He was one of the most important people in her life. Illius was her dearest friend, her mentor.


She folded the letter and put it in her pocket before leaving the tavern.


Once she approached her friends she heard something about the wedding. "That's right! The ball was because of the wedding." She thought.

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Rhaine shook her head in confusion, "Wait, I thought...nevermind. We can talk about everything along the way. Reona is right; we need to leave as soon as possible." She nodded to Nawen, "Saddle up and make sure Xallistine is on his way as well. Time is of the essence." Edited by AurianaValoria1
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As time passed, Ravenna's carriage got closer and closer to the high forest... days passed until they finally reached the sprawling forest, it's canopy's shielding them from the beating sun, who's rays were not forgiving this time of day... but they were not deep enough into the forest, so Ravenna had them continue on further and further, deeper into the heart of the forest... until they reached a place that was dark, a mist clung to the trees, which were darker than the others in the forest... the place was fairly quiet, and the huge fort Ravenna spoke of was nestled behind an overgrowth of tangled vines. "We have arrived." The witch said, her face weathered, and she looked in her late 50's now, her hair mostly grey. She got out of the carriage, and stood before the barrirer of vines "it shall yield to me." She said, and cast a powerful flame spell at them, burning those in her way to a crisp. "Keep your guard up... the fort is occupied."




Xallistine had mounted his horse, and was ready to leave.




"Talk?! Explain?! NO! you have brought scandal! Scandal to our family! For all these years you have kept it hidden! And now look what has happened! because you couldn't keep your pants on, your desires chained, my daughter is without marriage! And my money is GONE!" Adelaide screamed at the top of her voice, her eyes flashing with intense anger, her beautiful, refined face twisted in a scowl.

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"Finally!" Aedan replied, dismounting his horse. He noticed how much older the woman looked though he thought nothing of it. He didn't really care. As he noticed the vines that the witch thankfully burned he drew Vengeance and looked around again. "So, what more besides plants is here?" The Fallen asked.


"He seems ready to leave." Nawen said and glanced at Xallistine who's appearance changing spell apparently had worn off. Strangely enough she liked him the way he really is: with tentacles and all.


She went to get her own horse. After she made sure that the horse was ready to travel she mounted him and was ready to leave as well. "One of the guards told me that Ravenna headed east. I unfortunately couldn't find any tracks of her carriage."

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Rhaine took out her map, turning it this way and that before finally locating Arabel.


"Well, if the gate guard said she was headed east from the gate then..." the Doomguide paused, squinting, "She's headed towards Tilverton. We can ask someone there for additional directions. Surely someone noticed that black carriage. In any case, tracks or no, we've a trail to follow. Let's go!"


With that, she kicked her heels into Ghost's flanks. The dappled stallion launched into a gallop, heading through the western gates of Arabel.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Sefris only nodded at Ravenna's reply, not paying much attention to the conversation. She didn't sleep very well and was exhausted, not really liking travelling by a carriage, but she was too tired to fly the whole way.


As soon as they arrived the sorceress jumped out of the carriage, landing on the solid ground. Now that's what she prefers. Except for the sky, of course. Or something dark.


"I'm afraid I'll have to second Aedan's question. What are we doing here, again?" she asked the witch, her eyebrow slightly raised in question.

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Ravenna glanced at Sefris and said "We are taking the fort. As a base... as for what currently occupies it, i do not know, but we shall find out soon enough." the witch remarked, her eyes fixated on the fort's battlements as she made her way towards it.




Xallistine mounted Fatty, and the horse sped up, to a gallop along-side ghost, as it's master Xallistine opened the pages of the book Illius turned over to him, and began to read from where he had left off.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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