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Tales of Faerun


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Caladus bows gracefully. "Your concern is... appreciated, but unnecessary mistress. I wished to tell you that the bath was available. It is already prepared. If miss would desire it, I have been trained in many forms of Drow massage techniques. The males are there to serve the females. Since you are the only Drow Female here, it is only right I fulfil that role."
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Nawen stared at him with her mouth slightly open. She knew of course how Drow males are treated in the Underdark but still it was surprising and unexpected. She thought of Caladus as her equal. She edged towards the door slightly. "I... thank you but it is unnecessary and please stop calling me mistress. My name is Nawen and I'd prefer if you address me as Nawen and not mistress." She did not want anyone to serve her especially if she is more than able to do things herself.
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Rhaine bowed to Xallistine, "Thank you, friend."


She found an empty guest room at the end of the hall and peered inside. It was lavish, like Drow decor, but very dimly lit - with spidery themes on each piece of furniture. The bathroom next door was empty as well, so she shut the door behind her and prepared to bathe. She set her pack on the bed and began removing her armor.


Rhaine grimaced as she took off one gauntlet. Apparently, one of the beholder's teeth had actually dug into the leather between her bracer and elbow plate, and she hadn't noticed it until now. She suspected that the slightly poisonous saliva of the beholder was what caused her headache, and she healed up the wound with a simple whisper of a spell.


In just her breeches and jerkin, she began to fill the bath, which was made like a small octagonal pool. As she waited on it to fill, she sat on the edge of the bed and began fishing her necessities out of her bag.

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Xallistine bowed deeply as they all picked there rooms. He was especially warmed when Rhaine had called him... Friend... it was not that he was one for being liked but... none had ever reffered to him in such a manner, it was strange but.. welcome. He left the corridor, Walking towards the Red door, he listened to the sounds beyond it's mahogany hue, ensuring all was well, and then retreated to his own personal chambers at the very end of the hall. As he opened the door, the black obsidian chamber was revealed slightly, with it's crystaline lighting formations, and intricate designs. He closed it behind him, and walked through. A deep pool of hexagonal shape lay at one side, full of a strange liquid, Xallistine stood for a moment by it's edge, and the outstreched his arms, and dropped freely into the pool, vanishing from sight.
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Norgold looked at the bathroom door connection to his room, he slowly got up and knocked on the door gently. As he didn't hear the water running, and no-one answered, he opened the door a little, and peered inside. As he thought, no-one was in the bathroom. He opened the door and stepped inside. The room itself was nice, but it had an eerie glow to it.


He began to run the water, it seemed to be nice warm and pure water. Which was odd because of how far they were into the Underdark. However, he didn't mind. As the tub finally finished filling, he took off his undergarments and stepped into the water. The warmness of the water made his skin tingle, it felt extremely nice. However, he quickly washed himself and got dressed again in clean tunic and trousers.


Norgold peeked out his door again, and looked down both hallways. It seemed everyone was settled in, he stepped out and looked down the hallway. He needed to apologize to Rhaine for what he said, he felt horrible about it. It was cruel and unnecessary. He figured that Rhaine was took the last room down the hall. He slowly walked down until he reached her room, and light knocked on her door.

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Rhaine had just finished laying out her things on the bed when she heard a soft knock on her door.


Not bothering to get up, she called, "Come in."

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"Uhm... thank you." Nawen replied, closed the door behind her and locked it. "That was creepy..." She thought and entered the bathroom. Just like Caladus said the bath was already ready. She took her clothes off and stepped into the water. It was so warm and relaxing but still, she took a quick bath and changed into clean clothes she had placed on the bed before the unexpected visit from Caladus.


The drow now sat on the bed and brushed her long white hair as she hummed a cheerful melody she heard in a tavern somewhere.

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While in his own chamber, Caladus starts going through Byron's old bag. He finds all the amulets, and sorts them out into 7 piles. He had a feeling they were going to meet someone else, and divides the amulets. Byron always kept multiples, so he placed one of each type in each pile. He did the same with the rings, and found a Drow heirloom. He checked, and it had his family's crest on it. It was to shield a member of the DeVir family, or those close to them. Thinking a moment, he adds it to the pile for Nawen. He viewed her as family, as she was the only nice drow female he met in his life. He wraps this amulet, as well as a ring for increasing dexterity in a small silk cloth, and leaves it in front of her door, knocking, and quickly withdrawing to his own room.
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Norgold sighed as he opened the door and stepped inside, and lightly closed the door behind him. He turned again to see Rhaine hasn't bathed yet. "I would like to say sorry for earlier... about calling you a 'witch'," He began, for some reason, he found it hard to talk to Rhaine. "It was cruel and unnecessary, and I hope I didn't hurt you to much because of it." He said sensitively. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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