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Rhaine looked up from Xallistine's desk, "Ah, good morning Ianthe, Hazel. We were just discussing some of our finds and attempting to decide what course of action to take."
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Norgold was examining the dagger until he heard Caladus, then he heard Hazel, and Ianthe enter the library also. "Morning, hope you both slept well," He said, and smiled, then went back to examining the dagger.
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"Morning, Caladus. I slept wonderfully, thank you, Norgold!" Ianthe beamed, "I drew myself a bath and slept underwater. It reminded me of home, except with more fragrance to the water, since I used bath oils and--"


Hazel smacked Ianthe on the back of her head lightly, a blank expression on her face, "There are more pressing matters at hand, dear." She walked over to Shaori, who she spied hiding in a corner of the library, "Is something wrong, little one?"


Ianthe crossed her arms, "So what did we miss?"

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Shaori jumps and blushes again, and says in a whisper, "Caladus. He.. smiled at me." Shaori giggles. Caladus turns to Ianthe, and says "We found a sacrificial dagger in a book, dear. It has similar markings to those of the Cult of the Dragon. We are trying to figure out what to do about this," He smiles at her. "Come on! Join over here. I am going to see if I can find something edible here."
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Norgold smiled, it never ceases to amaze him how Ianthe is so bright and positive, even in the most darkest of situations. However, he was surprised how Hazel reacted, she was just expressing herself. "We'll talk about it later," He said, then he picked up a new book and flipped to the first page.
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"Hmm. We seem to have...wait," she paused, suddenly spying an emblem on the pommel of the ritual dagger. It was tiny, barely noticeable, but there.


Rhaine picked it up carefully, looking at Ianthe, "I believe this dagger points to our next surface destination, after we take care of the Cult base nearby. Look here. It is the purple dragon insignia of Cormyr."

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Rhaine shrugged, "The emblem is unmistakable. Only those of Cormyr bear the sign of the purple dragon. It is quite possible that this belonged to someone of Cormyrean nobility. That doesn't necessarily mean that your father has anything to do with it...but we can't rule anything out."
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"May I see that?" Caladus asks, taking the dagger from Rhaine's hand. He pulls a small charm with a clear gem he found in Byron's bag. He stares at the mark through the gem, and says. "That is definitely a noble, worryingly, see that small bit there?" He indicates a small gold fleck made visible by his magnification charm. "That is the same symbol on the cloak clasp as that of the Dryad who gave Byron the Tree Restoration Potion. Her name is Cornflower Stormcrow, she is the head of Redwall Abbey, which itself is in Cormyr. Anyone know of her?" In the corner of the library, Shaori and Hazel were still talking and giggling.
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Nawen sighed as everyone continued talking and ignored her comment. For the rest of the conversation she remained silent until Hazel and Ianthe came to the library. "Good morning." She said to them both. It seems they all had already figured out where on the surface they should go next. She heard of Cormyr and if Ianthe will find some answers or even her father there it will be more than worthy trip.


She approached the table and looked at the others. "Well if we know our next destination I think I'll go and scout ahead. Might find something useful too like a hidden entrance."

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