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Tales of Faerun


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Sin, who had stayed remarkably quiet as they traveled, some from feeling outcast and some from the sheer relief of not having to watch her back every minute. Sin watched the others look at the city. She was used to traveling some in large places and so did not take notice of all the decoration and hassle of a city getting ready for something special. Instead she looked around in the corner and sides of buildings, looking for familiar faces.


Suddenly she spotted what she had been searching. Up high on the roof of a building she saw several very nimble humans that were helping with decorations. They flipped and dropped and swung with glee on ropes, hanging things here and there, all the while practicing their skills. Staring harder, Sin let loose a whoop and a laugh and ran over to the side of one of the buildings. Yelling louder than a fish mongers wife, up at the dark-haired male, Sin grinned as she called out, "Dimitri, Come down! It's Sin!!"

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While Rameses's anticipation only grew by the day as they travelled to Furthinghome, Eirene gradually became more hesitant and withdrawn since she wasn't accustomed or felt very comfortable with such cosmopolitan settlements. As their group ventured through Furthinghome's streets which were so flamboyantly decorated for the upcoming gala, the fire genasi among them breathed a sigh of relief as he revelled in all there was to see. He was born and raised in such a city, after all, so he was an honest city boy at heart.


Listening to his companions as they spoke, Rameses quickly realized how much he was missing the city life while spending so long out on the open road. "Attending this celebration ought to mean a night to remember is in store for us," He mused with a wide smile, reclining in Jarl's saddle as the magnificent dusty white camel lumbered onward, "Although, how are we supposed to pay for the proper attire for such festivities? I know I'm not exactly, eh, well off, so to speak."


Rolling her eyes, the Mulhorandi urged her chestnut brown horse forward to trot beside the genasi's towering steed. Glancing up at Rameses, Eirene spared an amused smile and remarked, "I would have never presumed you to have a soft spot for urbanites, Rameses, considering all our paths crossed in the vast emptiness of the wilds."


Her comment brought an even greater smile to Rameses's features, and he began contemplating on a response before his thoughts were interrupted by Sin, who raised her voice whilst greeting a resident she must have known. Arching a brow, the genasi inquired in the dark elf's direction, "Friend of yours, perhaps?"

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"Oooh I dunno Abs." Leif said before ruffling Abby's hair. We might be able to put some of our more famous member's reputation to good use here." He said, aiming a grin over to Rhaine. once word spreads that there's a legit Chosen in town I'd wager that whoever's putting all of this together will come running to meet her."


Lucas however, had his doubts. "Are you sure it would be a good idea to go around announcing her presence though? The last thing we need is the wrong kind of attention."


"What's a good plan without a little risk of it all going horribly wrong eh?" Leif shrugged.


"That IS what a good plan is." Azuris growled. He had been in a relatively decent mood up until they entered the city. The stuffy atmosphere of the oncoming high class party putting him back into a sullen mood.


"Yeah I don't like those." Leif dismissed with a wave of his hand. "If that plan don't work then howabout we we sneak Hexol into where they're setting up the party and...." Halfway through his thought, Leif's head slowly turned back to where the Kender had been just moments before. He didn't even need to say anything else for Azuris to let out a loud groan, and Lucas to roll his head back in weariness. For a brief moment they had all forgotten the number one rule of entering a new city with a Kender, never let them out of your sight.

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As usual, the young thri-kreen was excited from seeing a new softskin village. "Are all softskin villages like this?" He asked aloud in awe, taking everything around him. He became distracted from this, though, by Rhaine's words on their plans. "A-attire?" *Tck?* He looked at the winged pointy-ear, antennae beginning to twitch in agitation. "Does clutchmate mean that we must wear... cloth?!"


This line of thinking began to perturb the thri-kreen, the prospect of having to wear clothes of all things abhorrent to him. "If clutchmates think I will wear silly softskin cloth..." *Tcktcktck!* We'tak clicked his displeasure, and began murmuring in thri-kreen several unkind words about clothes, to the point he paid no attention to Sin's greeting.

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Rhaine gave a sideways glance of disapproval at Leif, "I'd prefer we not go shouting my arrival from the rooftops just yet."


Conall then squinted at We'tak's remarks, "Well, I wouldn't think-"


"YES!" Abby suddenly squealed, bouncing up and down and around in a circle around the young thri-kreen, "Yesyesyes! You MUST! We'll get you the cutest thing EVER and you HAVE to wear it!" She then gave We'tak the biggest, most adorable expression she possibly could with her big, yellow-green eyes, "Pleeeeeeease?"

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Sin did not hear the question as she bounced up and down, waiting for Dimitri to come down from his heights. Unable to contain herself she studied a rope and had started a swinging climb when Dimitri called out. "Ho there love, contain yourself while Dimitri gets his old hide down. I don't move as fast as I used to!" This comment gained laughter and more than one smirk from the other humans climbing like spiders upon the heights. Finally Dimitri made his way to the ground and took a good look at Sin. Saying nothing he merely opened his arms wide and Sin rushed forward to his embrace.


"Sorry I am to hear about your parents. I have been worried at your absence. My home, though small and traveling is always there when you need it or just want it a bit also." Dimitri pulled back and used the back of his gnarled hand to wipe away the tears coming down Sin's face. She looked up into his kind and soft brown eyes. The wind picked up some black hair, flopping it about, showing a streak of white, wide and on one lock of his hair. Dimitri was not a tall human but he still towered over Sin as he offered her a smile.


"Your parents were good people. I never cared much about any of your being Drow. Good people are good people. And you little one, " Dimitri flicked a finger on the tip of Sin's nose. "You are safe here. You belong with us. You have ever shown your willingness to protect us, listen to us, love our tales and music. You are welcome here." As Dimitri finished there were nods and murmurs of 'yes' and 'of course' from the others that had dropped their work to swing, hang or sit low enough to hear. Sin wiped her eyes on the back if a sleeve, looking more like a child that her years suggested.


"I know and thank you. But I needed to hide some and then I was lost..." Sin pointed suddenly at the group still standing mostly close by. "See here...I found some people to help me!' Sin grinned at the others and Dimitri. " And....I slept in a tree like you taught me! But I must need more practice cause it really hurt my behind." Sin them gestured toward the others. "I though maybe you can help them also?"

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Leif snickered at Rhaine's reply. "Well I wasn't gonna go that far, but then again..." He said, looking up at the top of the nearby buildings with a thoughtful expression. "They do look easily scalable." But suddenly We-tak's anger at the thought of clothes and Abby's excitement brought another idea to Leif's mischievous mind. "Bright blue dress and a bonnet." He said to Abby with all the seriousness he could muster.

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Abby's exclamation aimed at forcing We'tak into a proper outfit for the upcoming gala was soon followed by Rameses's erupting outburst of unrestrained laughter as well as Eirene's hushed giggling and snickering. Almost falling out of his seat, the genasi gripped the horn of his camel's saddle as he tried to wipe the tears from his eyes, his szuldar markings flaring energetically with every movement he made. Meanwhile, the Mulhorandi's face burned an almost cherry red color as she suppressed the urge to mirror Rameses's obvious amusement. Once their spree of chuckles and laughter subsided, Rameses heaved a heavy breath.


"We'tak wearing clothes... It'd probably take some divine intervention to make that endeavor possible, huh?"


Her smile still beaming with joyful amusement, Eirene nodded in agreement, although Leif's suggestion regarding a dress and bonnet only confused her. "Erm, I do not believe We'tak would appreciate that choice of attire if, well, he understood their connotations, Leif..."


Unlike their ranger companion, Rameses merely shrugged the idea off, neither agreeing nor denying it as a future source of entertainment. Leaning back in his seat relaxedly, he then observed the brief reunion between Sin and the fellow she referred to as Dimitri. Seeing such an ordinary fellow and such an exotic lady seem so familiar with one another taunted the genasi's curiosity, and he remarked to his other fellow adventurers, "Pardon any assumptions of mine, but I don't reckon those two are distant family unless the elf blood doesn't carry over very well from one branch to another on the old family tree..."


Pondering such thoughts herself, Eirene dismissed Rameses's speculation with her own, "They seem like close friends, at the very least. Perhaps our newest accomplice shall introduce her affiliate once they finish catching up, as it were?"

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We'tak began to falter before the onslaught that was Abby's pleading, the thri-kreen backing away slowly. Granted, the idea of wearing softskin clothes was... different, but was it so bad? However, the willful hatchling threw up a wall against this line of thinking. It was so wasteful and unnatural to do such a thing among thri-kreen. "But We'tak does not want to wear clothes..."


When Leif began his assault as well, he felt like he was on the wrong side of the hunt, with him being the prey, and these two the hunters cornering him in a trap. Just then, he heard the laughter of Rameses and Eirene, and with his new friend Sin already engaged elsewhere, he felt his list of allies shrinking rapidly in this dread encounter. Looking around, We'tak spotted what was perhaps his last safe haven, and ran for it desperately...


"Maydiira...!" *Chee...* The thri-kreen chee-d despairingly as he took cover behind the dark winged pointy-ear. Surely she, who shares his ideology on clothes, would understand his current plight and help him. "Please do not let clutchmates make thiss one wear so much cloth. You understand. Yess?"

Edited by GrueMaster
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Sin grabbed Dimitri's arm and began pulling him toward her new travel mates. She was so happy to have found the troupe here that her face felt like it would break from joy. She admitted quietly to herself she had been worried how they would see her as she was now a burden and not just a trader as her parents. She really had nothing more that the things in her pack. She didn't even have much of her parents things as the attackers had taken most of it. Only what Sin had ran with...well...she couldn't think of it now.


Still dragging the carnie along she pulled up to the group. "This is my great-good friend Dimitri. He is head of the carnies that are decorating and will be performing at the festival." Sin nodded and Dimitri gave a understanding smile at the group and waved his hand. As he opened his mouth to speak, Sin, who had caught some of We'Tak's conversation suddenly walked over beside him, leaving a somewhat out of place carnie to fend for himself.


"Ohh...wait I know!! We'Tak...I know clothes must be odd to you...but I know of something that perhaps you would could wear that was loose enough for you to move all your..arms and things..and also be a bit of fun!! " Sin then began describing a loose robe with a pouch belt and the robe had many hidden pockets. Sin told We'Tak that he could have some things he found in them and also food he wished to eat. This would satisfy people that wished him to wear something in the city-and be interesting as he could have much food and interesting items with him in the pockets and pouches. The young Drow then beamed at the Thri-Kreen and the others as if this would solve everything.

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