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Tales of Faerun


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Norgold grasped the bottle from Caladus, he wasn't entirely sure that any more potions would help him. However, he brought the bottle to his nose smelled the contents. The smell was strong with the mixed ingredients, and finally took a very small sip. The taste was incredibly strong, and Norgold quickly swallowed. A quick and warming sensation came over her body, and he felt well rested... for now.


Norgold followed Byron and Caladus, as they approached the entrance, he felt a dark and cold breeze fall over him. He saw Byron walk through the bush to open the entrance, then the chills became worse. He never thought that he would return to the Underdark. "I never imagined myself ever returning to this forsaken place..." Norgold said depressingly.

Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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Byron walked over to Norgold, and muttered, "Ah nae exactly how ye feel. This be the last place Ah want tae be. Ah want naethin tae do with this place, but Ah have a job to do, and Ah gotta see it through." He clapped Norgold on the shoulder before walking to Hazel and Ianthe. "Ah know ye probably feel scared right noo. Ah dinnae blame yeh. Dinnae worry, Ah'll make sure yeh dinnae fall prey tae a drider, or slaving party."
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Norgold took a deep breath, and uttered a quick prayer. He looked into the eternal darkness and held up his hand, he mouthed a couple of phrases before a light orb appeared floating above his hand. The entrance felt extremely dark and depressing. He could only imagine what the horrors that they would find inside. He turned toward Caladus, "The light will help us see, and it's a holy protection aura, for whatever the horrors we might meet inside." Norgold said, as he turned to the rest of the group. "May the deity's help us all." He added, as he faced the entrance again. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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Norgold, forgetting about introductions beforehand, looked at Caladus. "I'm Norgold Paneak, as you may already know, I'm a Cleric for the deity Dumathoin. 150 years old." He added, and sighed. He just wanted to get this over with. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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Nawen watched Byron as he opened an entrance to the Underdark. She has never been to Underdark before and Caladus was the first Drow she saw though she read and heard some things about it and what races and creatures inhabits the area. "You're from House DeVir?" She turned to the drow. She heard very little about it but still she heard about it...


She removed her hood, showing herself for those who did not know that she is a drow yet. There was no point in hiding this anymore anyway. She glanced at the others before going inside first.

Her eyes started to glow red as she stepped inside and looked around. She heard noises coming from somewhere further from the entrance. Because of her racial ability, Darkvision she could only see everything in black and white while in the darkness but at least she could see in the dark. "It's safe. For now..." Nawen said as she glanced at the entrance again.

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Rhaine mimicked Norgold's spell, holding her hand aloft as an orb of light manifested in her palm and then floated about a foot above her head. She smiled faintly as she remembered it as the first spell she ever cast...intentionally.


Caladus and Nawen both would have no troubles seeing in the shadows of the Underdark - a darkness so thick that once inside, one could not see three feet in front of his or her face. Others of their party, on the other hand, were not so lucky...not even Rhaine, with her Sun Elven heritage.


Rhaine had only been to the Underdark once before, and she had kept to the Upperdark regions. Like the others, she was not eager to return. But duty called for it, and so she would go.


"Caladus, Nawen," the Doomguide finally said, "You two are druid and ranger, and as Drow can see and hear things that the rest of us may not. It may be advisable for you both to scout ahead for a ways, and then call us forth if the way is clear. It will be a slow way to move forward, but better slow than dead."

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Norgold turned to Rhaine, "Agreed, once we are inside the orbs will only be able to light a few feet in front of us. I am uncertain that all of us will leave together, but if we don't... It was an honor meeting you all." Norgold said sadly, and looked at Nawen. "Finally come out of your personal shell eh?" Norgold joked, trying to brighten his mood.
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Caladus throws back his own hood, and shakes out his long mane of Silver hair. Byron walks forward with Caladus. "Most dwarves can see in the dark too." Caladus said. Byron nods. "Aye, a Duergar can see as wael as a drow, an' dinnae forgit it! However, ah have somethin else from tha baron for yeh," He reaches to a pouch on his bag, and pulls out several Infravision charms. "Here. For thaes that cannae see in the dark." Edited by BaldurAnthology
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Ianthe took the amulet and wondered how Byron always seemed to know exactly what they'd need and smiled. She put the amulet in her pocket, in case Norgold and Rhaine's lights should go out, and she was suddenly reminded of something Byron had said. She stared into the darkness ahead and said, "The last thing I'd be right now is scared. I want all of you to know that I'm a good fighter, even if I do hate killing or seeing gore." She narrowed her eyes and her eyebrows furrowed seriously, "I'm ready for anything this place throws at me."


Hazel chuckled as Ianthe became serious, "I have to say, I actually like a good fight." She put on her amulet and blinked a few times as her eyes adjusted to the ruddy glow everything seemed to emanate.


Ianthe put a finger to her lips as she thought, then said, "And Nawen is so... pretty. I don't understand why she wore a hood..." She shook herself and focused back on the black expanse of the tunnel ahead, hands on her schimitars as the sounds of dripping water and stones shifting filled the air.

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