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Transfer a modded skyrim to another computer


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Hello people,


I want to transfer my modded skyrim game from my desktop computer to my laptop.


But i'm wondering about the mods load order. Do i need NNM installed on my laptop or can i skip this part and the game will recognise the correct load order on its own?


If nobody got the answer i'll probably try it anyway and post my "result" here :)


Thanks for your answers.

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I've been thinking recently about what would be necessary to package my installed mods in such a way that I can unpack them and have it work as expected. This would be useful for exactly the kind of scenario you described. Or maybe I want to nuke my laptop and reformat the drive for some reason, but don't want to slog through a full modding setup from scratch when I already have a setup that I like.


Off the top of my head - maybe a giant merged plugin meant only for personal use?


I suspect that if you're launching the game from a mod manager, the mod manager is passing the load order as an argument to the game executable. Or maybe not - maybe a flag is set for each mod so that the game picks them up in the correct order, which would mean the load order should be preserved without NMM involved.


Let us know how your experiment goes!




Edited by audiodef
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Off the top of my head, transferring the following should get you in the right direction AFTER having installed and initially ran the game on the target computer. I have not actually done this, so please make sure that you do not delete anything from the old computer until confirmed working on the target computer.


For a manual install setup:

The game's data folder

The loadorder, plugin and other text files found in the AppData sub folders related to the correct version of Skryim.


For a non-virtualization mod manager install setup:

The game's data folder

The loadorder, plugin and other text files found in the AppData sub folders related to the correct version of Skryim.

To manage the plugins within the mod manager, you would also need to transfer all mod related folders and files within the mod manager after installing the mod manager on the target computer. This should carry over the information that tells the mod manager 'hey, I installed this so I can uninstall this if need be'


For a virtualization mod manager install setup (i.e. Mod Organizer, Vortex, etc)

The loadorder, plugin and other text files found in the AppData sub folders related to the correct version of Skryim.

To manage the plugins within the mod manager, you would also need to transfer all mod related folders and files within the mod manager after installing the mod manager on the target computer. This should carry over the information that tells the mod manager 'hey, I installed this so I can uninstall this or send it to the game as needed'

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I don't use Reshade, but I know that it's not necessary to copy the entire game folder to preserve an ENB setup. You just need to copy the ENB .fx and .ini files, then use these to overwrite a fresh ENB install. I've actually done this. It probably works in a similar fashion for Reshade.


It's also fairly easy to simply reinstall an ENB preset if you haven't tweaked your own settings.




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Alright thanks for your answers.

I'll 1st try just by copying my whole skyrim folders + appdata stuffs (thanks for reminding me to check there) and my documents stuffs.

I'll let you know how it worked.

If it doens't work properly i'll try installing nnm and copying my NNM folder too.

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Goooood news everyone, it works on the 1st try :smile:


1. Install Skyrim on your other computer
(Launch a new game once to make sure it's working)

2a. Copy your whole skyrim folder from one computer to the other
2b. Copy "Appdata/Local/Skyrim Special Edition" from one computer to the other (It seems the file containing the load order is located here under "plugins.txt"
2c. Copy "My documents/My Games/ Skyrim Special Edition" from one computer to the other

3. Change the line in your "SkyrimPrefs.ini" to match your other GPU
sD3DDevice="Your graphic card"

4. Enjoy


I checked any NNM folder and they contained nothing related to Skyrim SE


In case you're wondering i switched from

a desktop I7 4790k / 8Go Ram / gtx 770 2Go

to a laptop I5 7300HQ / 8Go Ram / gtx 1060m 6Go
And the laptop seems to works as fine as the desktop one :smile:

Edited by TuCMath
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I don't use Reshade, but I know that it's not necessary to copy the entire game folder to preserve an ENB setup. You just need to copy the ENB .fx and .ini files, then use these to overwrite a fresh ENB install. I've actually done this. It probably works in a similar fashion for Reshade.


It's also fairly easy to simply reinstall an ENB preset if you haven't tweaked your own settings.





I am a lot lazier than you. That sounds like too much work.


Your are right. When I moved Skyrim LE from Widows 7 to 10 I had to update ENB & preset since I was getting weird shadows on my characters.



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