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Tales of Faerun


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Nawen watched the argument between Saerileth and her mother in silence. She felt so sorry for the young girl that she has to deal with such problems and that her mother talks about love and caring yet shows no emotions which doesn't make her words sound sincere. For a moment she thought about her real mother she had never met before and wondered how similar or different she is or was compared to Aricia...


She was about to say something to Aricia when Saerileth came back and it seemed that she wanted to talk to her mother so she decided to remain silent and say nothing. It would have made things worse anyway.

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Aricia stood, feeling the gaze of disapproval from everyone around the camp, she was a woman who held her head high, and kept her emotions buried, for to her they would only weaken her... after a while, Saerileth came back, and Aricia looked at her daughter "Very well mine daughter..." She said, and walked to privacy with Saerileth.


Xallistine watched the whole event, and then remarked "Such things are saddening... yet make me glad we Illithid do not have parents."

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Olivia stood up again and pulled Loyalty out from the ground. She sheathed the katana and sat down at the fire again, extending her arms out for better warmth. Olivia watched Saerileth and her mother walk away from the camp, unknowing if something will happen or not.
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Rhaine walked back into camp, retaking her place by the fire. She said nothing, simply staring into the flames. There was a sense of unease around the camp, now, that would likely only subside when this tension between Saerileth and her mother was resolved.


She reached for her pack, then took out the ceremonial dagger and the necklace that Ravenna had surrendered - both items glittering in the firelight as she examined them.

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Saerileth stood there staring at her mother. She wanted to stay angry, she wanted to hate her. The tears welled up in her eyes again, and she flings her arms around her mother, "Why didst thou not even stay for celebration? Thou couldst have stayed when I was accepted into the temple!'


Caladus breathed out a sigh of relief when he saw Saerileth hugging her mother, He had a feeling that her mother was someone who did care, but hid it to not appear weak.


Shaori came down and landed, but lost her balance and fell onto Caladus.


Byron bursts out laughing.

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Olivia was starring at the fire when Rhaine came over, and sat down. She looked terrible, as if she hasn't slept in days, or weeks for that matter. However, Olivia saw that she pulled out what looked like a ceremonial dagger, and a necklace of some sort. She tilted her head and raised her eyebrow in curiosity. "What are those?" Olivia asked, pointing at the two items Rhaine held in her hands.
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Rhaine handed the dagger to Olivia, "This is a ceremonial dagger of the Cult of the Dragon, likely once held by nobility. If you look at the pommel, it bears the symbol of Cormyr, as well as some other insignia that Caladus recognized."


She looked at the necklace, watching as the gemstones reflected the light with a crimson glow, the silver medallion it bore shining brightly, "And this appears to be a talisman of a Red Wizard of Thay."

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Shaori struggled to regain her footing, blushing and stammering apologies.


Byron continued laughing.


Caladus was grinning as he helped Shaori to her feet.


Saerileth refused to let go of her mother. 'I am sorry for all I said to thee. Thou art mine mother, I shouldst not have acted as such."

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