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Tales of Faerun


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Nawen sighed and sat on the bed. What she knew about spirits could fit into a thimble so there was no point in lying. "I do not know why but I just can't trust our companions fully. They all are good people but why isn't this enough?" She spoke sadly and looked up at Byron. She knew that Drow are distrustful and Dwarves are too when it comes to strangers but they fought side by side already and surely that should be enough.
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"Trust isnae somethin freely given, lass. It's earned, take for example, mah friend Caladus. When Ah first met him, he and Ah tried tae kill each other. Look what happened after, eh? Traveled until death with him. Noo, Ah advise yeh tae at least find trust in him. Yer both Drow, and ah'm sure ye will get along fine." He rose, and for the first time in his, for lack of a better word, Life, Hugged a drow.
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"Thank you for listening." Nawen replied and smiled slightly. She did not know if his answer was the one she was looking for but it helped. She was so surprised when Byron hugged her. For a moment she sat there frozen and did not know what to do. Can one hug the spirit or will her hands just go through him? She shrugged it off and carefully hugged the dwarf. Her hands didn't go through him...
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"There ya go. Noo, Ah gotta check up on the others. Ah'm sure Caladus would welcome a talk. He could probably use it. However, Ah'll nae surprise him yet." Byron floated off through the door, and went into the library again, seeing Rhaine was up. "Ah, there ye are, lass! Ah was jus' lookin for ye!"
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Norgold looked up to see that Rhaine had entered the library, he grinned but that quickly faded away. He sighed and looked down toward the pages again. There were massive piles of books behind Norgold, and the various shelf's were missing all or almost all their books. his eyes had incredibly dark black circles under his eyes, and his skin was somewhat pale. It was obvious that he didn't sleep at all last night. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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"Help? No no.. i am fine. My state is being treated... as well as it can be." Xallistine said, coughing again, and then looking at some of the books on his desk... one in particular caught his eye... something just told him that something was not right with it. He picked it up and flipped the pages until it reached the back cover, and with one talon he cut it open, and pulled it away. Dropping it on the table to reveal a dagger imbedded inside. It was a dagger of the cult of the dragon, more importantly, bearing there seal, and a clawed hilt. "As i had inklings of... the cult use these books to..." He was about to finish his sentence but he broke out into another painful cough.
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Rhaine smiled at Norgold but then stopped as she saw Byron...or who she thought was Byron.


"You were looking for me? How did you-"


She cut herself off as Xallistine entered, coughing severely. Something was wrong with the illithid, and...


The mind flayer had opened one of the books to reveal a dagger hidden in its back cover.


"Xallistine, what's going on?" she asked as the illithid fell into another coughing fit.

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