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Oblivion links for scripting


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I have looked for scripting tutorials for some time, but all I can see are the ones on the Wiki site. That is until recently, I was going through some web pages and found a set of links to various tutorials.


Unfortunately I can only remember one, that is "Scripting for Dummies", but I remember there were 8 or 9 altogether. One of the things I need to do is to find out why various lines are indented in different sections of the script. However the script I have obtained from Wiki shows what I mean it is entitled "Example of completed script".


Whilst I can build mods, I cannot populate them with characters not voice-code them, but hopefully these script tutorials will help, as for voice-coding - that's another problem I have to solve.

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Indentation is only for the reader. It is not a requirement.

However, if you properly indented your code, it will be far easier to spot malformed block structures in a couple dozen of consecutive "if" -> "elseif" -> ... -> "else" -> "endif" lines and similar. The CS will only complain the number of closing statements doesn't match the number of opening ones, but it will not tell you where exactly you're missing one. Counting them from beginning to end is one way... but indentation is a far better, in my opinion anyways.


The cs.elderscrolls.com WiKi so far was the only page I needed, apart from the OBSE docs, obviously, and I personally don't know of a lot of others.

However, the WiKi of the Nexus (link in menubar above) seems to have a section giving a good overview of basic scripting, and TES Alliance has modding schools with courses and tutorials for almost everything, scripting is definitely among them.

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