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Tales of Faerun


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"Baron Wolfgang de"Arnise. He rules near Athkatla, the City of Coin. He is used to adventuring types, and since we knew where the Necromancers were coming from, he hired is." Caladus stated, calmly. "Ay, tha' he did. I dinnae hear o' him til Ah met Caladus, who helped me oot o' the pond number 4 gel had sent me in tae. He and Ah went tae the Baron, and he said tha' he needed us tae look for the Necromancers tha' were sendin things through the underdark. He says tae us that they only recently started comin up near his castle, and told us to find where the most are. We seperated.and we met up at the Green Giant. We compared notes, and we agreed tha' it would be best tae work with a larger group. If ye nae desire our help, or our money, tha's fine" Caladus moved, with concern on his face, towards the injured Shield Dwarf. He bends down, and inspects the wound. "This looks bad, but you may not be out of commission as long as you think. You certainly won't be walking any time soon, as the muscles are damaged, but I can heal the worst of it." Caladus let his face go blank, then concentrates, calling out to the spirits of nature for the power to help. He starts chanting under his breath, and a green nimbus of magic that gives off a slight smell of damp flowers surrounds his hands. He places his hands over the wound, and the flesh knits back together, healing the worst of the injury, but not all of it. The magic fades, and Byron passes Caladus a blue potion, which he downs in one. "Thank you my friend. Now, Shield Dwarf, you will not be walking very well for at least 2 weeks, but at least you will be spared most of the pain."
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"I am not familiar with Athkatla, I'm afraid," Rhaine replied, "I haven't been farther south than Waterdeep. East, yes. South, no."


She watched Caladus tend to Norgold and felt rather guilty for not noticing the dwarf's wound. It was hard to see for the hem of his robe, and Norgold's face had borne no sign of pain.


"Allow me to reduce that time myself," Rhaine added, bending to the dwarf, "Let's see how much of two weeks I can shave off."


She tapped the power within her, concentrating on a full Heal spell. Laying her hands on Norgold's shoulders, she allowed the divine power to flow into him, her body giving off a slight blue glow. Mentally, she could see the weakened muscles, and directed the magic to strengthen them. After a moment, she removed her hands.


"Test your leg now, friend dwarf. See if that is better," she said, hoping the spell had healed the wound the rest of the way.

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Nawen came back from the store. She already had mostly everything she might need. She bought some arrows and repaired her bow and she also bought some other miscellaneous items for herself and for others.


The drow walked up to others when they were still talking about the Baron. "So the undead had reached Amn?" Whatever those necromancers were planning it must be serious. At first she only thought they were attacking only local areas but now...

She also noticed Rhaine as she healed Norgold. Was he hurt? She felt bad for not noticing it. "Is his injury serious?" She inquired.

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Norgold had stood still while the Drow did his work, he was somewhat nervous since he doesn't know him, but however, after he was done with what he was doing, he leg felt better... However, that was short lived as the pain returned. Of course, before he could say anything Rhaine walked over, and put her hands on his shoulder. Before he knew it, the power of the spell was coursing through him, and he himself began to glow lightly, as Rhaine had finished. He felt tired, and his head throbbed from all the magic that had gone through him in less then two minutes, and the pain was still there, but he didn't want to bug either of them about it.


"Thanks, the both of you." Norgold said, as he nodded his head at Rhaine and the Drow, before he noticed that Nawen walked out of the store, "I'm fine now, thanks to Rhaine and our new friend." Norgold said, kinda smiling in pain.

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Ianthe stared at the others as they healed Norgold. She liked the shield dwarf, and was glad they were able to fix him as much as they had.


Hazel, however, was paying attention to something quite different. Even though this town was fairly small, she couldn't help but notice the stares from occasional passersby, their eyes poring over the strange scene she and her companions had made. She looked at them from the corners of her eyes and followed them with her gaze as they walked past, feeling slightly venerable without the cover of trees surrounding her.

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"If this is everything, I suggest we leave. We seem to be attracting... undue attention." Caladus said, looking worried under his cowl. "I suggest we stable your horses at the Green Giant Inn. The owner owes us a favor, so I am sure we can get your Shield Dwarf friend a room to rest in, and a place for your horses."
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Rhaine saw the townsfolk slow down as they passed by the group. It must have been odd, seeing two Drow, a Duergar, a Shield Dwarf, a nymph, a dryad, and a black-winged half-elf all gathered together. But, as her old friend Khelgar had once stated, it wasn't half as strange as most things that happened in Faerun...


"You two go on ahead, if you are so eager," she said, nodding to Norgold and Caladus, "If you'll just mark the Inn on my map here," she pulled the old parchment out of a pouch at her belt. It was old and weathered, having survived many years and battles.


She turned and gestured towards the Temple of Waukeen, "I have some business to attend to with the Golden Lady. I shall return shortly."

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Nawen glanced at the temple to which Rhaine gestured at then looked at the others. "I will go to the Green whatever inn then." The drow looked at the others again, waiting for their answers. She thought that it's not really wise to travel alone even if the inn isn't that far, but who knows when those annoying necromancers or someone else will show up again and it is much better to fight them when you have backup.
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Rhaine returned to where the group lingered.


The Doomguide opened her fist and extended one coin each to Nawen, Norgold, Hazel, and Ianthe, "Take one of these and put it in a place where you know you won't lose it. They're Coins of Life. The goddess Waukeen struck a bargain with Kelemvor and enchanted these coins - when placed under the tongue of a recently deceased person, the magic of the coin will resurrect them. But they can only be used once. After that, they vanish.


"I am, of course, capable of resurrecting with my own power," she continued, "but it takes much of my energy to do it. I'd rather rely on these when I can. And yes, I do expect us to run into some fairly fatal situations. This is the Underdark we're talking about."


She then turned to Norgold, "We should probably be heading to this Green Giant Inn if everyone is ready. Do you require aid mounting your horse, friend dwarf?"

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