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Tales of Faerun


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Ravenna walked the halls of the dragon cults temple, briskly, her dress dragging across the marble floor as she walked, her head held high in evil though. She turned a corner to see a woman, who was not of the cult, walking the halls, stealthily, unseen. Ravenna smiled and walked closer, then suddenly putting her hand on the woman's shoulder, gripping it tightly, exerting pressure "I don't think you should be walking around here... should you?" She whispered coldly and menacingly into her ear. Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Norgold looked up once more to see that Nawen was now with the group, again he smiled and was about to explain what they were doing before Shaori explained everything. Using his hand, he rubbed his eyes once again and looked down toward the pages once more, amercing himself with the knowledge. He yawned quite loudly, forgotten that he hasn't slept at all.




In the Cult of the Dragon Temple...


Olivia was about to turn the corner before she felt the hand on her shoulder, her heart went into her throat and she gasped. Surprised they caught on so quick. She didn't expect whoever it was to grip so tightly, and the pressure from her fingers began to hurt excessively, Olivia quietly yelped with pain. She felt the cold and dark presence of the person behind her, then she could hear the soft breathing next to her ear. Finally, the person talked, and to her surprise it was a woman. Just the tone of her voice gave Olivia a chill down her spine. She hesitated to answer, but did anyway. "N-no..." She said softly.

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Ravenna smiled and continued in a darker tone "No... you are not... correct... do you know what happens to people who intrude?" She asked in the menacing tone. "They die..." Ravenna said the last words with a great darkness, and put more pressure on Olivia's shoulder, and trying to push her to the ground.
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"Sacrificial dagger? Where did you get that?" She wondered how this dagger will help them exactly but still it was something. Nawen turned to Shaori and smiled warmly. "My name is Nawen and if I remember correctly yours is Shaori?" She said in a friendly voice. "Maybe you should try and get some rest." The drow said to Norgold when he yawned. It's a bad idea to do something when you are tired and haven't slept in a while.
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Olivia wasn't scared for her life, it was more about the way the women talked that scared her. In all of her life, she hasn't heard anyone talk in such a dark tone, and she wasn't going to find out what happens if she doesn't do anything. However, she needed to play along for now. She stood quietly until she heard the woman's last words, in which her eyes widened even more, then the pressure was so incredibly painful, she fell to her knees. "Ouch! Stop!" Olivia quietly called out, pain in her voice.


Norgold shook his head, still his eyes were on the pages of the book he was reading. "No, I need to find out more about this Cult of the Dragon, we should find out anything that we can before we face them." He said, in a vague tone.

Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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Ravenna smiled slightly, still not revealing herself to Olivia, she could tell her dark tone made her uncomfortable, so continued to use it "But why stop? When i could hear you scream in agony as your life is taken from your body... it would be so entertaining..." She said, drawing her dagger, which made a loud sound as she unsheathed it, and she slowly knelt down. putting the dagger slowly onto Olivia's throat.
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Norgold yawned again, but still awake and reading. He needed to figure out this, one way or another. Even if he reads still he passes out. He'd feel much more better knowing his enemy then trying to tussle a monster in the dark.



Olivia, now scared to death, was quickly looking around for anything that she could use. Her heart sank when she didn't find anything, then she heard the woman talk again. The way she said that sentence, that Olivia knew she was completely serious. However, the sound of the sword or dagger being unsheathed almost sent her to the breaking point. She was now breathing incredibly short, but heavy breaths, and her heart was beating incredibly fast. Then the feeling of the dagger on her throat sent her over, a tear ran down her cheek as she was thinking her death could be any second now. It was hopeless, the grip on her shoulder was too painful for her to use her arms, and she couldn't use her legs because she was on her knees. "Please... don't," Olivia begged, she never thought to resort to begging, but she was desperate to try anything right now.

Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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Ravenna laughed darkly, this entertained her more than anything, her sadistic roots shown, this was how she had her fun... breaking even the strong willed, with all to real threats of death. She heard Olivia's begging and slowly moved the dagger around her neck, clockwise, not drawing blood, but hard enough to cause irritation, and slight pain, she then knelt down once more, the dagger back where it started, but pressed against her throat, Ravenna's evil eyes staring directly into Olivia's "Please? Don't?... oh but why not? this is so much fun..." Ravenna then withdrew her dagger, and replaced it with her hand, gripping around Olivia's throat, and lifting her up as Ravenna arose "Young... fresh... smooth... ah you will be perfect to drain of all life.... make you wither slowly and die... painfully..." Ravenna said, darker than before, she opened her mouth and a strange pull of energy escaped, latching onto Olivia's perfect face, and slowly starting to suck the youth from her...
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