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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine looked up, a little surprised at the dwarf's words. She smiled gently at him, "There is no need for apology, dear Norgold. I understand that you were not yourself. I also understand, from firsthand experience, that psychological trauma causes extremes of emotion; sometimes we feel things that make us say words we don't really mean, even to those whom we love and respect."


She sighed and got up, wordlessly walking to Norgold, kneeling to his level, and embracing him in a tight hug.

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Norgold was quite surprised that she hugged him, he's never seen her with this much emotion before. However, he didn't care. Norgold also wrapped his arms around her. He replayed her words in his head as he hugged her. "I'm glad you understand... It was still cruel, and I needed to apologize." He added.
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Nawen was brushing her hair when she heard someone knocking at her door. She got up and walked over to the door. For a moment she stood there, listening if someone was walking away but she couldn't hear anything. The drow opened the door and peered into the hallway. Nothing. She was about to close the door when she noticed a small bundle of silk lying on the ground. She picked it up and went to her room.


Nawen placed the bundle carefully on the table and unwrapped it. Inside, she noticed a beautiful ring but what caught her attention was an amulet. It was golded, with onyx and a large ruby in the centre. It has drow writing around the edge of the gem, and the back has the mystic runes on it for the enchantment, The ring is silver, with two amethysts and a large sapphire, and the runes of the enchantment are on the inside. Because of the writing she knew exactly who left this. Caladus.


She left her room with the bundle in her hands and walked over to Caladus's room. She sighed and knocked on the door gently. The amulet looked like some sort of heirloom but most importantly it didn't belong to her.

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Nawen extended the bundle of silk with the ring and the amulet inside it to Caladus. "Thank you very much for the gift, I truly appreciate it but that amulet looks like a heirloom, thus I cannot accept it." She said gently. She did not want to hurt his feelings by not accepting such beautiful items but she couldn't.
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Caladus saw her hold out his gift, and closed her hands back over it. He looks her straight in the eye, and says, "That belongs to either a DeVir, or those who are held in high regard by a DeVir. You are the first drow Female that has ever been nice to me. You have called me your equal. It would be an Honor for you to accept that. And you never mentioned your House. Which were you from??
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Rhaine patted Norgold and straightened, looking down at him kindly, "It is accepted, of course. Shall we say, 'water under the bridge'? And speaking of water, I would love to indulge myself in a bath right now. So," she turned from him, "you should probably return to your quarters and rest. After such an ordeal, you no doubt need it. May the gods grant you a blissful sleep, friend dwarf."
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"Thank you. I will treasure it." Nawen said and smiled slightly. She knew he probably wouldn't have taken it anyway. She was surprised to hear that she was the first nice Drow female although she also knew how they usually are it was still strange that there are so little good Drow. It was actually quite sad... "My house? I'm afraid I only know the name of it, House Relve'fer." She told the truth, Nawen knew only the name of her house, she never met anyone from it nor heard anything about it. Her foster father told her this name but nothing else.
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House Relve'fer? Caladus thought to himself. "I.. may have heard of them. Sit down. Relax. Let me see if I have anything on them." He walked to his bag, and pulled out an old and battered set of books. "My journals." He explained. and starts leafing through them. "No... *flip* no...*flip*" He tosses it aside, and reads the next few. "Nope. Sorry, I don't have anything about Relve'fer. However, I meant what I said. If anyone should wear that, it is you. besides, This is also DeVir." He holds up the seer gem dangling from his wrist. "You deserve to have that."
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Norgold smiled, he felt relived that she didn't hold a grudge over it. He turned toward the door, but after hearing Rhaine's words, he turned to face her again. "Yes... thanks again for understanding, and the same for you, Rhaine, my friend." He said, and smiled. Once again, he turned and opened her door, and stepped into the hall way, and closed the door behind him. He slowly returned to his quarters. As he opened the door, something inside of him felt... off. He didn't know what, but he decided to ignore it.


He decided not to lock his door, just encase someone needed him. Norgold crawled into bed, covered himself with the blanket, and closed his eyes. Falling asleep quickly.

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