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Empty Worlds?


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I could have sworn I'd seen something like this a while back since I can't find anything I'm making a request...


I'm looking for a world space, nothing to crazy, just land and water waiting to be built on. I'm truly surprised there aren't some among the modder resources. And please, don't say 'build my own', I tried. Landscaping is apparently beyond me even with the tutorials to help...And if there is one and I missed it then I'm sorry, I searched the nexus under every word I could think of.

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I think this plan is screwed. All the nice worlds seem to be either already in use or too big/small for my needs. 27 pages of New Lands and nothing usable jumped out at me...and it's not like I'm being that picky! Edited by windclan
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...Anyone able to tell me how big one cell of the world is? I was wandering through the list of world spaces in the CS and happened to zoom out while I had an empty cell loaded into the view window (just ground and a tiny bit of water) and that size actually looked plenty big enough for what I have planned...but I'm not sure if I was actually seeing one cell or if I was seeing parts of several cells... Edited by windclan
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One cell is tiny - equivalent to 192 x 192 feet or 58.5 x 58.5 meters. IMHO, for a worldspace to be meaningful it should be at least 2 or 3 cells in length if it's a walled town, and at least 10 x 10 cells for outdoors.


It doesn't matter if the worldspace is too big - you don't have to use the whole thing. It will also give plenty of room for expansion if you ever decide to enlarge your mod. Some players enjoy wandering through wilderness, taking screenshots as they go. A big empty world would make these players very happy, even if (or especially if) there are no monsters to fight.

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True, I would enjoy that myself to be honest. I was assuming that any space I didn't use (Like if I used Land's End I'd have tons of empty space) would just cause the place to lag since it would still be loading the whole thing...Guessing I was mistaken?


Think I'll have a second look at Land's End, was quite impressed with that one...

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Unused terrain won't cause additional lag - basically the game loads whatever cell the player is in and several cells around it (depending on the player's ini settings). So for terrain more than a few cells away, it won't get loaded and won't cause lag. The only likely negative effect is the file size. :)
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