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Can't find Witcher NMM download.


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So, I've got NMM for TES V, Fallloout, Oblivion. I see the Mods for Witcher 2, but when I go to the Witcher Nexus, I can't find the download page for the Witcher 2 Mod Manager. Is it a separate NMM and if so, does anyone know where to download it? I see the mods can be downloaded, but how do you get them to work w/o a NMM?
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Thanks, that makes sense. Confusing because I can see the mods listed, but I'm guessing to use them you need to manually download them and then add them to the game data file? I bought a hard copy of it, and I'll probably add it or register it to Steam. Either way, can you still use the NMM W2 mods? I've found online where you can't get the achievements (not a big deal for me), but I haven't seen anything yet about a hard copy vs a steam bought one and the mod capability.
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