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Tales of Faerun


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Hazel sat on a chair near the table Norgold was on, quietly taking in all that she'd seen today. She had been swept into something much more exciting and complicated than she had expected when she and Ianthe left the forest a few days ago. However, she shrugged it off and accepted everything that had happened.


Ianthe stood by a bookshelf, stroking the silver lettering on a large volume of some sort. She hooked a finger on the spine and pulled the book out, noticing how heavy it seemed, then flipped the pages carefully. Just as she thought, the book was in the same language as the lettering on the spine, but to her delight, it was filled with pictures of creatures and animals, people and plants. She continued to flip the pages, not quite paying attention to anything around herself.

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Norgold body was shaking heavily, the fear and the nightmare still lingered in his mind while he slept. The nightmare was different each and every time. Sometimes, it would be in the Underdark, sometimes it would be in the Dungeon from the first time, and even there were times he couldn't even tell it was the same nightmare. He was trapped in an endless loop of torture that constantly played with his sanity. The dreams continued into the night... but then a contradiction happened. He awoke in a large, flourishing grass field.


He slowly sat up, the gentle breeze blew against his face. The aroma from the near by flowers smelled wonderful. He had no idea why he was there, but he didn't care. As long as he didn't have to go back to that nightmare. He continued to look around his surroundings, he got to his feet to figure out where he was, or try to anyway. There was quite a large hill to his left, and just open field to his right. Suddenly, he heard a voice call for him.


"Norgold, climb the hill, come talk to me," The mysterious voice said, in a quite sweet and soft voice.


He had second thoughts at first, but something felt like it was pulling him up the hill. Before he even thought about what he was doing, he was already on top of the hill. Norgold looked around. It seemed that this was the only hill in the field, and it was quite odd. He walked forward to reveal a woman, with long flowing black hair, painting the field. She turned to look at him, and smiled. The woman was quite beautiful... stunning really. Her features seemed almost perfect in every way. Plus her smile even stunned him.


"Please, sit," She said, nodding toward the tree stump next to her.


He hesitated at first, he figured this was some kind of trick of some sort, but again, something felt like something was pulling him. Without saying a word, he slowly approached the woman, and sat down on the stump next to her.


"The dreams you were having... they were the work of a corrupted Angel, who has sided himself with the Cult of the Dragon." She said, sadly.


He turned toward the mysterious woman, a corrupted Angel? He knew they were powerful, but he had no idea that they could literally destroy minds... "I knew Angels are powerful, but how did he manage to corrupted my mind like that, even when I was awake?" He asked inquisitively.


The woman shifted her weight uneasily, "Well... he's different then most Angels, he's much more powerful. The Cult did something to him, it seemed that they... fused an Angel and a Demon together somehow." She replied, disquieted.


Norgold held his breath. "An Angel and a Demon, together? How can that even be possible?" He said, dauntingly


She simply shook her head. "Your friends are waiting for you, you need to go back to them. I shall give you a scroll, you should read it when you first wake up. It will block the hallucinations," She said, smiling.


As she finished her sentence, a large glowing light appeared from her body, and Norgold awoke. He looked around to see the group still doing their business, he smiled as he brought his hand to his face. The scroll was in his hand and opened it. He muttered the words carefully, and slowly sat up, and shifted his legs off the table.

Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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Caladus walked over to Hazel sitting away from everyone else. He put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "How are you holding up?" He asked quietly, concern in his eyes. Shaori, meanwhile went over to Ianthe, and glanced at the book. "I- I think it's a b-beastiary, y-you know, with lists of types of beasts? Oh, and I-I'm Shaori Winterwing. Y-you are?"
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Nawen just stood there when Shaori examined her hands. What a strange elf that girl was. When she walked over to Ianthe, Nawen looked around and saw Norgold. He was no longer asleep and read some sort of scroll. "Norgold? Are... you alright?" She asked the dwarf.
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Norgold smiled, "Yes, I'm alright my friends," He paused, as he remembered what the women said to him in his dream, and his smile quickly vanished. He was trying to put his words together carefully. "But... I have much more disturbing news," He began, again trying to put his words together carefully. "The Cult of the Dragon has captured an Angel... they somehow managed to mix a Demon with him. This made the Angel much more powerful, but it also made him corrupted. He's been messing with my mind, trying to make me..." Again, he paused. "Kill you." He said quietly. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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Xallistine stood by the door to his grand library, it was locked tight, with many locks, as well as magical bonds, he noticed Ianthe reading the bestiary "It is indeed a bestiary. Take it if you want, i am done with it." He then noticed Norgolds awakening, and heard his words "You must strengthen your mind for the times ahead Norgold... for the sake of you and your friends." he said gravely.


Scarletia led the way through the underdark, and up into the surface world, once she reached the surface she transformed her appearance, her wings and tail vanishing, her eyes going blue, and her hair black. She had the appearance of a seductive vixen of a woman, and continued down the path, heading for an inn.


(Sorry for Spelling Ianthe wrong.... i was using an L.... sorry Tokyo :()

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Hazel nodded and looked up at Caladus, "I am fine, but it still hurts to know that he is gone. I'm more worried about how you're holding up."


Ianthe nodded at Xallistine, "Thank you, I like the pictures. I can't read this language, but perhaps I will learn it someday." She smiled and tilted the book so that Shaori could see the pictures as well. "My name is Ianthe Moonblood. I think your wings are lovely. You and Rhaine are lucky to have them."

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"By the gods," Rhaine murmured. She was silent for many moments.


Thay all over again...


"There is indeed a way to fuse souls together using powerful transformative magic," the Doomguide continued, "So this does not strike me as odd, only...uncouth."


She put her fingers to her temples, trying to ease a growing headache, "If this thing can strike at you, it can strike at any of us. There must be a way we can protect ourselves from this invasion."


Rhaine heard Ianthe's words and merely smiled at the nymph's compliment.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Norgold outstretched his arm, and opened his palm to reveal the scroll given to him by the woman in his dreams. "The woman in my dream gave me this... It's suppose to stop any hallucinations and from any nightmares from happening." He replied quietly, his throat sore from the yelling that he did earlier.


He looked at Rhaine curiously, the way she rubbed her temple with her fingers... "Headache?" He asked, concerned. Norgold was the same way before he fell asleep. A headache...

Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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