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Tales of Faerun


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"Illithid" Nawen corrected. "Mindflayer." replying to Ianthe's question. She never saw one but read about them in books and saw a drawing of one as well. It was detailed enough for her to recognize one. "They have telepathic abilities so be careful. They love to enslave people of other races."
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Xallistine took a few graceful steps but saw Byron charging at him, he took a light step forward, and raised his long and taloned hand, sending a pulse of Psionic energy, pushing the Duergar away, but not to harm him. He walked past Byron and looked at the others, his collar high above his tentacled head, folded out, a show of age and dominance. He rubbed one tentacle and used his powers to project his mental voice forward, as the Illithid were incapable of speech by tongue "I mean you all no harm... Yet. The slave is unwise to attack... yet i am in no mood to fight back. I have been watching you all intently." He said, his mental voice almost ethereal. It was wise and bold.
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Byron pushed himself back up. His psionic amulets protected him from the worst of the things attack, but not all. "Slave? Ah remember yeh, yeh tentacled monstrosity!" He says, angrily. "Yeh wiped oot the necromancers a few rooms back 10 years ago, and then told me tae run, or yeh'd kill me to. I'll nae be pushed around, nae matter who ye are."
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A chill ran down Hazel's spine as the Illithid began to speak, but the voice came from within her own mind. It seemed this was its only way of speaking, but it still made her shiver to think that the creature had such power that it could get into her head so easily.


Ianthe clamped her hands over her ears, eyes wide, as she heard the Illithid's voice inside her skull. It seemed things in the Underdark were just as scary as everyone had warned.

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Rhaine could feel the illithid's mind within hers, and she could tell that it was far more powerful than the average mind flayer.


"And you would deign to speak with those you consider to be food?" She asked, "How...gracious...of you. What is it that you want?"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Xallistine looked down from his tall height at Byron "You need not act brave. You and your whole race pushed around like the little vermin you are. I saved you for amusement, the fight was unfair, so i evened the odds." He said again mentally. He looked at the group and made comments based on that which he had observed. "Before me stands you. Interesting specimens to be sure: A Drow who has not been truly touched by the underdark... a ranger, a creature of good. Strange, yet fascinating. Another drow, seemingly allying himself with the light also. A pair of Forest denizens... an extraordinary example of specimens, entering the underdark. An average Shield-dwarf... who looks and sounds as his people are described... not particularly intriguing, but fascinating non the less." He then shifted his Pupi-less gaze onto Rhaine, touching her mind with his tendrils.... clear now on whom she is chosen of. "And... You. Correct me if i am wrong but... a Half-Elf. Impure, yet fantastic blood.... Chosen by the god..." Xallistine thought for a moment, making absolutely sure he was right "Kelemvor... yet not entirely sure why.... nor comfortable with it." He said, as if lecturing a class. "I want to share my knowledge... in return for yours." He said addressing them all now.
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"Ah'll bae the one tae decide what Ah do and dinnae do, Ulitharid! Yeh cannae harm me, My amulets will see tae that." Caladus cast silence on his duergar friend, and walked towards the Ulitharid. "Although you are right about a few things, you were wrong about me. I came from the underdark. I left the underdark. Also, your knowledge is useless unless you know the locations of the Necromancers we seek, or of this amulet." He points to the Amulet of the Dragon.
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"You misheard me drow. I was talking about the female when i stated she was not from the underdark." Xallistine said, he then looked back at byron and chuckled "Your amulets would be so simple to break down. they may protect you from simple Psionic attacks, but if i wanted to tear your mind asunder it would be easy... and you underestimate me. I am a Sorcerer, rather than a primary Psionic." Then, looking back to Caladus "You think me lacking in knowledge? The Necromancers are an annoyance, hiding in a cave... summoning there undead. Although i sense they are not of sound mind. Nor of great control, as there legions run gormless around in bloodthirsty rampage."
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