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Slide show!


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Hi guys, perhaps it's something I'm doing differently (but after a million years here I don't think it is) or be a new setting in Nexus layout... or something entirely more sinister!!! :ohmy:



I just recently tried to look at an image of a mod (Skyrim...Underground Dungeon) when it turned into a slide show, well that may be OK for some things to get a general idea, but when you're as old as the hills your brain may need a little more time to register that something on screen has changed and tell the eyes to focus... OK it's not that bad yet, but I sure would like to choose to change the image in my own timeframe.


Is there a way to adjust settings or something to go back to viewing images at my own pace?


As ever Pete.

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Just took a quick look, and it's not a Nexus thing. The mod author of that mod just uploaded their pictures as "animated GIFs". You can see it easily by the red-bordered image at the bottom bar not moving/changing. You're still looking at one and the same picture. The gallery itself did not suddenly turn into a slideshow. And if you then also open one specific picture isolated inside a new tab, you'll again notice it's an animated GIF. The first 6 and the last picture animate.


There's nothing the site could do against it, and I also don't think there's any way to change the speed of these (unless certain browsers, or -plugins?, provide some means to do just that already).

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Thanks Drake, I wasn't pointing fingers, really, I was more confused than anything else, as you get older sometimes things take longer for the brain to process, and images are one of them.


I had had a look at some of the other mods and found them to be OK so I wondered if it were an Author instigated thing, as for the red bordered bit... afraid I wouldn't know about that until told.


Thanks all the same.


As ever Pete

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Heya Jim,

No, at the time Jim I just left moused the first image from the 'image tab' (same as I always do) and it turned into a slideshow, not to worry though, as Drake already says it's an Author choice...

you know the old song "If a picture paints a thousand words" well that's how long I like to look at pictures, lol...


As ever Pete

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