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Tales of Faerun


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Ianthe clenched her fists and wrinkled her nose, "Ravenna..."


"Lady Everdawn?" Arva asked, clearly puzzled by Ianthe's distaste for such a nice woman. "She's the nicest person I've ever met. Why would you think that could mean her?"


Reona raised an eyebrow as she stroked her horse's muzzle, "Don't you get it? You saw one of her two different personalities. It obviously means she's beastly the other half of the time. I'm not surprised. Now stop questioning your wife, Arva."

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Rhaine's face was grim, "It makes sense. And if the book speaks true, she seeks to drain the life force of a goddess in order to attain divinity herself. Which goddess is she after? And can you imagine what kind of goddess she would become? We cannot allow her efforts to come to fruition."
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Xallistine shook his head in despair "We have figured out whom this riddle is on about... I feel you are correct Ianthe. And the Lady Rhaine has a point... which goddess would the witch seek to destroy?. So it seems Kelemvor's directions did in fact point to Ravenna... I feel foolish for doubting you Doomguide. Now The last part of the riddle is unclear... Miora's eye will entrap those who reside inside? Inside where? the eye? Or is that a metaphor?" Xallistine suggested. "And does anyone know the name Miora? I swear i've heard it somewhere."
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Nawen walked around in the wilderness trying to find something to eat but she couldn't find anything. It was quiet in the area. Too quiet. She returned to the camp, now accompanied by Sinn that caught up with her in the wilds just to hear the others talking about Ravenna. "What happened?" She asked curiously.


Aedan just stood there and it seemed that he's not going to do anything but once a few of the guards reached him, the Fallen moved quickly and confidently. He waved Vengeance with incredible speed slashing and cutting the guards. They had no chance against them.

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The demoness chuckled when the guards attempted to attack them, already holding her spear. Bending her knees to be closer to the ground, Sefris tripped one of the savages with her spear, making the man fall down screaming something.


Laughing as she spun around herself, her red eyes followed man's every movement, sparks lingering on her fingers.


"Let's make this a bit more interesting, shall we~?" a purring sound came out of the red lips, her words as sweet as they were poisonous.


To her, this battle was more of a dance, nothing more than a mean to entertain herself. The man tried to charge at Sefris, but a spell was holding him in place before he even made two steps.


"Bigby was always my favourite." she said quietly, stabbing the paralyzed man in the chest. Not a second later great, white fangs were shown as the sorceress tore out the man's throat, stopping the scream that would have, no doubt, echo the night after the man had seen the woman before him in the moments before she killed. His eyes were left open to reveal the terror after his body quietly fell on the ground.


Licking the blood around her lips, Sefris turned to look at what the witch and the Fallen were doing.


"I am starting to like this fort already....So many people to play with."

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Xallistine looked over at Nawen and said "We have discovered an ancient prophesy in the book Illius bestowed upon me... one that suggest ravenna will steal the essence of a god... However we are failing upon the last bit of the puzzle." The Ulitharid said, Writing it (the puzzle)out with a piece of coal from the fire, upon a large rock near the centre of the camp. Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Rhaine watched Xallistine as he wrote the prophecy on a nearby rock, racking her brain for any memory of a 'Miora,' but to no avail. Dusk had long fallen, and the light of the campfire barely reached the tree where the horses were tethered. Her eyes focused on the flickering flames as she thought, wondering what the prophecy meant for them and contemplating how they could catch up to the witch.


Suddenly, Ghost and the other horses began screaming, neighing and rearing wildly. Their eyes were so wide that the whites of them shone in the dark, their mouths frothing. Rhaine approached them, trying to calm them with a soothing voice, but they could not be consoled. In all of the noise, she did not hear what was coming...


Out of the dark, a serpentine head the size of a dragon's shot forth, and Ghost was snatched into the salivating maw - blood sprayed everywhere as the stallion was devoured whole. The Doomguide did not even have time to react before another head took hold of her left wing and slung her back and forth with savage ferocity. Her world filled with pain as the bones of her wing twisted horrifically and snapped. She was then slung over the campfire and into the pebbled dirt, her broken wing crumpling beneath her. She cried aloud in sheer agony, and her eyesight was tinged scarlet, but she could not allow herself to lose consciousness. She launched to her feet out of sheer determination, focusing on the foe that now reared its ugly heads...


A nine-headed hydra.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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"Play with!?" Aedan shouted to Sefris once he heard her speaking. "There's no fun in this! They die too quickly!" The Fallen avoided one hit and slashed the guard's stomach, the other one however didn't miss, his blade left a small cut on Aedan's right cheek. He touched the cut on his cheek, then looked at the blood on his fingers. "This is the last thing you did in your pitiful life, fool!" He thought as he started walking towards the guard. He wasn't sure if the guard was a mind-reader or his face showed what he was thinking because the man's reaction changed from determined to a horrified one.


The guard dropped his sword and starting walking away from Aedan, facing the angry Fallen when suddenly Aedan dashed towards the man, grabbed him by the throat and lifted him a little. The man dangled helplessly in the air, trying to get free but to no avail. "Bye bye." Aedan said, grinning wickedly as he tightened his grip on the guard's neck.


Nawen stared at the prophecy that Xallistine had written on the rock blankly. She was terrible at puzzles thus she had no clue what this means, when suddenly she heard the fearful cries of their horses. Something hostile was approaching their camp and the horses tried to warn them. She was about to approach them when out of nowhere one of the horse's cry changed into one of agony. As a Drow she could see in the dark thus she could clearly see who attacked them. A Hydra. She only saw drawings of them but the real one was ten times more frightening.


The monster attacked Rhaine and broke her wing, or at least that's how it looked from her angle. The ranger drew her shortswords. How sorry she was that her blades, no matter how well they're made are this short. That thing could eat or rip her apart before she even had a chance to attack. "Do not chop any of its heads! More will grow in its place!" She shouted, trying to warn her friends as she quietly circled the beast. With her shortswords she'd have more chances to do some damage if she's going to attack from behind.

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Ravenna chuckled "I'll leave the rest of them to you... i do think there are are two more wings in this place, and a mess hall... do enjoy playing with them, but keep as many women as you can alive." The Witch replied.




Xallistine was caught off guard with the agonizing cries of Ghost, and shielded himself from the spray of gore. He tucked the book into his satchel, and drew his scepter. Turning his head to the injured Rhaine, he sighed in relief as she got up. He stood towards to back of the group, instantly casting a spell to strengthen his allies "Tactics will be key... My lady, have you any experience with these creatures? Clearly aiming for the head is foolish.."

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"Focus on the body!" she managed to gasp through her pain. Suddenly, she felt a strange tingling sensation in her body, and her amulet glowed bright as it neutralized the virulent poison now attempting to debilitate her. "It's got poisoned fangs! Stay out of the reach of its heads!" She warned.


She began to chant in a low voice, using her divine power to harness the elements. The spell she had in mind would likely drain whatever strength she had left, but it was the only one that she knew would help them in this situation. The Doomguide was lifted to her feet, her eyes glowing white with power as the wind began to pick up, whistling across the plains to answer her call...

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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