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Tales of Faerun


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Caladus noticed Rhaine and Norgold talking, and walked over. "Here." he says, giving a willow bark infusion. "For the pain. How are you feeling, Norgold? I don't think I heard right, an Angel fused with a Demon? Such things are only spoken of in Drow cities as what NOT to do, they are impossible to control fully." Shaori looked excitedly at the pictures, and said a prayer to remove the winged one's pain.
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Rhaine turned to Caladus, "It is indeed possible to fuse the souls of an Angel and a Demon together. Strangely, because of their polar opposites, they are easy to merge...with the right tools. I knew a Thayan wizard who transformed himself into a clay golem for the sole purpose of the practice of soul fusing. Apparently, such things have to be performed under extremely high temperatures. I watched him fuse two souls into one...half coming from a self-centered and arrogant person, the other half from a selfless and humble being. They became the same soul and thus gained the properties of both."
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"Yes mistress, but that wasn't what I had said, exactly. I didn't say it was hard to fuse them, it just isn't a good idea. because when done improperly, the new fused entity will become incredibly hard to keep under control, as the drow mages would say, loosely translated, 'what can bugger you nine ways to hell' which I think was an apt phrase." Shaori, meanwhile, was enjoying being near the nymph. her hair was really pretty, and she had a smell of grass and the outside that Shaori sorely missed. She took the sharing of the book to get in closer.
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Xallistine had heard enough of these adventurers musings and guesses.... he had extensive and in some cases dangerous knowledge locked away behind the large bolted doors of his Library.. a repository of ancient and profane knowledge, from histories, to rituals... finally he interrupted the ongoing conversation of guesswork "Enough!" He boomed. Just to get there attention "Guessing and judging on past views is not the correct way... instead learn, build your knowledge.. open your minds... and understand." He said, the bolts of the door flung upwards with a loud crash, and the magical wards dispersed, her stood with a bow as the first of many rooms of his vast Library was revealed.


Scarletia looked back at Levetra "Oh i am sure you will find much to amuse you up here on the surface." She said, the green giant inn visible in the near distance.

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Levetra simply replied with an evil smile and a faint laugh. She walked up to the Inn, stood outside and started revealing her body slightly. " You ready?" She asked


Retholien managed to use precognition, he saw the adventurer's but it was faint...he heard some of their names...he took a deep breath out and ceased his zerthin magic.

Edited by AnotherAverageName
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Norgold looked at Caladus, he had forgotten about his injuries, but he hasn't felt any pain at all since he woke up. He breathed in deeply, he couldn't feel any pain whatsoever. Norgold brought his hand to his head, and felt for the gash that he received in his fall. He couldn't even feel a scar. However, he didn't know if Xallistine had healed him, or the woman did. "I don't feel any pain Caladus, but thank you though." Norgold replied quietly.


Norgold jumped when he heard Xallistine's outburst. He wasn't expecting that at all. He did have a point though, it would be better if they learned much more about it then to take random guesses. Norgold slowly got off the table and entered the Library.

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"You misunderstood. I was offering the potion to Rhaine. Your injuries have been healed by Xallistine's servants. She seems to have some sort of migraine. Mistress, perhaps you should take this and take the opportunity to lay down? I think I see a few texts in the Drow language on the cult of the dragon on that shelf. Nawen? Would you assist me please?" At this, Caladus hands the Willow Infusion bottle to Rhaine, walks over to a shelf in the, as he thought in his head, extraordinary library, and started to read. Shaori, meanwhile was still looking at the bestiary with Ianthe, and enjoying herself immensely.
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Ianthe jumped as the doors to Xallistine's library opened, and she closed her book as she ran inside. She started at one of the shelves, admiring how it reached the ceiling and yet was still crammed full of books. Volumes of varying thickness lined the shelf, and she smiled as she climbed a ladder that was connected with it. Her heart thumped heavily as she wobbled near the top shelf, the ground seeming to be much farther down than it actually was. She grabbed a book and climbed back down, unsteadily lurching at a few points. She was glad to reach the ground.


Hazel stepped into the library and pulled a book off a nearby shelf, and shook her head at Ianthe as the girl climbed to the top of a rickety ladder to reach a well-worn book with a leather spine.

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Nawen remained quiet through out the conversation. She had no idea that someone could even fuse two souls into one. That just seemed... wrong. She had nothing to add to this conversation and simply listened. Then Caladus asked for her help. "Of course." She replied and walked over to the bookshelf. She did not know what to look for but she's always willing to help.


Kevorin sat at his table in the inn, watching the people as they come and go. He had no intention of leaving the inn. The weather outside wasn't really all that great when he arrived and he had nowhere to go as well. Few patrons were giving him strange looks but he didn't care. Instead, he just lowered his head and stared at the liquid in the wooden keg.

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