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Posing dead characters in CK?


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I asked this question in another thread but never got a response . In Oblivion , by turning on havok sim, holding crtl +alt you could precisely move limbs of dead actors. I would like to pose a dragon skeleton, but cant seem to figure out how to do this.
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Search "Dragon" in the actors section of the Object window of the CK. Once done, go and search for "EncDragon******". There's one particular dragon, even tho if not written with SKELETON name, that is actually the skeleton of a dragon. I am talking about the dragon in Skulfand or something like that. Anyway, you are searching for a dragon whose CK name begins with the initials of a quest, may it be "MS", "MQ" or stuff like that.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Well i have the dragon skeleton lying dead in the editor, however I cant precisely move the limbs, only drag the body around . My question is about the editor controls. I would like to pose the skeleton in a particular manner. Checking starts dead and no havok will cause the skeleton to remain in the postion you pose it in the editor. Problem is I cant figure out how to pose it.
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I have this problem , too. In the first quest, when you escape the keep of helgen there are dead bandits / stormcloaks / whatever in the cages. And in the editor they are already posed. Not with these wide arms like in the model phase. Does anyone know how to do that ?


EDIT: I got it. You have to tick "starts Dead" and then click on Havok. Then hold ALT and drag him with his arm / leg / head wherever you want :)

Edited by killerrj8
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