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Tales of Faerun


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Xallistine led the group onward until they reached a large rock, blocking the path completely, and reaching high enough so there was no room to fly through. Xallistine stood before it and uttered some words, moving his hand in an intricate hand gesture, and the large rocky pillar descended, opening the path to his lair. It was gated off with crude obsidian rails, all spiked, and some sporting bodies impaled upon them, as he walked the gate swung open, and he led the group into the courtyard of his home.


Scarletia returned to her Tiefling friends lair, she looked around until she found her and said "Well... that didn't go as well as planned... i was hoping of leading them astray and making them turn on eachother one by one... anyway, we will have a better chance on the surface, with real people. Not monsters and adventurers."

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OOC: This post is kinda... screwed up, but It does lead to something, I promise.



Norgold, totally oblivious to what was happening outside of his sleeping state, was dreaming. He was dreaming that he had just woken up in a dark and depressing room, the whole area was covered in blood, and body parts. His stomach wrenched as he looked around the room, to see enormous torture devices. Norgold had no idea where he was and how he got there. From the other room, he could hear the howls and screams of pain, a man's voice and a woman's voice. He couldn't recognized the voices, but he had to figure out how to get out and rescue them from their tormentors. He slowly stood up, as he heard the blood from where he was sitting dripping off and landing on the ground. Drip... Drip... Drip... was all that he could hear now, the room had fallen silent, and with each step the blood moved and soaked more of the ground. There were two doors, the first door was the room where the voices came from, and the other seemed lifeless. He tried the first door with no avail, he had to find another way to save the man and the woman. He tried the other door, the wood creaked as it slowly opened. Norgold could feel his heart pounding and his breathing was much more heavier then before, and he stepped into the dark room.


As he walked around, he could hear the whispers of his friends. "Fool!" he heard one say, again, the voices were unrecognizable and seemed muffled. "Dead weight!" He heard again, the voice echoing through his head. "Stop!" Norgold shouted, as he frantically looked around the dark room. "We should have left you to die!" Another shout, now much closer. Norgold swung his fists around in the dark, hoping to make the voices stop. "Worthless!" Someone screamed into his ear, Norgold quickly took another swing, trying to keep his sanity. Again, the voices taunting him. He fell to his knees and clenched his ears, trying to block the voices. "Make it stop!" Norgold screamed, again and again. His last bit of sanity slowly itching away from his mind, but something caught his eye, a light. It dimmed down from the ceiling, and Rhaine entered under the light, a evil grin on her face. "Rhaine... what are you doing?" Norgold asked, as she brought her hands from behind her back, to reveal a curved knife, then another light came on, then Ianthe stepped in, same expression and knife. He continued to look around frantically as his other friends had their own light and knifes. They slowly approached him, he couldn't defend himself, like he was frozen. Unable to do anything. He watched in horror as Rhaine lifted her knife, and quickly drove it down. The knife landed in Norgold's upper torso, with an intense pain, the others also drove their knifes into him. After what seemed like hours, they finally stopped and Norgold collapsed onto the floor, the blood gushing out of his wounds, he slowly died in a puddle of his own blood.


Norgold jolted awake with a horrific scream, his eyes were widened with sheer terror, and he turned to face the group. The faces of his friends plagued his mind, and he quickly crawled away, until his back was against the wall. "Get away from me!" Norgold yelled, terror in his voice as he covered his head with his hands.

Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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Nawen tried to avoid the kick from the tiefling woman but the only way to avoid it was to let her injure Norgold and she could not allow that so unfortunately her boot did hit her. One spike even remained in her leg but she pulled it out quite easily. She was thankful that some woman which seemed like Avariel came and saved Norgold when he was taken away. She felt rather useless and weak that she could not protect the shield dwarf. Ignoring the pain she followed others closely.


Kevorin had finally heard something useful. From what he heard the group came from the south or that's what he heard anyway. Last time the group was seen heading to the mountains. He wondered what could possibly be so interesting there. However instead of going to the mountains he went to the Green Giant Inn in hopes that they will come there or if he'll get tired of waiting he might go after them himself.

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Xallistine turned as Norgold screamed "Quickly! Take him inside, he can calm down there." Xallistine said as he opened the obsidian door which led into his lair.


Scarletia nodded and said "As we walk allow me to teach you how to do a proper sexual walk... yours is okay but it lacks... invitation."

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Rhaine found the Ulitharid's...decor...on his gates to be rather distasteful and disturbing, but she said nothing. They were, after all, at his mercy.


Norgold's sudden frantic and fearful behavior worried her. Was it the enchanted sleep, or the extent of his injuries?


She knelt in front of the dwarf, resting a gentle hand on his head, "Norgold, look at me. You're going to be all right."

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