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Tales of Faerun


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Norgold slowly opened his eyes, his body still hurt, but it felt much better before. He looked around to see the group, he had no idea how they managed to get him out, but he was glad. However, they seemed they were talking with someone. Norgold felt his shoulder and his ribs, they still felt broken, but he could move. He slowly sat upward, the pain hurting. He turned to see the Illithid, again, Norgold remembered slightly who he was, but he couldn't recall. He rubbed his eyes and finally stood. Norgold felt dizzy, and light headed. He placed his hand on his head and rubbed his head lightly, and grunted. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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Rhaine was not at all surprised at the amount of information the Ulitharid had gleaned...after all, he was naturally far more insightful than his lesser brethren. And an Ulitharid with sorceric powers was certainly not a creature to trifle with.


Suddenly, Norgold stirred behind her. She immediately sheathed Touch of Death, finally certain that the mind flayer was not a threat. Rhaine spun around and bent to Norgold's level, placing her hands on his shoulders, "Are you all right, good dwarf?"

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Norgold looked at Rhaine, "My shoulder, it's dislocated, an my ribs are broken it seems," Norgold mumbled, his chest aching every time he said something. Norgold grasped his chest in agony. He was going to ask how they got him out, but he decided to leave that thought alone. He looked at the Illithid, "Sorry for my rudeness, but who are you?" Norgold asked curiosity. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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Ianthe cautiously took her hands from her ears, then smiled at the curious creature before them, feeling a strange sense of calm now that the others had confirmed the Illithid wasn't going to harm them. She cautiously stepped in front of the odd creature and held out her hand, "My name is Ianthe Moonblood, but I'm sure you already knew that. I think your tentacles are cute."


Hazel tried to grab Ianthe by her shirt and pull her back, but she was too late. She covered her face with her hands and said, "Yeah, she's a bit curious. She does things like that."

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Byron walked to the injured shield dwarf. "Open wide. This potion requires a very specific amount, or it could do more harm than good." He pulls out his small Vigor Volts bottle, which was a tiny bottle glowing white.

Caladus starts laughing behind his hand at Ianthe, and tries to pull her away from the Flayer to protect her. "Your innocent fascination is going to get you killed one of these days," he says, still laughing.

Edited by BaldurAnthology
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Norgold looked at Byron, "I don't think any more magic and potions will help me, to tell you the truth, I'm surprised I haven't died yet." He said seriously. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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"Perhaps it is best for us to let time and nature take care of him for now," Rhaine added, "It is unhealthy to consume so many chemicals in such a short time frame."


She turned back to the Ulitharid, "Norgold is correct. You have yet to tell us your name." She had to bite her lip to keep from laughing at Ianthe's forwardness.

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Norgold chuckled, it was so fascinating that Ianthe was so friendly toward everything. However, that was short lived as his chest ached again. "If you don't mind now, I'm going to go rest over by the rock..." He said, as he slowly but surely made his way over by a big rock by the wall, where he sat down.
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Nawen was more than surprised how friendly Ianthe was acting. Even towards Illithid yet she was friendly to everyone. She only hoped that her kind and gentle soul won't be the end of her. Though with Hazel by her side it is very unlikely.


Unlike the others, the drow said nothing to the Mind Flayer. Instead, she watched him cautiously maybe in a way she even studied him like he did with them as well. Was it so obvious that she's from the surface world? She did not believe that he is harmless. One can go to a great lengths to achieve the desired goal.

For the first time here, in the Underdark she actually felt uncomfortable while being in the presence of such being.

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