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Tales of Faerun


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Xalistine entered his dark lair after the others, looking around at the high ceilings and gothic decor. The entry room was full of ancient statues from many cultures, fountains, weapons, drawings, artwork. It was a reflection of his open mind. He looked at Norgold, who was bleeding on a fine table. He clicked his fingers and his servants entered the room, and gathered any medical supplies they could, and got to work on Norgold.
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"OK , you lead the way this time." She said nicely


Retholien walked outside of the mountaintop monastery on sword mountain and admired the view. He sat underneath a blossom tree and enjoyed the scenery.

Edited by AnotherAverageName
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Norgold struggled frantically, trying to escape the grasp of whoever grabbed him. However, he was still too weak from his injuries. As Rhaine knelt in front of him, he could see Rhaine had that same evil grin as he had in his dream, he heard her talk, but it was altered. "Still alive are we? I can fix that!" Norgold heard Rhaine said, in a dark and crackly voice. He saw her hand reaching for his head, and it looked like the knife was in her hand. He swatted Rhaines hand away and pushed her away from him. "Go away you witch!" Norgold yelled, but Xalistine's servants pinned him down.


Norgold was hyperventilating at this point, the fear had clouded his mind. He passed out.

Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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Nawen stood near the door and watched with surprise and worry on her face at Norgold, completely ignoring her own injury. What was wrong with him? "Is he... hallucinating?" She asked and stepped closer to the others.
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Rhaine backed away from the dwarf, slightly hurt that he had called her a "witch," but certain that it was because of his condition.


"I think so, Nawen," the Doomguide answered grimly. She looked at the Drow and noticed a slight shimmer on her calf. There was a trickle of blood running down Nawen's leg.


"You're hurt," Rhaine said, kneeling to the elf's injury, "Here, allow me to tend to that."

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Nawen was surprised how Rhaine noticed her injure and offered to help her. "I... thank you but there's no need for that. It's nothing bad just a scratch." She did not meant to insult the Doomguide by this she was simply not really used to such kindness.
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Shaori noticed that the female drow had been hurt, and muttered a prayer to heal her. "T-there t-that should make y-you feel better." She stammered out nervously, and, blushing at her own boldness, added, "You're pretty, w-what's your name?" Edited by BaldurAnthology
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She was even more surprised when Avariel stepped in and helped her as well. "I... thank you." She said and glanced at her. She also heard her comment an blushed but due to the rather dim lighting near the door she hoped that no one saw it. "Why... thank you. You are pretty too and my name is Nawen. A pleasure to meet you." She said and offered her hand to the winged elf.
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Shaori looked nervously at the hand for a moment, until Caladus walked over and whispered some comforting and explaining words as to what was needed here. She took the hand, and with a surprisingly strong grip for someone so delicate looking, shook it and said "Shaori Winterwing. A p-pleasure to meet you." Although Nawen had strong, roughened hands, she could feel the softness in them, and it fascinated her.
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Rhaine straightened, sighing as she quietly folded Byron's cloak and replaced it in the pouch. She would put it on some other time. For now, she felt a little helpless. Norgold was in the care of Xallistine's slaves, now, and they were all beholden to the Ulitharid for their safety. She could only wonder what would happen next.
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