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What i would love to see in Fallout 4


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They could add 3-4 diferent voices for the character, that would be cool..... right? xD


Or they could do what Valve did for the bots' voice in CSS. I believe they just adjusted the pitch (if that's what its called) of the voice actor to make the voice of the varying levels of bots sound different.

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They could add 3-4 diferent voices for the character, that would be cool..... right? xD


Or they could do what Valve did for the bots' voice in CSS. I believe they just adjusted the pitch (if that's what its called) of the voice actor to make the voice of the varying levels of bots sound different.


Grrr, i would use vocaloid instead >_>


PS I just hope the world dont end this year XD

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Here's a few that would work for me.


Dual wielding handguns ...


Settlements that actually grow over time ...


Player decisions that affect and mold NPC character's ...


Well thought out and rewarding personal relationships, dinner, wine, flowers, giving of gifts, affection, intimacy and marriage ...


Fashion and decent furniture, it's guaranteed that in larger settlements someone's bound to cater to the rich, so why not ... who says you can't have a dyed mole rat fur coat or a sexy gas-mask ...


The ability to gain information through coercion or seduction ...


Enemies that grow in number and take over territories ...


The ability to get pregnant and have kids ...


Horses at least, please, please, please ...


Holsters, ammo belts, magazines that actually work and so to with kit that shows stimpacks or grenades if you have them ...


The ability to become a leader of a settlement and receive an income ...



I can think of quite a couple but that's enough for now.

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I would love to continue the couriers story. I mean the wild card ending has so much potential it could be like the enclave has returned and you have to lead your troops in a battle to stop them or maybe focus on the couriers chalanges as he tries to build a nation out of a wasteland.Or maybe continue the lone wanderers saga as he faces off against the super mutants.So many posibilities :) Edited by Eddieawsome
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Better Game Engine!!!!!!



More People

None of this New Vegas style world

More factions that affect the world

Weapon and Armor mods

More good lore, FONV lore kinda suck :/

Companions who aren't glitched

1st party mods (like a DA2 system where you fill some stuff out and get decent in game items in the form of a mod)

Should take some place in Chicago :D

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I hated that in fallout 2, was a pain in the ass, turn based dont work any more, no one wants to take 20 mins just to fight 4 dudes.


Turn based works just fine, as for the combat speed all the devs have to do is to add options for controlling combat speed, just like they did in Fallout 1 and 2.



i still fail to see the point in going backwards with a game. Turn based isometric games have no relevancy any more, there old, clunky and not to pleasing to the eye.

And you are the reason for the developers to say "We want to appeal to cawadoooty audience"



Simply because of the genre of Fallout. It wouldn't be any fun without some American 50s references and such. Plus more people play it in US then Canada, and US culture is more widely spread making it relate to much more people then if it was canadian. Although if you think about Justin Bieber ghoul, I would buy a Canadian-setting fallout game any day :D

Edited by antonkr
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What I would like to see in Fallout 4...ok lets have a think,


1 - First of all priority would be to make a post apocalyptic world full of proper ruined structures to give a similar fell to FO3. Let's face it NV was just a wild west game with monsters and robots :rolleyes: I remember looking up the game before it came and it described an area nearly untouched by nuclear fallout. Well isn't that a silly idea for a game called Fallout? FO4 should be 70-80% DC style areas with scalable skyscrapers which would be exterior/interior cell friendly (for example debris from the top a building can fall on an encounter below)


2 - Super mutants! I hated they were hidden away in a tiny portion of the map in NV, they didn't contribute to the story in any significant way but were an intregal part of FO3. We could have a better storyline involving the origin of the super mutants which was hinted in notes and terminals previously while introducing new mutant types such as a canine style and more behemoths (with more abilities and maybe the possibilty of an "ultimate weapon" gigantic behemoth)


3 - Better involvment of underwater areas while building on the radiation affects, you can use your imagination with this one but what I am thinking of is extended exposure of water rads giving better water breathing perks, more water based creatures (sea boss?), underwater items for...


4 - Craftables. There should be a chance to make your own poisons, it just makes sense with the amount of harmful chemicals abundant in this world. You could craft some cool new grenades, darts or bolts(for a craftable crossbow?), oil/chem spill traps which could have a 5-10 sec stream time to set up - activate then walk along for the duration which would be ideal for an onslaught preparation!


5 - Vehicles! These should be drivable but would take damage which would be simple using destruction data, limiting their usage. You could find crappy ones in wastes or polished ones in military bunkers! I am not going to hold my breath for this concept as bethesda doesn't cater much for ridables in Fallout, but they should because if we have learned anything from Mad Max is that raiders have bikes which is what makes them so deadly!


6 - More destructible objects. There aren't enough these days in games, it was really satisfying to kill bad guys with exploding cars and trucks. It should be extended to barrels, power stations, more un-detonated megaton bombs, and other stuff like this.


7 - The NCR and the Brotherhood unite. I never liked that I could get the two factions to be friends, it would be epic to a truce to fight against the new mutant threat (see 2). They could combine tech and techniques to build original weaponry and vehicles (see 5), plus...


8 - Turrets. We need mountable turrets for FO4, that's a selling point on it's own in my opinion.


This is how I see FO4 if it were to satisfy me, I can give or take on some part but in general I would like to defend a fort with the support of the New California Brotherhood of Steel from the threat of the Super Mutant hoard along with turret defenders with snipers on the building tops, using the well placed, newly constructed nuclear traps in the heart of a post-apocalyptic town centre.

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