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Floating City Poll


How should it be held aloft??  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Should it be:

    • Absurd miniature dragon wings flapping away on the buildings?
    • Ridiculously space-like thrusters (retextured flames upside-down)?
    • A stupidly giant dragon holding the city aloft on a tether?
    • Magical fog?
    • The stones it rests on are simply enchanted (my original though)?
    • Dwemer propellors?
    • A mixture of any of the above. Please specify in a reply.

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Me and a small team of modders are making a new city, revolving around newly introduced dragon lore and both Ayleid and Dwemer influences. The city also happens to be floating really high up over the Morrowind border. Now, at present, the city is suspended by ancient ayleid stones, which lore states were enchanted to float, and are kept aloft by the resident mages in the city. There has been some debate because aparently implied magic is no longer enough. Everyone is pressuring me to pick a more obvious and in the end, a truly harder to accomplish method of keeping the city aloft. I'm not seeming too biased, am I? :whistling: So now, I put it up to all modders; what'll it be? Personally, I like the propellers because there is an equally strong Dwemer presence in the city as far as the use of technology. Just believe me when I say it,because it will become clear when the quest is released. Or, just head on over to the Dragon City Mod topic under File Requests/suggestions. You should probably do that anyway because hidden within the thirty-some-odd pages is a final view of the exterior of the city. So pick one of the above choices, imagine it on the city, and make your choice. When in doubt, saddle others with your choice! :biggrin:
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I'd go with the fog or some other sort of particle effect. You should be able to rig something decent without too much time spent on it. Going with all the other stuff means spending alot of time making new models, textures, then getting them animated and hoping that it even looks right.


This way you also don't need to make any changes to lore as well.

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1, fog

2. a giant dragon like the turtle in discworlds

3. dwemer engines tho these only existed in vvardenfell if im right

4. magical stones + fog


but fog being generated by some kinf of artifact, crystal or mighty mage would be cool... at least as the side effect of the technique used

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Seems to ME that this POLL is UNFAIRLY BIASED!!


If you read the THREAD in QUESTION(!) another innocent bystander suggested BALLOONS.


Do YOU see BALLOONS listed AS a CHOICE?! I didn't think so.


Seems to ME that the only way to right this heinous injustice is to go with the idea that most represents the spirit of that poor young balloonist, just looking for somebody to share his dream. Do the right thing.


Vote Propellors '08.


I am a propellor, and I approve this message.

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I vote for a mixture, or rather I can't really decide, either the fog, the magic stones, or both. Maybe less magic stones w/ fog in the middle. I guess I like the original idea best.
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Although I suggested the fog/mist/clouds, it was only a suggestion to be considered IF (and only if) you and the team chose to add some visual evidence of what keeps the city in the air.


My personal preference is to keep it, visually, as it is, so I vote for the original magic stones.


The first reason is that the city is so beautiful! Any of the additions would be just a distraction for most players.


The second is practical: less work for the team and less work for the game engine (I remember reading somewhere back in the thread that there was already some concern about FPS)


PS. IF you go with the fog, PLEASE, don’t make it an aura! It would prevent the player to fully appreciate your work.

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Okay. I guess there isn't really a formal way to go about this, but...POLL SHUT DOWN!! I am going to add some fog and see how it works in-game. If I can't get it to look nice, then back to the original enchanted stones. And no complaints! :happy:
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