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Tales of Faerun


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Xallistine chuckled and shook Ianthe's hand, his clawed and long fingers wrapping around lanthe's small hand. he said "You find my tentacles 'cute'? They are meant to inspire fear but... i suppose it is best that you do not quiver with fear." He said with a friendlier tone to his mentally projected voice. "You ask of my name? My true name cannot be said by tongue, but you would call me Xallistine. A pleasure to meet you all" He said with a graceful bow. "Your dwarven friend looks like he needs rest. My lair can provide more comfortable alternatives to rocks and threats of predatory animals." Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Ianthe smiled at the illithid and struggled over saying his name for a moment, then said, "Xallistine, I can't speak for everyone, but I think your lair would be a great place to rest!" She walked over to Hazel and knew she'd probably be scolded like a child for her boldness later.


Hazel patted the nymph on the head and looked at Xallistine, "If you truly mean us no harm, then I suppose your lair would be safer than most other places here. I'm sure it is a place that is feared by many." She turned back to Ianthe and whispered, "How is it exactly that those tentacles are cute? They're not just there for looks, you know."


Ianthe wrinkled her nose and crossed her arms, then mumbled, "How can you not see it? They're all smooth and shiny and they look like a mustache!"

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Norgold placed his hand on his knee to keep balance on the rock, his head still light headed and dizzy from the fall, he didn't want to make any choices right now. His judgement is probably a little mixed at the moment. However, they have already wasted enough time trying to save him. "I agree with Ianthe, it's probably best if we find some better shelter then risk sleeping or resting out here, but I think Rhaine should have the final word on this one." He mumbled, with his head throbbing. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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Xallistine liked the young nymph.. she was a very interesting creature, and perhaps the only one to not be scared of him "My lair is feared, hidden, and safe. I can offer beds and food. But i shall leave you all to decide." He said with a nod, and he turned away, and pulled out a tome from his robes with one of his longest tentacles, and began reading from where he left off, standing still.
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Levetra was walking through the Underdark, alongside Scarletia, she kept a haughty posture but walked quite sexually. She passed a rather suspicious rock, a merc wearing crude armour lept out from behind the rock running at Levetra. Levetra reached for her katana and took it from its purple casing. As she took out the sword it wrapped itself in a glowing purple colour, she quickly jumped at least a meter into the air, spinning several times and cut the merc up into small segments as she touched the ground. She pushed the dead body aside with a simple swish of her tail. She started to walk towards the adventurer's. Edited by AnotherAverageName
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Rhaine did not particularly relish the idea of staying with a mind flayer, but at this point, they really had no other choice. Norgold was in bad shape, and every moment they lingered they risked being caught by scouts of Ched Nessad.


"Very well," she assented, "we would welcome what hospitality you can provide, Xallistine. And perhaps you can tell us more of these necromancers."

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Xallistine turned around, and placed the book back within his robes. "Indeed it would be my pleasure to finally have visitors... and i think i may have some natural healing balms and other resources to heal your friend." He paused for a moment and gestured to a winding path in the distance "My lair is at the very top of that rock formation. We can talk as we go if you wish." He said taking a few steps in the direction, gesturing for the group to follow him.


Scarletia sighed and grabbed Levetra by the back of her shirt "No no. Stay here. We can't just walk into a bunch of adventurers you know."

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Nawen listened to the conversation quietly. She trusted in Rhaine's decision and Xallistine's lair was indeed safer than staying out here. She was about to follow them when she heard Norgold. "Here, let me help you." The drow said as she approached the injured dwarf.
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Norgold grabbed Nawen's hand, and he lifted himself up. "Thanks, Nawen." He said thankfully. He slowly caught up with the group and continued to walk with them. "This question has been rolling around in my head for awhile, but how did you get me out friends?" Norgold asked.
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