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Gettting old Auto/Quicksavegames running again


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Hey there,

I recently run into a problem with some mods. Because of that all my Quicksavegames and autosavegames which i can acces through the normal load function are made after i triggered the problem. My newest normal save was a while ago(yes i forgot to save) and i dont want to replay the same stuff if i dont have to.

What i want is to load the game from a quick or autosavegame which was taken before i triggered the problem. How can i make them accesable in my normal load function.


Hope you can help me




Edit: I just saw that there are just the SKSE files left in the order and not the ESS files for the older savegames. Can you still get them working?

Edited by LeinadPlays
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No. The game overwrites your quick save and auto save files. It only keeps on hand a fixed number of files.


Going forward you may wish to try one of the many different mods which provide a variety of means to create additional save files without having to access the menu.

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To add to what ff7legend said, you should never use auto-save and quick save, especially with modded Skyrim. Disable all auto-save functions and do full saves. Save only as far apart as you are willing to play again in case of CTD. It's fine to overwrite existing saves during a game session, but make a new save when quitting for the day.

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My Quick save games and auto save games are there. To see them I press "T" to select character & then "show all saves. I have over 2700 files in the save folder, mostly SKSE files. 158 Auto saves, 69 quick saves & 74 proper saves.


If you used showracemenu in the past the game thinks that it is a new character & will keep quick & auto saves of it. That may have gone away with an update. I have not checked recently.


Quick & auto saves are safe if you use media that can do large high speed writes. That leaves out all consumer 7200rpm HDs & some first gen SSDs. There are some 7200rpm enterprise drives that can do it but they cost more than consumer SSDs. If you have the game & save folder on a 2nd gen SSD you will have now problems with them.



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