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i have found a walktough on the internet for diaglue (sorry about spelling) i have have followed it word for word when i have finished u can keep click reward and the NPC keeps giving u money how do i stop this?


Sorry about any spelling mistakes :ohmy:

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To stop getting the reward - or any response - over and over again, attach a condition to the response, for instance a journal entry (eg MY_Quest 50)


Then, in the results field for that response, add a new journal entry, eg


Journal My_Quest 60



Above this, put a new response with the condition Journal My_Quest = 60, something like 'You have already received your reward'.



In the journals sections, simply add a suitable new entry to the My_Quest journal for journal index 60 - something like 'So-and_so gave me a reward.'


That should solve your first problem.


As for the second one, I don't know what you mean by 'state'.

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