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my skyrim wont launch please help :S


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Do you mean a NON STEAM INSTALL ???


Ooohh. . . not pirated, I hope?



Its peoples free choice where they install their game, Ask the man if his game is pirated and you never find out!!!


What else could he mean with a custom skyrim.

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I've never heard of a 'Skyrim Custom'. What is that?





My first guess is that he means a custom install. I.E. , not in default folders. As to what to do...I have no idea. I like my default settings regardless of what people say about them. UAC has never given me trouble because it doesn't exist for me.

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Do you mean the 'Launch Custom Skyrim' setting in the NMM?

If so, before you can use it, you will first need to go into the Settings (gears icon) then under the settings select the 'Skyrim' tab to define the custom settings needed to start your custom game.


If the only custom setting you have is SKSE, just use the 'Launch SKSE' as that particular custom setting is already pre defined for you.

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There are three options provided if you have skse and are using the nmm. If you right click on the launch button in the upper right corner you will see: launch skse, launch skyrim, and launch custom skyrim.


The poor guy probably just got nmm and/or skse and doesn't know how to use it.


The custom launch is an option provided by nmm, no idea what it does but some guy asking about it does not make him a pirate, probably just new to the nmm interface.


So, to launch nmmall you do is pick either skyrim or skse and left click. Ignore the custom, you probably will never need it.

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