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Endless Space


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I'm not part of a company or anything like that, but has anyone heard of the game "Endless Space"? Its a 4x game (eXpand, eXplore, eXploit, eXterminate) that's bring developed by a new company, made up of ex employees of Ubisoft and EA. The game is still in development but something really awesome about it is that you can help develop the game. You pay no money, and you vote on what will be in the game. The game looks really good, with interesting ship designs and ship designing, much like Sword of The Stars or Star Ruler.

Here's the link to the site, but once again, I'm just spreading awareness of a new indie game. If you do sign up please say that Flopsies reccomended you.


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There is nothing to download. There is no video really showing actual gameplay. About 80% of the forum posts seem to be pushing people to buying the pre-order on sheer faith that the game will play very well and "Supporting the developers".


Being made up of ex employees from the two worst companies in the name of game development isn't helping things.


Voting arbitrarily on game elements when there IS NO GAME TO SEE just seems like a recipe for disaster.



Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see some game company actually do a modern 4x game that still incorporates some of those elements that made games like Galactic Civilizations and Stars! so addictive and memorable. But too much of this looks like the usual reeking pile of over hyped, misleading crap that is standard for the studios that these employees came from.

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There is nothing to download. There is no video really showing actual gameplay. About 80% of the forum posts seem to be pushing people to buying the pre-order on sheer faith that the game will play very well and "Supporting the developers".


Being made up of ex employees from the two worst companies in the name of game development isn't helping things.


Voting arbitrarily on game elements when there IS NO GAME TO SEE just seems like a recipe for disaster.



Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see some game company actually do a modern 4x game that still incorporates some of those elements that made games like Galactic Civilizations and Stars! so addictive and memorable. But too much of this looks like the usual reeking pile of over hyped, misleading crap that is standard for the studios that these employees came from.


I feel compelled to agree. Especialy about Ubisoft and EA being the worst studios of them all.

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I feel compelled to agree. Especialy about Ubisoft and EA being the worst studios of them all.

It isn't really even that... It's the way that they're already pushing for pre-release sales, and have a release date (in a few months) before they've entered beta or released even a demo. Jokes about EA programming sweatshops aside, that is just too quick of a path between development and release to do anyone any good. Meaning that either they're cutting dozens of corners to live up to a goal, or doing sloppy work that they'll have to patch later. I want to suspend disbelief, but there are way too many warning flags here to get too excited.

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  • 2 months later...
its it single player or multiplayer. cause it sounds interesting, but im not looking for like an MMO or multiplayer game right now. im just looking for a game i can sink a few hours into here in there without any commitment ya know?
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Yeah, the cheap price is what won me over. I wouldn't have been able to squeeze it into the budget this month if it was priced like most new games.


I have to say, I think the battle system is quite interesting. You basically get three stages upon initiating a fight, long range, medium range and short range. During these phases, you choose a card to play, such as taking the enemy's regeneration systems offline. Your enemy also plays a card, and his card can then counter yours, in which case his card's effect activates and yours doesn't, or it can draw, meaning both cards either activate or get cancelled out, or it can be countered by your card, in which case your effect activates and his doesn't. For a TBS game, it's a pretty nifty and interesting system.

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