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Grass in the way


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I'm creating a mod right now, which includes a village near Anvil, where some... "things" will take place. Although, I have a problem. These... wild-high-grass thingies...


This is what it looks like in-game.




This is how it looks in the CS, and also how I want it to look in-game.




Basically, I want to remove these high grass stuffs, does anyone here know how it's done?


tHaNkz! :D

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For the grass terrain textures, there's two versions - a normal and a NoGrass version. Paint over the area with the NoGrass version of what it was originally. :)


(Warning - it's impossible to see the difference in the CS!)

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Short answer: Press H to open the Landscape Editor. Ctrl-Rightclick lets you choose an existing texture from the render window. You'll then need to select the NoGrass version of that texture. Right-clicking in the render window paints whatever texture was selected.


Save and backup before editing though, as it's easy to mess things up in there. :)


Long answer: Here's a tutorial.

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thanks, I appriceate the help, but what do I do when there is no NoGrass version of the texture? xD


This is how it looks; there is no TerrainGCgrass01NoGrass :/



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