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Tales of Faerun


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Nawen was caught off guard and this flight was really unexpected and not that pleasant. As soon as she was back on the ground, the drow glanced at the blackness above. "Next time let me know before you do this." She said and noticed that Shaori was lying on the ground. "Oh! Are you alright?" She asked as she helped the Avariel to stand up.
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Norgold looked up to Rhaine, obviously concerned. "I'll be fine, just let me collect my armor and weapons." He said, smiling. He promptly got up from the chair, and went into his room again. He had some trouble getting his armor on, but he eventually did. He sheathed the hammer and hooked his shield on his back, and went back into the library. "Ready," Norgold said. He leaned against the bookshelf, waiting for the others.
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"If it weakens you then you shouldn't do it. I don't want you to tire yourself." Nawen said and entered the lair. She didn't have to look for the others because it looked like they were already ready. "Shaori found a hidden entrance to the cult's base. Oh... and I think I saw a statue of Lloth there too." The drow added and glanced at her companions.


Vaasa. Illius walked along the road, leaving the small village behind. Vaasa was known as an untamed wasteland of frozen moors and tundras but for some reason the sorcerer was fond of this land and liked to come here whenever he had a chance. It was getting dark already but luckily for him, the Stout Oak inn was nearby.


Illius entered the tavern and looked around. The sound of creaking door caused most of the people in the tavern to look up. Some, after seeing the sorcerer simply returned to their previous activities some grunted something with furrowed brows and glared at Illius for making so much noise.

The sorcerer walked up to the counter and ordered some food and ale and went to the table which was in the very back of the building. He looked around for a bit before settling himself on a rather uncomfortable wooden chair. Once his food and drink were already on the table, Illius pulled a journal from his bag and opened it.


During his stay in Vaasa he met a member of the Cult of the Dragon who attacked him on sight. This very same journal he held in his hands, he found in the bag of the now dead member. Illius heard many worrying stories about the cult and their recent activities all over Faerûn. He only hoped that those tales are just tales...

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Caladus saw Nawen walk in supporting Shaori, and Rushes to help. "What happened? What's Wrong?" In the Feast Hall, Byron is once again approached by Dugmaren and Dumathoin. "Rise, Byron. Your tasks upon the Prime continue once again." Byron stands, then the feast hall fades away to be replaced by the library. "Wael, it be sunset, and haer ah am. Hoo can Ah be of assistance tonight?"
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Xallistine looked at the ghost that had appeared in his library "Ah... it is you... You mean to assist us?"


Ravenna stood in a room she had taken for her quarters in the temple, she stood looking in the mirror, her face twisted with horror as she traced her wrinkles with her hand... she turned away from the mirror and into the bathing area... a large pool was full of milk, rich and white, fresh. Ravenna removed her clothes and stepped into the pool, laying in it, and then submerging herself in the pool.

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"Aye. That ah do. Noo, what be goin on with this wee gatherin with the weapons.?" Caladus turns. "I swore I just.. Byron? What.. but you died!" Byron laughs. "Aye. That Ah did. " Shari starts a ritual, and fires banishing spell at Byron. Byron flickers, but does not banish. "Nae gonna work, lass. Ah been sent by tha dwarven gods tae assist. Ye cannae bannish me."
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Rhaine laughed at Shaori's attempt to banish Byron. Useless, of course, since he was not undead.


The Doomguide inclined her head to Nawen and the Avariel, "Our friends here just found the temple of the Cult of the Dragon. And, if what Nawen says is true, there could be Drow involved in this little branch. If so, Lolth may find herself short of a few Handmaidens," she winked at Caladus.


She sighed, "My only worry is that Norgold is fatigued...which will make him vulnerable. Other than that, I would say we were ready."

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