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Lower-case enchantment re-names


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I don't know if I'm doing anything wrong, but when I enchant an item and then re-name it, the new name appears in all capital letters. It doesn't matter if I type 'Axe of Death' - as soon as I hit enter it changes to 'AXE OF DEATH'.


I absolutely hate it! Am I missing something really obvious? If not, is there a mod out there that just enables lower-case for the enchants? >.<


Any info would be really appreciated, it's been bugging me for ages :rolleyes:

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Uncumber, I suspect that this is an attempt by Bethesda to warn you that THIS is the name you're going to be stuck with as soon as you hit the key to actually craft the item. As far as I know, it's not documented, which is a developer oversight, but I've gotten used to it and it's not an issue for me. It did take me awhile to figure out what was going on, though. I just wish we could rename potions like this, too.
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We're definitely talking apples and oranges, here, worldofscotty. I'm pretty certain that Uncumber is talking about the dialog box that comes up where you type in the new name of the item you're enchanting. This is a standard dialog box. There are no other entries, and, therefore, no way to scroll through them. The only options you have are to type, use the standard Windows keys (assuming you're on a PC) to navigate along that line, delete and insert characters, and tell the game you're finished by hitting <Enter>.-- pretty much a standard "rename dialog" behavior, except for the fact that at one point it shifts all the text from mixed upper and lower case to all upper case.
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